The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 274 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

Chapter 274 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

Lin Xiangzhi, who was watched by Ye Xingchen, felt a little guilty. She wanted to escape from Ye Xingchen's side, but Ye Xingchen refused.

Ye Xingchen notified through his weak emotions through magic, and found the prankster in no time.

"I know if you don't tell me. I won't let her go. Don't worry about that."

Ye Xingchen forcibly grabbed Lin Xiangzhi's hand, came to the classroom, stood next to the girl and said, "Did you do it?"

"It's me, what's the matter? Lin Xiangzhi is the bastard. Anyone who stays with her will end well. Xu Jie was killed by her." Although the girl with a bit mean appearance was nervous, she also Knowing that Ye Xingchen never hit girls, he said arrogantly.

Ye Xingchen smiled coldly when he heard it, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person: "Actually, just now you apologized and washed the clothes. It's fine, but it's not so simple now. I don't accept your apology."

After speaking, he pulled Lin Xiangzhi out of the classroom.When everyone was not paying attention, Ye Xingchen threw a black magic ring at Wang Hong with his hand.

After Ye Xingchen left, Wang Hong dared to come to Gu Qian's side.

"Ye Xingchen seems to be particularly concerned about Lin Xiangzhi's broom star." Wang Hong said.

Gu Qian looked at the two people who left and scolded: "Hehe, who does he think he is, and he apologized if he asked me to. I think he will be killed by that broom star sooner or later."

"Lin Xiangzhi, a vixen, is really good enough to get on Ye Xingchen's thigh." Wang Hong's tone was a little jealous at this time.

Gu Qian's bitterness was fully reflected at this moment: "People just look at her with pity. Don't think that I can't deal with her with Ye Xingchen around. Look at how I will deal with her tomorrow."

"Aren't you afraid that Ye Xingchen will deal with you?" Wang Hong asked.

"Oh, just don't let him know."

"Good for you."

The two were discussing how to trick Lin Xiangzhi, but they didn't know that they were about to suffer bad luck.

Ye Xingchen pulled Lin Xiangzhi out of the school gate and stopped suddenly.

Before Lin Xiangzhi could speak, Ye Xingchen blamed loudly: "Didn't I tell you about being bullied? Why do you insist on enduring it yourself? Are you stupid?"

Lin Xiangzhi, who was already full of grievances, suddenly broke out when she heard Ye Xingchen scolding herself loudly. She complained loudly with tears: "Why should I tell you, why should I tell you, there is a very close relationship between us?" Are you familiar? Who are you? Why do you meddle in my affairs?"

Ye Xingchen was already annoyed, but when he saw Lin Xiangzhi losing his temper, he became even more annoyed: "Do you think I want to get involved? If it wasn't for... oh, it doesn't matter if you don't appreciate it, or hate me, I will deal with your affairs." Never mind, I remember that I am not for you, I am for myself."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Lin Xiangzhi and walked to his home.

Lin Xiangzhi couldn't bear it anymore, Xu Jie's departure and the recent grievances were all poured out at this moment.

"Xu Jie, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Lin Xiangzhi cried for a long time, and when she finished venting her emotions, she got up and looked up to go home.But when she looked up, Ye Xingchen was standing in front of her.It turned out that Ye Xingchen was worried about her when he heard her crying, so he turned back again.

Ye Xingchen took out the prepared tissue and handed it over: "You're tired from crying, wipe yourself."

After Lin Xiangzhi poured out his grievances, he only felt guilty towards Ye Xingchen. After all, he helped him, so he couldn't help but thank him and blame him.

She took the tissue and wiped away the tears on her face, then said weakly to Ye Xingchen: "I was wrong just now, I'm sorry."

Ye Xingchen was not really angry with Lin Xiangzhi in the first place, but after hearing this, he was a little at a loss.

"It's okay, it's true that I'm meddling in my own business. But I will still take care of it in the future, because this is not your own business, and I help you to help myself. Whether you want it or not, I will continue to intervene .”

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen in front of him and had no idea what purpose he was helping him in this way.What she could instantly think of was that Ye Xingchen wanted to pursue herself, but she denied this assumption as soon as it came out.Because if Ye Xingchen was pursuing him, why did he get angry at him just now?This is not sick.

But apart from this, Lin Xiangzhi really couldn't think of any reason why Ye Xingchen insisted on helping him.She was sure that the two of them had never met before. The reason why she knew Ye Xingchen was because the whole school knew Ye Xingchen's name.

Lin Xiangzhi said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Ye Xingchen said expressionlessly: "If you really thank me, then cooperate with me. After I have completely resolved this matter, I will definitely not bother you again."


After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Lin Xiangzhi was inexplicably disappointed.

Ye Xingchen asked, "Where is your home? I'll take you home."

"No need, I'll just go back by myself."

"Where is your home? I'll take you back."

Ye Xingchen ignored Lin Xiangzhi's refusal, but asked again.

Lin Xiangzhi knew that he would not give up if he was not allowed to take him home.He told him the address of his home.

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen walked ahead alone, letting Lin Xiangzhi follow behind.

The temperature at night was very low, and Lin Xiangzhi's clothes were soaked with ink, so he couldn't wear them to keep him cool.

Ye Xingchen, who was walking in front, naturally thought of this, took off his coat, turned around and put it on Lin Xiangzhi.

"Need not……"


Sure enough, the girl was still not frightened.Lin Xiangzhi was so wronged by Ye Xingchen's yelling that he dared not resist.Like a puppet, he got dressed under Ye Xingchen's fiddling.

Ye Xingchen's height was 1.8 meters, so Lin Xiangzhi looked a bit big in Ye Xingchen's coat, especially the sleeves, which were quite short.

But from Ye Xingchen's point of view, this is also a different kind of beauty, like the ascetic style of the main world.

Ye Xingchen reluctantly withdrew his eyes and said to Lin Xiangzhi to keep up.


Even though he was being directed to do things, he was reluctant in every possible way, but in order not to make Ye Xingchen angry, he could only obey obediently.

About 10 minutes later, Ye Xingchen sent Lin Xiangzhi back to her community, and then left under Lin Xiangzhi's "reluctant" eyes.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Lin Xiangzhi.Ye Xingchen didn't expect that his random contact with Lin Xiangzhi this time would make Lin Xiangzhi develop feelings for him.


At this time, Gu Qian was having a stomachache at home, and she was especially unlucky tonight.

She was almost hit by a car as soon as she left the school gate. After dodging the car, her head hit a nearby tree. The bird's nest on the tree suddenly fell and hit her on the head, causing her to fall on the ground again.

(End of this chapter)

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