Chapter 279 Official announcement?

Seeing that Yang Mi saw through his small thoughts, Zhao Jinmai wanted to struggle a bit: "I'm not worried, I just saw that the sisters have cleaned up pretty much, why don't I call and ask when they will come back."

"Don't come here, you have been absent-minded when you just opened the tent, pretend that I can't see it." Yang Mi gave Mai Mai a cute white eye and said.

Zhao Jinmai knew that she couldn't hide it from Miss Mi, so she shyly stopped talking.

"The news about the two of you has been trending now. I've ventilated the program group, and I will pay more attention when editing. Of course, I may need to borrow a wave of popularity from you, so you have to be prepared." Yang Mi suddenly became serious. Said seriously.

"How come? Isn't the show airing next month?" Zhao Jinmai was shocked by the news.

"There is Reuters, sister."

Seeing this younger sister who can be silly sometimes is really worrying for Yang Mi.

"Ah? Well, it's okay, I don't care." Zhao Jinmai is not afraid of what netizens will say about her, because as long as she has Ye Xingchen around, the rest doesn't matter.

The only thing that worried her was whether Ye Xingchen would be scolded miserably.

Just as Zhao Jinmai thought of this, Yang Mi immediately guessed her concern: "Are you worried about Ye Xingchen?"

Zhao Jinmai nodded and said, "I'm afraid of netizens...I'm worried that he might not be able to accept it."


Mai Mai was a little puzzled when she saw Sister Mi smiling so happily.

"Mai Mai, I will believe anyone you say can't accept it, and Ye Xingchen can't accept it."

"Why?" Zhao Jinmai asked puzzled.

Yang Mi explained the reason: "Because he has a thick skin."


Well, Zhao Jinmai was speechless.She admires Sister Yang Mi very much now. She has seen through almost everything in just a few days of getting along. She and Ye Xingchen know each other and they like each other. Ye Xingchen could fight her.

In the end, Zhao Jinmai also smiled. She looked at Yang Mi and said with a smile, "That's right, Ye Xingchen has thick skin, hahaha."

Not long after, a voice came from the bottom of the mountain, and everyone hurried out to greet him.

"Chenchen, is the road difficult?" Liu Mintao was the first to run over, and said with concern.

Ye Xingchen got out of the car and was surprised when he saw that it was Sister Mintao: "Sister, go back quickly, the ground is slippery."

"Ham, it's okay, I'm here to see you, is the way down the mountain easy?"

Ye Xingchen said: "It's okay, the road is slippery when it rains, but we are off-road, so it is more stable."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was working hard, Liu Mingtao felt very sorry for the child, and even gave her the tent to live in. To be honest, she was really grateful, so she wanted to help Ye Xingchen share: "Are you tired? You take a rest first, Dongjun and I can just go down the mountain."

"No need, sister, you can just wait here for me and brother Dongjun. I have already gone down the mountain once, so I am familiar with it. It is safer for me to drive. Safety is the first priority now. You can drive after we go down the mountain, sister." .”

Ye Xingchen knew that Miss Mintao was caring about him, so he offered to help him share the task, but he still declined, because it was raining and the road down the mountain was really difficult, so he didn't dare to take risks.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Liu Mintao patted Ye Xingchen's head.

Ye Xingchen felt flattered, and immediately responded with a smile: "It's not hard."

At this time, Mai Mai and Yang Mi came to Ye Xingchen and said, "Xingchen, come here, I have something to tell you about Mai Mai."

Ye Xingchen frowned, thinking what he couldn't say in front of everyone:

"Sister Mintao, Tintin, please pack your luggage. I'll go there with Sister Mi and the others first."

Liu Mingtao: "Okay, let's go quickly, we will leave this place to us."



A few people came to the blind spot of the recording machine, and Yang Mi said straight to the point: "Xing Chen, you and Mai Mai are on the hot search."

"I know, what's the matter?" Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi thought Ye Xingchen would be surprised, but he acted indifferently.

"You know?" Yang Mi asked suspiciously.

"I know, my mobile phone program group has not been confiscated, I can watch the news every day." Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of the two of them.

Yang Mi slapped his head: "I forgot about this. Then you are not worried at all?"

"Worried, what are you worried about? It's Mai Mai who should be worried. What am I worried about?"

Yang Mi and Zhao Jinmai were taken aback at the same time, what they said seemed to be...not wrong at all.

"Xingchen, what I mean is, how do you explain the relationship with Maimai?" Yang Mi asked the key point in one sentence.

Ye Xingchen laughed when he heard this question and said, "How to explain how it is beneficial to Maimai, of course I have my bottom line, if Maimai's team asks me to do something that has no bottom line, I will refuse."

"Ye Xingchen, don't worry, they won't. I swear." Zhao Jinmai immediately came out to explain.

"It's over, it's over, I trust you." Ye Xingchen ignored Yang Mi's presence, and gently stroked Mai Mai's hair with his hand.

Yang Mi gave Ye Xingchen a hard look, and then patted his hand away.Are the good guys caring about people now?

"So, Mai Mai, are you going to make an official announcement?" Yang Mi asked with interest.


Zhao Jinmai lowered her head shyly. She really wanted to tell everyone that she had a boyfriend, but she didn't know what Ye Xingchen thought, or if her team would agree.

"No!" Ye Xingchen directly refused for Mai Mai.

"Why?" Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi asked in unison.

At this moment, Zhao Jinmai was so wronged that she was about to cry.I thought: Is Ye Xingchen going to leave me again?

Then Ye Xingchen slowly gave his answer: "The official announcement is not good for Maimai, just wait for a while."

"Reason!" Zhao Jinmai asked.

"Because the results of the college entrance examination will come out on June 6, it will not be too late to make a decision by then."

Ye Xingchen's tone at this time was so confident, as if he would definitely have a good grade.

Zhao Jinmai also looked at him with gentle eyes, she understood that Ye Xingchen was thinking of herself.She also believes that no one can separate the two, because their relationship is no longer an ordinary relationship, it is a relationship that spans time and space, and is stronger than anything.

Yang Mi looked at the two people's eyes, as if watching a youth idol drama, she wished that these two little guys could get married in place, and she would be their witness, isn't it too sweet?

"Okay, the negotiation is over. Let's pack up our things and get ready to go. When we get to the next stop, you must tell me what's going on with you two." Yang Mi looked at Mai Mai and said seriously, as if he didn't want to say anything. It's like not letting her go.

(End of this chapter)

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