The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 275 The mission ends and the chapter returns to the Lord's world.

Chapter 275 The mission ends and returns to the main world. (18)

Not only that, when she returned to her own community, a mad dog sprang out from nowhere and bit Gu Qian violently.After finally running home, she suddenly started having stomach troubles again, and all the unlucky things happened to her.

He ended up in the hospital with dehydration.


The next day, Ye Xingchen rushed to school as usual, and when he was about to reach his classroom, he saw Lin Xiangzhi waiting at the door of his classroom, still holding his clothes neatly in his hands.

After Lin Xiangzhi saw Ye Xingchen, he ran over all the way, shyly returned the clothes to Ye Xingchen, and said:
"Thank you for your clothes. I washed them for you yesterday." After finishing speaking, Lin Xiangzhi regretted it, thinking: Is it too deliberate to say that, what if he misunderstood.But I simply want to thank you, ah——so annoying.

Ye Xingchen doesn't know what Lin Xiangzhi's inner drama is like, if he knew, he would definitely tell Lin Xiangzhi directly, you think too much.He took his clothes and looked at Lin Xiangzhi and said, "You don't need to thank me, I thank you, thank you for helping me wash my clothes."

"No, you're welcome."

Lin Xiangzhi said shyly.

Ye Xingchen really didn't expect this shy expression.

"Well, you go back to the classroom, remember what I said yesterday, if you are bullied, remember to tell me."

To Ye Xingchen's surprise, Lin Xiangzhi nodded in agreement, which really puzzled him.

It seems that after the heart-to-heart chat last night, the relationship between Lin Xiangzhi and Ye Xingchen, which should have been more unfamiliar, has improved for the better.

Several female classmates who often bullied Lin Xiangzhi were repaired by Ye Xingchen, some dropped out of school and transferred to another school, and some took the initiative to apologize to Lin Xiangzhi.As for the rumors circulating in the school, they gradually disappeared under Ye Xingchen's suppression.

Although there were no such rumors, the guilt in Lin Xiangzhi's heart did not diminish at all.Sometimes she wondered if all this would not have happened if she hadn't promised Xu Jie to go to the lake that day, if she had just walked around the lake and not stayed, would the result have been different.

When Ye Xingchen got along with Lin Xiangzhi, he could feel that she was carrying a big burden in her heart.So I found a time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Xiangzhi.

Ye Xingchen took Lin Xiangzhi to the lake where Xu Jie's accident happened, and looked at the lake with Lin Xiangzhi from a distance.

Slowly they felt Lin Xiangzhi's shortness of breath, and their emotions suddenly became particularly agitated.

Ye Xingchen comforted: "Xiangzhi, you are not to blame for this matter, you shouldn't feel guilty because of this matter, I believe that if Xu Jie is still around, she doesn't want you to live in guilt forever. You have done everything you can, maybe this is Xu Jie's fate."

"But if I insisted on going somewhere else, I wouldn't..."

"If there is no if, there is no chance to start over in life. Whoever made the choice at the beginning cannot guarantee that he will definitely choose the right one. You have only lived one-fifth of your life, and there are still four-fifths of the time waiting for you to live Let's look forward." Before Lin Xiangzhi could reply, Ye Xingchen continued,

"There is a classic line in "Human World": From the moment you are born, what bowl you serve, what you eat, what you experience, when and who you marry are all determined. Don't be too hard on yourself, let nature take its course That's good. You have read the script of life in heaven, and the reason why you chose this script is because there is something in this life that you think is worthwhile."

Lin Xiangzhi's originally lost eyes suddenly had light, and the burden that was weighing on her heart disappeared.

Ye Xingchen took this opportunity to add another strong medicine: "In the long journey of life, you always have to make a few mistakes. If you can't get past yesterday's hurdles, you can't see the open road. So classmate Lin Xiangzhi broke the shackles that bound you in the past , be reborn from the ashes."

At this time, Lin Xiangzhi seemed to understand the meaning of her life. She looked at Ye Xingchen beside her and asked the question that had puzzled her for a long time:

"Ye Xingchen, why are you helping me like this? Or, what is the purpose of helping me like this?"

Ye Xingchen turned his gaze to the rippled lake surface: "Is this important?"

"It's very important! You spent so much money and found so many people to help me, and now you enlighten me. So I want to know why you are so kind to me." Lin Xiangzhi stared at Ye Xingchen closely, expecting Let him give himself a reasonable explanation.

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, as if he was thinking about how to explain, finally shook his head helplessly and said:

"If you have to have an explanation, then you just think that I am an angel sent by heaven to save you."

Lin Xiangzhi was obviously dissatisfied with the answer, but it didn't matter, for her it was unnecessary to know what the truth was.

And Ye Xingchen seemed to feel something, this feeling was...passed the level.

Seeing Ye Xingchen suddenly in a daze, Lin Xiangzhi asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Xingchen smiled bitterly: "I should go."

"Go? Where are you going?" Lin Xiangzhi thumped in his heart, suddenly having a bad premonition.

Ye Xingchen: "Didn't you just say that I am an angel sent by the heavens to save you, now my mission is completed, it's time to go back."

"Ye Xingchen, don't make trouble!"

Ye Xingchen knew that the system had already started the countdown. Taking advantage of the last few tens of seconds, Ye Xingchen said: "Xiangzhi, you must live a good life. This world is wonderful, but it's a pity that I can't accompany you. Take care." Remember, my name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars."

As soon as the words were finished, a white light flashed past Ye Xingchen and turned into little stars and left.

Lin Xiangzhi moved forward to touch the dots of starlight, and murmured: "Ye Xingchen..."


On Monday, Lin Xiangzhi, who had been lying on the hospital bed for three days, woke up suddenly.

After opening his eyes, Song Xiaonan's big face came into view, followed by his mother, then Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu.

Seeing that Xiangzhi woke up, Lin's mother stepped forward and asked with concern: "Xiangzhi, how are you feeling now? Does your head still hurt?"

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Lin Xiangzhi said weakly.

Song Xiaonan said impatiently, "Xiangzhi, do you still recognize me?"

Lin Xiangzhi looked at her and immediately said, "You are Song Xiaonan."

"Oh my god, Xiangzhi, are you cured?" Song Xiaonan said excitedly after seeing Lin Xiangzhi recognized her.

"Well, my illness is cured." Lin Xiangzhi stood up, nodded and said.

Touching the crystal on her chest, she murmured: "My illness is cured, but...he is gone."

Jiang Wu and Xu Youshu naturally knew who Lin Xiangzhi was talking about.

But from the moment Ye Xingchen disappeared, all traces of him were erased. Xu Youshu and Jiang Wu asked about their former classmates, and Director Pan, but they all said they didn't know there was a student like Ye Xingchen.

As if, never came to this world.


Ye Xingchen opened his eyes, and what came into view was the roof of the tent.

He is back!

 Due to my operation error, it caused a bad impression on book friends, I would like to say sorry to you, I have really let myself go too much for a while.So I ended the week in a hurry, magic seal, supernatural item seal.I will seriously update Huashao for everyone tomorrow.

  Sorry again.

(End of this chapter)

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