The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 280 Ye Xingchen, when will you confess your love to me?

Chapter 280 Ye Xingchen, when will you confess your love to me?
Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai were staring at each other, thinking how to explain this to Sister Mi, if she told her about the miraculous experience of the two of them, I guess she would have the heart to kill both of them.

If it is true, Yang Mi’s thoughts may be like this: I will take you two as brothers and sisters, but you two really don’t treat me as a human being, let alone lie to me, and even form a group to lie to me, The point is whether this reason is a little nonsense, you two take me for a fool.

Seeing the two of them like this, Yang Mi knew that they didn't want to talk to him, so he pretended to be angry and said: "Why? Don't want to talk? Treat my sister as an outsider? All right, then I won't inquire about it, why don't I leave. "

"Sister Mi." Zhao Jinmai hurriedly pulled her back, "I, I really don't know how to explain to you, and even, I don't know how to explain to fans."

Ye Xingchen nodded and continued: "It's not that we don't want to talk about it, it's just that our two experiences are more amazing than you can imagine."

Yang Mi looked at the serious and embarrassed faces of the two, and reluctantly believed what they said:
"Well, since you are in a difficult situation, I don't have to force you to say it, but if you think about it, I will be the first to know."

"Thank you sister, you are the best." Zhao Jinmai hugged Yang Mi's arm happily and swayed coquettishly.

With the other hand, Yang Mi hugged Mai Mai and let her put her head on his shoulder.

Ye Xingchen could tell that Sister Mi really liked Mai Mai and treated her like a younger sister.

Although this kind of scene is not suitable for disturbing, Ye Xingchen just couldn't help wanting to die:

"Mai Mai, have you finished hugging? It's up to me when you're done hugging."

Yang Mi: "?"

Zhao Jinmai: "?"

Seeing both of them looking at him suddenly, Ye Xingchen's heart trembled, and he asked weakly, "Isn't this a process? Is there something wrong?"

"It's so cheap, I want to hit him! Really!" Zhao Jinmai said to Yang Mi in a flat tone.

Yang Mi looked around, didn't take pictures of their machines, and said, "Let's fight, I want to fight too, together?"

"Okay." Mai Mai immediately ran to the bed and picked up two pillows, then handed one to Yang Mi.

Ye Xingchen: "..."

At this time, Ye Xingchen had only one thought in his mind: is it too late to run now?
"Calm down, calm down, it's not good to broadcast it. Sister Mi, Mai Mai, you can't do this, ah..."


At this time, everyone outside has loaded all the luggage into the car, and now we can pull two people down.

Zhang Kaili saw that the three people had gone to discuss things and hadn't come back, so she asked Ding Chengxin's younger brother to take a look:
"Ding, go and see Chenchen, what's wrong with Maimai and the others, why don't they come here, it's time to go, it's going to be rainy for a while and it's hard to go."

"Oh, good." The younger brother readily agreed, and then went into the house to find them.

When Ding Chengxin went upstairs, he saw a scene that was hard to see in his life. He stared blankly for more than 10 seconds, and then made the signature movement of Christianity. shoulder, and said softly: "Amen!"

Finally, he went downstairs silently.

When Ding Chengxin came out, everyone saw that he seemed to be frightened and asked with concern: "Ding Ding, what's wrong with you, where are they?"

"They...are... busy upstairs." Ding Chengxin said tremblingly.

"Busy? What are you busy with?" Li Sidani asked suspiciously.

Ding Chengxin thought of the appropriate wording in his mind and said, "Busy... let's exercise."

"?" Doubt × 7!

Just when everyone didn't understand what it meant, Yang Mi and Zhao Jinmai came out one after the other.

"Everyone packed?" Yang Mi checked the task as soon as he came out.

"It's packed, I'll wait for you guys. Where's my little brother?"

Seeing that Ye Xingchen hadn't come out, Han Dongjun asked.

Zhao Jinmai immediately answered his question: "He, went to the bathroom."

Han Dongjun: "Oh, that's it."

Everyone was still waiting for Ye Xingchen to come back from "going to the toilet", only Ding Chengxin sighed, he felt sorry for his brother Xingchen.

However, under the double threat of Zhao Jinmai and Yang Mi's eyes, he still didn't dare to speak out, but kept a little distance away from these two people silently.

Reminiscent of Brother Chen hugging a pillow on the sofa this morning, Ding Chengxin couldn't help but feel a little distressed. That scene...was too cruel.

After a while, Ye Xingchen came out of the room.Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Liu Mingtao thought he was tired, so he said, "Why don't I drive."

"No, I'll just drive." Ye Xingchen forced a smile.


In the end, Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun drove all the luggage down, and then ran again to pull everyone down the mountain.


In this way, the whole crew started the next journey.

Ye Xingchen finally had close contact with his RV again. He hadn't driven it for a few days since he bought it, and now he finally touched it.In addition, there is no camera equipment installed in this car, so you can have your own privacy.

In the end, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai drove the RV to Liuye Lake.


Sitting in the co-pilot, Maimai looked at the scenery on the road leisurely and said, "Finally we can go to the next stop, and the weather finally cleared up, so we finally landed."

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Landing? Do you think we flew a few days ago?"

"Well, it's almost the same. My heart has been hanging anyway. Now I finally feel let go."

"Hahaha, not necessarily, maybe the next stop will be more troublesome." Ye Xingchen hit.

Zhao Jinmai lay back and said, "It doesn't matter, Mr. Miao, I haven't seen such a big storm before."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xingchen suddenly fell silent, because these words were too familiar, as if he had returned to the time when they were traveling together.

Ye Xingchen could think of this, so of course Zhao Jinmai could think of it, she suddenly asked: "Chen, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Ye Xingchen's heart skipped a beat, and he asked with a smile, "Explain what."

"Explain, what is going on with all this."

"If I could explain it to you, it wouldn't be so late. Don't ask, I don't know. Maybe this is fate. God arranged us together." Ye Xingchen replied ambiguously.

Zhao Jinmai tilted her head and smiled at Ye Xingchen: "That's right, God made the biggest arrangements, so when will you confess your love to me?"

"Confession? Didn't I already confess my love?" Ye Xingchen was puzzled.

"That doesn't count, that's Miao Miao, now I'm Mai Mai, um... and you still owe Xiangzhi a confession."

Ye Xingchen said with a mournful face, "Sister, don't mess with me, okay, aren't you all alone?"

"I don't care. If I say it doesn't count, I don't count." Zhao Jinmai crossed her arms and began to play a rogue.


Ye Xingchen had no choice but to agree.

He seemed to think of something suddenly, and then said: "Do you still remember what I said at the New Year's party?"

 Thanks to ONE928 for the January ticket
  Thank you Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie for rewarding the January ticket
  Thanks to maisymind1 for the February ticket
  Thank you for the October ticket rewarded by Crazy Silver Dragon
  Thank you for the January ticket rewarded by Coke
  Thanks to A Peng, for the rewarded January ticket
  Thanks to Mobai 23333 for the January ticket
  Thanks to Foonage for the February ticket
  Thanks to Tobacco Sales Yun Che for the February ticket
  Thank you for the January ticket rewarded by Shenghuo Tianxin
  Thank you for the January ticket that is really depressed and rewarded
  Thanks to the boy looking for a cat for the June ticket
  Thank you for the 300 starting coins rewarded by the book black hole

  Thank you Taohuashui for rewarding Zhao Jinmai with 100 starting coins

  Thank you, please call me Jinmailang to reward Zhao Jinmai with 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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