The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 278 Weibo Explosion, Ye Xingchen's Hot Searches

Chapter 278 Weibo Explosion, Ye Xingchen's Hot Searches

In the end, Maimai got his wish and ate the dried fish.

Ye Xingchen had a master-servant contract with Xueqiu, and he clearly felt Xueqiu's grievance, but as the master, he couldn't help it.Sad!So sad!

Zhao Jinmai also knows how to measure, and usually feeds the cat one slice and eats two slices for himself. Generally speaking, Xueqiu is not hungry, but Xueqiu is dissatisfied with why his mother always grabs food for him. The most important thing is My father doesn't care about me, woo woo woo, he bullies the cat too much.


This is just a small episode, because Ye Xingchen packed up a wave in advance, which greatly improved the efficiency of the entire team, and soon everyone arrived, and the next step was to pack their luggage, because of Ye Xingchen, a smart multi-star, this time Nothing was left behind.

The luggage of the entire Hua Shaotuan was moved out, there were 11 large boxes, which made Ye Xingchen suspicious of this show, whether they were here for camping or to flee famine.After finally discussing with Han Dongjun and making a decision, he and Ye Xingchen put the luggage down first, and then came up to dismantle the tent with everyone.

Since Mai Mai was still having a temper, he didn't speak a word to Ye Xingchen during the whole cleaning process.But there was still some interaction with others, at least it didn't affect others. In the eyes of the audience, he was still the lively Mai Mai, but Ye Xingchen was left out alone.

Ye Xingchen also knew that his sins were serious, and he blamed himself for being too stupid. After the first experience, he should be able to understand the function of the fusion sublimator, but he just ignored it.

He kept bullying Xiangzhi in the small world. To be precise, he was not bullying, at most he was a little domineering.But his heart is good, why would he beat himself when he came back, and not let others comfort me?

When going down the mountain, Yang Mi, as the head of the group, told him to be careful.It rained heavily last night and the road surface was very slippery, so you must be more careful than usual.

Ye Xingchen was a little moved when he heard Sister Mi's concern.His eyes looked at Mai Mai unconsciously, as if he was waiting for Mai Mai to come over and take care of him.

Zhao Jinmai knew that the way down the mountain was dangerous, so she came over with the snowball in her arms, and said softly, "Be careful, slow down on the road, and call us if you have anything, so we can prepare in time."

After Ye Xingchen heard Mai Mai's concern, he smiled slightly, and quickly agreed: "Understood, don't worry. You must slow down when tidying up the tent, because there is muddy water, be careful of slipping."

"I said, Chenchen Maimai, you two don't have to do this, right? It's not life and death. Is it so difficult to part?"

The mutual concern of the two made Yang Mi next to him completely unbearable, so he came over to care for himself, why did he still eat dog food.

"I, I'm going to help my sisters pack their things." Zhao Jinmai blushed at what Sister Mi said, and quickly found an excuse to run away.

After Ye Xingchen saw Mai Mai leave, he also prepared to get in the car and set off: "Sister Mi, let's go first."

Yang Mi: "Alright, you must be careful on the road."

Han Dongjun: "Don't worry, let's drive slowly."


This time the team had a clear division of labor, two people carried luggage down the mountain, and the other six people dismantled the tent, so it was much faster than the first time.

Everyone was busy in an orderly manner, but they didn't know that the Internet had exploded at this time.

There were photos taken by Reuters of Ye Xingchen and Hua Shaotuan eating together, and there were photos of Ye Xingchen playing motorcycles with Mai Mai.

This made Zhao Jin Mai's fans guess who this person is, Mai Mai's boyfriend?Or an airborne guest?
Because the official hasn't disclosed any news, the fans have everything to say. The leaked photos are blurry and it's hard to see what Ye Xingchen looks like, but this has aroused the curiosity of all the fans.

In one day, the topics of Mai Mai's boyfriend and Hua Shao's airborne guests rushed to the hot searches.

At this time, in a small fan group, the group members discussed more intensely.

Samoyed, who holds the title of the best in the group, asked: "Damn, who is this guy, Mango is doing something again."

Yezhitan Yongtune: "I don't know, the official Weibo didn't say that there is such a person, it can't really be Mai Mai's boyfriend. Wronged.jpg"

Mountains and seas cannot be leveled: "Damn, I have a knife. Furious.jpg"

At this time, the group manager, Xiao Mo, said: "There is a high probability that Mango is doing something, and it is increasing the popularity by speculating on CP. But this person's official Weibo did not say anything, it is probably airborne."

Officer Xiaojiang: "My goose girl, ah~ I can't control it anymore."

Chen Xi Yu Lu: "It's not the first time Mango has done this kind of thing, it's quite disgusting."

Samoyed: "Don't control it, go and catch him, Mai Mai is mine."

Please call me Jinmailang: "Fart, Maimai is mine. (Did you see this photo? Me and Zhao Jinmai).jpg"

Please call me Jinmailang: "Mine!"

Samoyed: "Mine!"

At this time, the brightest boy in the whole group appeared, Husky, the king of the whole group, the administrator was nothing in his eyes.

Husky: "Hehe, Mai Mai is mine. 7 Bursts.jpg"

The next second, the group system prompted that Huskies had been banned for 10 minutes.

Xiao Mo: "Calm down first. Fat house is silent.jpg"

A smoke-free war ended here, and the big devil Husky was sealed once again.

At this time, Huskies had a conversation with Lao Zhang and Chen Xi: Brothers scooped me up...

Dawn:  …

Old Zhang: ...


After 40 minutes, the upper tent was almost dismantled, and Zhao Jinmai was still a little worried about Ye Xingchen. He turned on the positioning function of the bracelet and found that Ye Xingchen hadn't moved, so he called him.

After a few rings, it was picked up over there.

"Hello? Is it Mai Mai?"

Zhao Jinmai hurriedly asked after hearing Ye Xingchen's voice, "Have you gone down the mountain yet?"

"Mai Mai! Don't worry, we've already arrived at the RV, and we're packing luggage in it now, everything is safe, don't worry about it." Ye Xingchen knew that Mai Mai must be worried about him when he called him, and he felt very happy when he thought of it.

"Well, you must be careful. The sisters have almost packed up. When you come back, the tents will be all done."

"Well, I see, that Mai Mai hangs up first, we'll go up now."

"Okay, then be careful."


In just a few short exchanges, it was completely possible to hear Mai Mai's concern for Ye Xingchen in his tone.

And Yang Mi didn't know when she was standing behind Zhao Jinmai, and when she turned her head she was suddenly startled: "Mi, sister Mi, when did you come?"

"It was when you called just now, what's the matter, Chen Chen and the Sun God are back?" Yang Mi asked with a half-smile.

"Ang, yes, they are going up the mountain now."

"It seems that today is going well."


The rain was still falling, and the two beauties stood in the rain, forming a beautiful landscape.

Yang Mi did not forget to tease at this time: "I also made a call, so don't worry now."

 Thank you for calling me Jinmailang for the reward of 1500 starting point coins
  Thanks to Captain Fei Guohai for voting for January
  Thanks to Aria of the Night for voting for January
  Thanks to Timeless Luochen for voting for January.
  Thanks to Frozen 0 Fish for voting for January
  Thanks Ouyang Dahan for voting for February
  Thank you, Little Xiami, for voting for January
  Thank you please call me Jinmailang for the January vote
(End of this chapter)

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