Chapter 277 The Trembling Ye Xingchen
Zhao Jinmai's eyes were bright, and she asked slyly, "Okay, then I'll ask you another question. If you answer correctly, I won't pursue this matter."

"Say it!" Ye Xingchen said hurriedly as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"I, Miaomiao, Xiangzhi, who do you think looks better? Tell the truth."

After Ye Xingchen heard this question, he subconsciously wanted to say that you look good, but he didn't realize that this was a trap question until he got to the point of speaking.After these two time travels, Ye Xingchen discovered the law, the fusion of the sublimator will allow Mai Mai to obtain all the memories of the small world, but it will not be affected by the fusion of too many memories.

The person standing in front of him at this time is not only Lin Miaomiao, but also Zhao Jinmai, and now it is very likely that it is Lin Xiangzhi.So no matter who I say is the most beautiful, I will not satisfy Mai Mai. (Of course someone may ask, why don’t you say it looks good? Because you don’t know how to die if you answer like this. Scumbag!!!!)

Ye Xingchen started a crazy brainstorm, like doing a math problem, analyzing the problem, extracting the key points, and then solving it.

Lin Miaomiao, Lin Xiangzhi, Zhao Jinmai, although these three people look exactly the same, but the meaning of the question is not so simple, Ye Xingchen needs to find the key point of the question now.

Suddenly Ye Xingchen had a flash of inspiration and seemed to have an idea. The three people were more like three different stages, and neither one nor all of them could be praised.At this moment, Ye Xingchen thought of a brand new answer, and he looked at Zhao Jinmai affectionately and said, "You are the prettiest now."

Zhao Jinmai was stunned. Her purpose of asking this question was to find a reason to beat Ye Xingchen and avenge Lin Xiangzhi, because Ye Xingchen often lost his temper with Lin Xiangzhi, and often bullied Xiangzhi to catch him. Braids, Zhao Jinmai became more and more angry at this moment.

But what she didn't expect was that Ye Xingchen answered the unsolvable answer, and said it to her heart. Of course, she was delighted, but there was no reason to beat him.

and many more!Do you need a reason to beat him?

Zhao Jinmai chuckled maliciously at this time, and said darkly, "Answer is wrong, you are finished. Don't move, if you move, I will ignore you again."

Before Ye Xingchen could react, she picked up the pillow beside her and threw it at Ye Xingchen.

"Let you bully me, let you grab my braids, let you yell at me, let you lie to me, beat you to death, dead scumbag, hmph."

Ye Xingchen was beaten every time he said a word.Maimai's line skills are obvious to all, and Ye Xingchen's crimes are constantly being broadcast. At the beginning, there is some sense, and then it is directly framed.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was suffering and couldn't tell. Although he was wronged, he still didn't dare to move, so he could only defend passively, because he was afraid that Mai Mai would really ignore him.

The next 10 minutes... The scene was too violent, so I just took it all in one stroke, otherwise I wouldn't be able to release it.

Finally, Mai Mai was tired and sat on the sofa to rest.

Ye Xingchen, on the other hand, leaned against the corner of the sofa and shivered with a pillow in his arms, as if someone had done something to him.

Ye Xingchen swears that he has never been wronged like today in his life.It wasn't until Mai Mai mentioned the unnecessary crimes later that Ye Xingchen finally realized that Zhao Jinmai actually wanted to find a reason to beat him up, woo woo woo woo, no more love.

At this time, Yang Mi also came to the hut, and finally saw this scene.

"Chenchen, what's wrong with you, why are you so wronged." Yang Mi asked distressedly.

"Sister Mi..." Seeing someone coming, Ye Xingchen released all the grievances in his heart.

"Ah, don't cry, don't cry, come and hug." Yang Mi opened his arms and wanted to hug Brother Xingchen to comfort him.

Ye Xingchen got up, put down the pillow and stood up to hug Sister Mi for comfort, but as soon as he took a step, Ye Xingchen felt that he was locked by a dangerous aura, he turned his head slowly, and found that Mai Mai was coldly look at yourself.

Ye Xingchen retreated to the sofa and sat down again, leaned against the corner, hugged the pillow, and returned to the previous appearance.

Yang Mi was keenly aware of Mai Mai's gaze and the interaction between the two of them just now. She put down her hands, looked at the two with a half-smile and said, "Okay, I'll go up and wash up first, you two have a good chat."

Ye Xingchen begged Yang Mi sister not to leave with his eyes, but Yang Mi didn't receive his signal and strode directly upstairs.

After Yang Mi went upstairs completely, Ye Xingchen hugged the pillow even harder.

Zhao Jinmai snorted lightly and said, "Hmph, I'm hungry."

Although Maimai just said a word, Ye Xingchen immediately ran up to get her snacks obediently. Because we are leaving today, everyone is not going to have breakfast here. Just eat some bread mat to pad your stomach. Have dinner together after the next destination.

Ye Xingchen quickly went upstairs and took a bunch of snacks and placed them in front of Zhao Jinmai.

But Mai Mai didn't seem to appreciate it: "I want to eat small dried fish."

The tone was not coquettish, more like an order from the superior.

Ye Xingchen said weakly: "You still have to eat the dried snowballs. You can't eat any more until you get new food."

"I want to eat small dried fish."


"I want to eat small dried fish."



Zhao Jinmai picked up another pillow again, and when he was about to continue the execution, Ding Chengxin walked in with Snowball in his arms.

When Zhao Jinmai saw someone coming, she immediately changed from a "violent law enforcement officer" to a lady. Ye Xingchen almost didn't realize the contrast.

Well, you're an actor, you're the best.

"Brother Xingchen, your cat seems to be hungry, do you still have the dried fish from yesterday?" Ding Chengxin said while teasing the kitten in his arms affectionately.

Zhao Jinmai pricked up her ears when she heard Xiao Yugan beside her.

"There's another pack." Ye Xingchen replied.

Ding Chengxin: "Where is it? I'm going to feed Snowball and pack my luggage by the way."

"It's in that cupboard over there, you just go and get it."

"Oh, good." Ding Chengxin went to the cabinet to dry the small fish with the snowball in his arms, without noticing the weird atmosphere here.

After Zhao Jinmai found out the location of the dried fish, she immediately ran over to take the snowball, and said softly to Ding Chengxin, "You go and wash up first, and I'll feed the snowball."

Ding Chengxin thought it was okay, he had to wash, make up and pack his luggage, which was a heavy task, so he readily agreed.

Ye Xingchen really wanted to stop him, but he immediately gave up the idea when he saw the pillow beside him.

Forget it, there is still cat food anyway, so getting through this month is not a problem.Ye Xingchen thought to himself: You must not steal this thing.

Of course, the reason why Zhao Jinmai kept snatching Xueqiu's dried fish was because it was delicious, and secondly, because she knew that Ye Xingchen still had cat food, so she couldn't go hungry, so she ate it so recklessly.

(End of this chapter)

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