Chapter 271 Fragmented World View (1217)

"Ye Xingchen, even if you help Xiangzhi retrieve his memory every week, as time goes by, more and more memories will be piled up, and it will take longer and longer for Xiangzhi to read the memory. I will give up." Jiang Wu said the most realistic thing at present.

Ye Xingchen's expression suddenly became serious, and he said to the four people in front of him: "I hope everyone will keep the next thing secret for me. I can indeed help Xiangzhi retrieve his memory, but the method may be a bit beyond your understanding."

"What? Tell me quickly," Song Xiaonan urged.

Jiang Wu seems to have gotten used to it: "Xingchen, tell me, let me see what surprises you can bring us."

Xu Youshu: "Tell me, Brother Chen."

Lin Xiangzhi also looked at Ye Xingchen expectantly.

Ye Xingchen took out a necklace from his body and said, "Xiangzhi gives this to you."

"Are you ready to confess?" Song Xiaonan saw Ye Xingchen finally took out a necklace and immediately thought of confessing.

Because last time, although no one mentioned it in tacit understanding, it doesn't mean they forgot.So when Song Xiaonan saw this crystal necklace, she subconsciously responded.

Lin Xiangzhi also looked at Ye Xingchen in surprise, as if waiting for his explanation.

Ye Xingchen just smiled faintly: "The crystal in front of this necklace is called a memory crystal. As the name suggests, it is a crystal that can store memories. In other words, when Xiangzhi forgets his memories, he can read them directly, and then the past memories will be stored in one place. Instant recovery. All our memories of the past three months are stored in it, and it can be read silently after carrying it on.”

Jiang Wu asked with concern: "Xingchen, do you have a fever? What nonsense are you talking about? Is the matter in Xiangzhi too exciting for you?"

"I know you don't believe it."

The reaction of the four of them was also within Ye Xingchen's expectation. He walked up to Lin Xiangzhi and put it on for her.

The moment you put it on, the crystal sparkles.

Everyone quickly covered their eyes in a flash of light.

After the light disappeared, Xu Youshu said blankly: "Jiang Wu, tell me what you just saw."

"I, I, I don't know, the flashlight is that." This scene completely shattered Jiang Wu's worldview that he had lived for 18 years.

Lin Xiangzhi slowly opened his eyes after the light dissipated and said in surprise: "My memory has really recovered, Ye Xingchen, Song Xiaonan, Jiang Wu, Xu Youshu, and all the classmates, I seem to remember them all. .”

Song Xiaonan smacked her mouth: "Really? This is too wicked."

Jiang Wu looked at Ye Xingchen and asked nervously, "Are you an alien?"

Ye Xingchen immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this sentence: "Your sister, I am an authentic earthling, but this thing really can't be explained to you, please help me keep it a secret."

"Brother, are you the kind of immortal cultivator, the holy son of a great sect, who came to practice in the world of mortals?" Xu Youshu's second-year-old disease occurred again.

Ye Xingchen had a black line on his forehead. Forget it, he couldn't explain it clearly. It doesn't matter. Anyway, the mission is almost over. If I knew it could be solved with props, it would take so much trouble.

Just when Ye Xingchen thought everything would be fine and was about to return to the main world, an accident happened.

Lin Xiangzhi's behavior at this time was a little strange.

She squatted on the ground and cried, "I'm sorry Xu Jie, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Before Ye Xingchen could figure out what was going on, Lin Xiangzhi got up suddenly and muttered: "I'm not a broom star, I'm not, I'm not."

"Xiangzhi, what's wrong with you?" Ye Xingchen hurried forward to check the situation.

Song Xiaonan also hurriedly leaned forward: "Xiangzhi, are you alright?"

"Don't blame me, I'm not a broom star, I'm not." But Lin Xiangzhi kept struggling as if he saw something terrible.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Xiangzhi who was in pain, and hugged her tightly.

Maybe because he found support, Lin Xiangzhi also hugged Ye Xingchen tightly, maybe because of his fear, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly passed out.

Seeing this situation, Ye Xingchen immediately shouted loudly: "Call 120 quickly."

"Oh." Xu Youshu quickly took out his mobile phone from his body and dialed 120.

Jiang Wu asked worriedly: "Are you all right?"

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Xiangzhi in his arms and frowned: "I fainted from excessive fear, it should be fine."

Jiang Wu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that the person was fine: "That's good. This day is really, and I'm constantly frightened."

"It's my fault. I was in a hurry, so I used the memory crystal. It seems that Xiangzhi's illness is more complicated. Have you informed her parents?" Ye Xingchen blamed himself.

"Not yet, I'll call her mother right now."

Jiang Wu took out her mobile phone from Lin Xiangzhi's schoolbag, and called her parents.


Ten minutes later, Ye Xingchen asked the doctor about Lin Xiangzhi's situation in the ward.

"Doctor, how is my classmate?"

A middle-aged uncle doctor said: "It's just that I was too nervous and fainted. It's not a big problem, just take a rest and it will be fine."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Ye Xingchen said politely.

"It's okay, you stay with her here, call me if you need anything."


After the doctor left, Song Xiaonan said, "Did you hear what Lin Xiangzhi said just now?"

"What?" Xu Youshu asked.

Jiang Wu rubbed his temples as if recalling something: "I seem to hear a name just now, it seems to be called Xu."

"Xu Jie." Ye Xingchen said.

"Yes, yes, Xu Jie. I feel that Xiangzhi's illness must be related to this person." Jiang Wu analyzed.

At this time Xu Youshu brought in a middle-aged woman from outside: "Ye Xingchen, Lin Xiangzhi's mother is here."

Seeing Lin Xiangzhi lying on the hospital bed, Mother Lin stepped forward worriedly and asked, "What's wrong with Xiangzhi? Why did he faint suddenly?"

"Auntie, don't get excited. The doctor said it's because you're over-stressed. You'll be fine after a while. Don't worry too much." Ye Xingchen comforted.

"It's fine, it's fine, thank you for sending Xiangzhi to the hospital." Mother Lin thanked.

Jiang Wu: "Auntie, you don't have to thank us, this is what we should do."

"That's right, we are friends of Xiangzhi, this is what we should do." Song Xiaonan said.

Seeing her child's friends being so polite, Mother Lin, as the parent, was of course very happy: "It's great to have friends like you in Xiangzhi."

After Ye Xingchen chatted with Lin Mu for a few words, he went straight to the topic:

"Auntie, can you tell me what happened to Xiangzhi's memory?"

Seeing Ye Xingchen asking this question, Mother Lin sighed heavily.

"Xiangzhi used to have a good friend who accidentally drowned because of an accident. Because there were only two of them in that place at that time, the rescue was not very timely. In the end, Xiangzhi's friend unfortunately passed away."

"Is that friend of hers named Xu Jie?"

(End of this chapter)

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