Chapter 272 Back to the past (1319)

Mother Lin was surprised that Ye Xingchen could say this name, but she didn't ask any further questions. She continued, "Yes, it's her."

Song Xiaonan said suspiciously: "But Lin Xiangzhi told us that she lost her memory because of an injury."

"Yes, I was injured a little bit. The thing is like this. After Xu Jie left, Xiangzhi felt very guilty. All the students in the class regarded Xiangzhi as a bastard. This child was wronged and supported himself alone. They didn't tell me, but later they got worse and caused the child to fall down the stairs, so she fell into such a problem. After a year of delay, I thought that things had passed for so long, so I sent her to After returning to this school for another year, I can be admitted to a university, and at least I can find a good job in the future." Mother Lin became more and more emotional as she talked, and she couldn't help crying when she said that.

Ye Xingchen suppressed the anger in his heart after hearing this, and walked out of the ward with a gloomy expression.

According to Jiang Wu's long-term understanding of Ye Xingchen, he could tell at a glance that Ye Xingchen's anger had reached its peak, so he followed along because he was worried.

Ye Xingchen walked out of the hospital and came to the artificial lake alone. Feeling the strong water element, Ye Xingchen's anger was relieved.

School violence, what Ye Xingchen hates the most is school violence.Although he had known for a long time that Lin Xiangzhi's illness was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, he did not expect the most fundamental reason to be here. Reminiscent of Lin Xiangzhi's helpless look just now, Ye Xingchen could not imagine what she had gone through. What's the matter, unknowingly, Ye Xingchen made a deep handprint on the railing of the artificial lake.

"Xingchen, are you okay?" Jiang Wu's voice came from behind.

Ye Xingchen shook his head and said that he was fine, so Jiang Wu didn't have to worry.

When Jiang Wu came to Ye Xingchen's side, he saw the sunken handprints on the railing at a glance. He couldn't help being startled, thinking, is this still a human being?

"Xingchen, it's useless to be angry at this point. All we can do is stay by Lin Xiangzhi's side and be her good friend forever. I know you are not an ordinary person, and you have many secrets, but if you get angry again It’s also impossible to go to them to settle accounts, and whether they can be found after such a long time is another matter.”

Jiang Wu knew Ye Xingchen's history and knew that he likes to use violence to counter violence, so he was particularly worried about what stupid things he would do.

Looking at the calm lake in the distance, Ye Xingchen said to Jiang Wu calmly: "I'm different from you, I don't belong to this place, I can only accompany you through this part of the road, but I can't accompany you all the way. I'll take care of Xiangzhi's illness."

Jiang Wu seems to have guessed something: "How do you solve it? Memory crystal?"

"Solve it from the source."

"Solution at the source?"

Ye Xingchen turned his head to look at Jiang Wu and said, "As long as nothing happens, Xiangzhi can live like a normal person."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Wu couldn't understand what Ye Xingchen said more and more.

"Take care of Xiangzhi, I will go back as soon as I go."

Ye Xingchen didn't answer him, and directly activated the time magic circle.

At this time, a white magic circle appeared above Ye Xingchen's head, and it quickly fell towards Ye Xingchen.

As the magic circle passed through Ye Xingchen's body, Ye Xingchen turned into dots of starlight and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Jiang Wu stared blankly at Ye Xingchen's position just now, speechless for a long time.

After a while, Xu Youshu also chased him out. When he came here, he found that Jiang Wu was the only one here in a daze, so he asked, "Why are you alone, where is Ye Xingchen?"


Jiang Wu swallowed and said, "Ye Xingchen, he..."

Xu Youshu: "What happened to him?"

"He disappeared in this place."



After Ye Xingchen entered the time magic circle, he traveled directly to the day when the accident happened.When he arrived in this time and space, he also saw Lin Xiangzhi and Xu Jie at this time, and they were chatting happily by the lake at this time.Occasionally stop and lie on the railing to look at the scenery by the lake.

But at this moment, a section of the railing suddenly loosened, and Xu Jie didn't pay attention at this time. An accident happened when she wanted to lie down on it and look down. Because of the looseness, Xu Jie fell directly, entering from the side When Xiangzhi realized it, Xu Jie had already fallen into the water.

Anxiously, she shouted loudly to the people around her, but this place was originally sparsely populated, and there were basically no people there.

When Ye Xingchen saw it, he wanted to go forward to save her, and then end everything.But when he wanted to go there, a wall suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him out.

"What's going on here? System, system!"

Seeing that Xu Jie had disappeared on the lake, Ye Xingchen was very anxious.

"Hello, host."

Seeing that the sleeping system finally came back to life, Ye Xingchen hurriedly asked:

"What's going on with the system, why can't I get out."

"The will of this world does not allow you to change this history."

"Fuck, you are not allowed to change history, so what's the use of magic circle at this time." Ye Xingchen, who was already angry, didn't buy the system's answer.

The indifferent voice of the system replied: "If the host changes this period of history and resurrects the dead, it will disrupt the order of this world and cause irreversible consequences."

Ye Xingchen frowned and asked, "What consequences?"

System: "Time and space disorder."

Ye Xingchen calmed down when he heard the system's words. He thought: Xu Jie can't be resurrected, so he can only start with Xiangzhi.

Ye Xingchen clenched his fists and said coldly: "School violence? I will let you know the real violence."

Ye Xingchen activated the magic circle, and fast-forwarded to the time when Lin Xiangzhi was being bullied from school. As soon as the magic circle stopped, Ye Xingchen saw an angry scene.

At this time, a few female classmates were on the second floor watching Lin Xiangzhi holding books and going upstairs, and the two of them poured water down with buckets.Seeing that the water on top of Lin Xiangzhi's head immediately fell on her body.

At the critical moment, Ye Xingchen directly used a fireball technique to evaporate the water in the air.Ye Xingchen, who is in the space magic circle, is equivalent to an invisible state. He can see the situation outside, but his existence cannot be seen outside.

The two female classmates thought it was haunted, so they dropped the barrel and ran away in fright.

Ye Xingchen directly asked the system to arrange a suitable identity in this school, and the system began to load Ye Xingchen's identity according to the rationality of this world.

10 minutes later……

Name: Ye Xingchen Gender: Male
Status: Zhenhua high school bully.

When Ye Xingchen saw this, he suddenly felt that everything made sense.Then it's up to you to protect Lin Xiangzhi.

After he walked out of the magic circle, he was already wearing the blue uniform of Zhenhua High School.

(End of this chapter)

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