The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 270 Let's... Break Up Friendship!

Chapter 270 Let's... Break Up Friendship! (1117)

Facing the questioning of Jiang Wu, Song Xiaonan and others, Ye Xingchen remained silent in the dark. Now almost everyone thinks that he will confess his love today, and he can feel that Lin Xiangzhi is also a little nervous and even looking forward to it.

If he continued to say that he was not here to confess his love, Ye Xingchen was afraid of hurting Lin Xiangzhi, so silence was the best answer at this time.

Fortunately, Ye Xingchen's cell phone rang at this time, it was a life-saving call.

Ye Xingchen took it out and saw that it was his mother, so he immediately picked it up.

"Hey, mom, I'll be right back."

Ye Xingchen hung up the phone, looked at everyone and said, "My parents came back from other places, and they asked me to go home early."

"But, you haven't yet." Before Song Xiaonan finished speaking, Lin Xiangzhi shook his and her arms to signal him not to speak.

In the end, Ye Xingchen turned off the star ball and led everyone away from the observatory.

After sending Song Xiaonan and the others away, Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Xiangzhi and said apologetically, "They like to joke around, I hope you don't mind."

Lin Xiangzhi shook his head and said it didn't matter.

But as a girl, how can I not think wildly.If Ye Xingchen really confessed his love just now, she might really refuse, but now Ye Xingchen has not confessed his love.

Lin Xiangzhi began to think wildly.Does he not like himself?Do you also regard yourself as a weirdo?Is it not beautiful enough?Or maybe he's been too self-willed recently, and he hates himself?

Wait, wait, worry about gains and losses, this is the biggest criticism of people.

Ye Xingchen took out the starry sky lamp at this time and said, "I gave it to you."

"It's too expensive, I can't take it." Although Lin Xiangzhi didn't know what it was, but based on her experience, it must be very expensive, so she refused.

Ye Xingchen knew that Lin Xiangzhi would not accept it easily, so he had already prepared the words: "The value of the gift depends on whether the person you want to give it likes it or not. If you don't accept it, then this thing is of no value to me."


"No but, I'll throw it away if you don't want it." After speaking, Ye Xingchen made a gesture to throw it away.

"No!" Lin Xiangzhi hurriedly stopped him from taking the things over.

"This star projector can be used for a long time without charging. The charging method is solar energy. Just let him bask in the sun once in a while. You have to cherish it. This is the first time I gave a girl a gift." Ye Xingchen Explained to Lin Xiangzhi the usage of this thing and the final emphasis. (Sure enough, she is a bitch, always lying and always having fun)

Lin Xiangzhi's original anxiety about gains and losses disappeared immediately after hearing the latter, and she thought to herself: What does Ye Xingchen mean by this sentence? Is it a confession?Probably not, and he didn't say he likes me.It's the first time to give a girl a gift, so I'm still very important in his heart, at least a best friend.

"I see." Lin Xiangzhi held the crystal ball shyly, not daring to look at Ye Xingchen.

"It's so late, I don't worry about you walking back by yourself, I'll take you back."

"Ah I……"

"What's wrong? Uh, student Lin Xiangzhi, don't you still think I'm a bad guy?"

Lin Xiangzhi quickly waved his hands: "No, I just don't want to trouble you."

When Ye Xingchen heard this, his angry face immediately smiled: "I'm not afraid of being troubled, especially not afraid of being troubled by you, because...we are good friends."

Generally speaking, Lin Xiangzhi is just an inexperienced little girl, and it's hard to misunderstand Ye Xingchen's caring words.

"Okay, okay."

In the end, Lin Xiangzhi accepted Ye Xingchen's kindness and asked Ye Xingchen to send him home.

Ye Xingchen didn't leave until he saw Lin Xiangzhi return home with his own eyes. He went alone to the artificial lake next to his home for a walk, thinking about some things by the way.

Ye Xingchen could feel that Lin Xiangzhi slightly liked him, but so what, the memory would still disappear next week, and she was still a stranger in her eyes.

Only by finding Lin Xiangzhi's cause as soon as possible can the problem be solved fundamentally, and he can return to the main world earlier.

After walking for half an hour, I relaxed my mind for half an hour.Only then did Ye Xingchen walk home contentedly.

The phone call just now was from her mother, but she was just asking how he was doing recently, whether he was getting used to it, whether he needed pocket money, and so on.

They didn't go home, Ye Xingchen just made up a lie to escape the embarrassing scene just now.


Time passed day by day, Ye Xingchen had been in this world for three months in a blink of an eye, and Lin Xiangzhi's memory Ye Xingchen was almost drawing a book.

The time Lin Xiangzhi accepts them every week has also become longer, because with the increase of comics, Lin Xiangzhi's reading time will also increase, which is a headache for Ye Xingchen and others.

And when Lin Xiangzhi discovered this, he also apologized to them, and said: "If you feel that being friends with me is very tiring, just give up, anyway, I will forget you every week, I..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Xingchen came out and interrupted: "Impossible, you are our good friend, we can't abandon you."

"But being friends with me is really not good for you, it will only increase your troubles."

Lin Xiangzhi's words made Xu Youshu and the others hesitate again.

Although they expressed sympathy for Lin Xiangzhi's illness in their hearts, they were really tired from making friends with Lin Xiangzhi. If Ye Xingchen and Song Xiaonan were not there, Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu might really have given up.

Seeing their reactions, Lin Xiangzhi smiled self-deprecatingly: "A person like me probably doesn't deserve to have friends."

Ye Xingchen said suddenly at this moment: "Xiangzhi, I can make you a normal person."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Ye Xingchen's words.

Jiang Wu said: "Xingchen, don't be joking, at this time, the amnesia, the doctor can't help."

"That's right, we know you care about Xiangzhi, but in this situation, we really have nothing to do." Xu Youshu echoed.

Lin Xiangzhi had already made up his mind at this time, and then said to Ye Xingchen: "Student Ye Xingchen, thank you for being with me for such a long time, I don't want to trouble you anymore, let's...sever our friendship."

"Xiangzhi..." Song Xiaonan couldn't believe her ears.

Ye Xingchen laughed like crazy at this moment.


Jiang Wu said worriedly: "Xing Chen, what are you laughing at, don't scare us."

Lin Xiangzhi also looked at him worriedly.

Ye Xingchen suppressed his laughter and said domineeringly: "I laughed at Lin Xiangzhi, it's really stupid. But you want to break up with me, I don't agree. We are friends, friends for life, so you give up, I won't give up of."

(End of this chapter)

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