Chapter 281 I'm Waiting For You

"Remember. You want to..."

"Yes, I think!"

Zhao Jinmai seemed to have got a satisfactory answer, she blinked at Ye Xingchen and said, "I'll wait for you."

Ye Xingchen looked forward and said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long."


happy!This was Zhao Jinmai's mood at the moment.

It took nearly four hours to drive into Liuye Lake, but everyone persisted. We stopped for a short break in the middle, had some food to replenish energy, and went to the toilet.

Compared with Yang Mi and others, Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen lived a life like a fairy.

Ye Xingchen's caravan has a complete set of supporting equipment, and there are countless food and snacks for the two of them to enjoy. In fact, it is mainly Lin Miaomiao. The garbage bag in front of her is almost full.

Because the funds given by the program group were limited, Ye Xingchen brought them enough drinks and snacks during the break.This behavior made the program crew look very ugly. The highlight of the camp was to watch these stars be at a loss, but a bug-level character was recruited halfway through.

There is an RV, ability, enough snacks, and the most hateful thing is that this person is still handsome.

Everyone did not waste too much time on the way. After a brief rest, everyone set off again and embarked on a journey to Liuye Lake.

Of course, with the joint efforts of Maimai and Xueqiu, the last packet of dried fish was eaten up.

Output ratio: Zhao Jinmai 80% Snowball 20%

Poor Xueqiu, every time Maimai blatantly steals food in the name of feeding Xueqiu, the so-called ulterior motives are not drinking, maybe that is the case.

After another hour's drive, everyone finally arrived at their destination.

The camping place this time is by the lake, it is very beautiful, and it is one of the favorite places for camping enthusiasts, it is quiet and peaceful.

Li Sidani sighed as soon as she got off the car: "Wow, this place is so beautiful."

"Really, this place is so different from the previous two days. I suddenly feel like I have been lifted from hell to heaven." Han Dongjun sighed.

Ye Xingchen took Mai Mai out of the RV at this time, and said, "Brother Sun God, you are a ghost and a god, but you are not a human being."


"It can't be done, I'm dying of laughter." Zhao Jinmai squatted on the ground, hugging her head and laughing non-stop.

"Pfft, it can't be done, Xiao Chen is too funny." Liu Mintao also showed a long-lost smile, and it could be seen that she was really happy now.

Han Dongjun's expression didn't look particularly good, of course he wasn't angry, but rather aggrieved.

"Brother, you actually hold grudges, it hurts my brother too much." Han Dongjun pretended to be heartbroken.

But Ye Xingchen obviously didn't like him: "How can you say that I hold grudges? I obviously remembered everything that happened to us. You should praise me for being sensible."

Pfft—Han Dongjun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Zhao Jinmai couldn't stop laughing, and almost slipped and fell when she got up, but Ye Xingchen reacted quickly and hugged her.

Yang Mi looked at the two and exclaimed, "Wow."

"My God!" Li Sidani covered her mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

Liu Mingtao pointed to the two of them: "You are, aren't they, are they?"

Ye Xingchen helped Mai Mai up and put it down quickly.

Zhao Jinmai also stood there shyly, not knowing how to explain, anyway, the more he explained at this time, the more chaotic it became, and he simply couldn't stand the enemy.

Yang Mi cast a look at Liu Mintao and said with a smile, "Guess!"

Although this sentence didn't say anything, it said everything. Anyway, everyone was basically sure that there was definitely something wrong with these two people.

Zhang Kaili also played a riddle: "Oh, it's so fast, is this the current rhythm?"

"It should be." Han Dongjun said.

In the end, Ye Xingchen couldn't stand it anymore, so he changed the subject: "I said you are still not tired, we have to pack our bags and set up tents, you are still here to discuss these things, forget it, see You guys don't want to go to bed early today."

The three words of setting up a tent are the nightmare of everyone, so when they heard these three words, everyone turned their attention back.

Li Sidani howled in pain: "No way, I have to pitch a tent, kill me."

"Really, I feel allergic when I hear these three words now." Yang Mi said.

Han Dongjun saw that everyone was not interested in setting up tents, so he said: "Our RV can sleep three, and Xingchen's RV can sleep two. In this case, we only need to build a big tent, and our boys can sleep in tents. "

"No, no, no, I want to sleep in a tent too. I like this place so much, I want to sleep in a tent." Liu Mintao, who originally liked quietness, now also wants to sleep in a tent, because sleeping in a tent in this place feels very good.

"I want to sleep in a tent too."

"I want, too."

"We all want to."

Ye Xingchen looked at the good guy, everyone didn't like sleeping in tents in the previous place, but now they are rushing to sleep in tents, it's absolutely impossible, but sleeping in tents by the lake with the sea breeze blowing is really enjoyable, in the end he helped everyone I made a decision: "Since everyone likes to sleep in tents, let's build more tents."

"Brother Xingchen is right, just set up a few more. Now that everyone is familiar with setting up tents, I guess it will be set up in an hour." Ding Chengxin said.

"Let's unload the luggage first." Yang Mi said while brushing his hair.

"Unload the luggage first, unload the luggage first, let's talk about it later." Li Sidani seconded, arguing about these things is useless now, and I really want to take a ride when I sleep for a while.

Ye Xingchen was so interesting looking at these people, he asked Mai Mai next to him: "Where do you want to sleep?"

Zhao Jinmai thought for a while and pointed to the lake and said, "I still like to sleep in a tent, because it can listen to the sound of water at night, and I feel very comfortable."

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Well...Mai Mai, you have never slept in my car before."

"No, I haven't experienced it yet." Zhao Jinmai shook her head.

"I'll take you to experience it in a while. Isn't there black charcoal in it? You know, um... Anyway, it's very comfortable in it. Damn, you can try this in a while."

Ye Xingchen's purpose is very simple. There are many unstable factors outside. Although there has been no rain in the past few days, there are still a lot of mosquitoes in summer, so he still wants to make Mai Mai more comfortable. There is black charcoal in his RV. You can adjust the most comfortable temperature according to Maimai's situation, and you can watch a movie to relax.

So if everyone really likes to sleep in tents, he wants Mai Mai and sister Yang Mi to sleep in an RV.

"Okay, I'll take a look when we're done." Zhao Jinmai winked playfully at Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen's dna hidden deep at this moment seemed to move, and he slowly and unconsciously approached Mai Mai, kissing her.

"Ye Xingchen!" Yang Mi's voice came from a distance.

Ye Xingchen was startled, and quickly jumped aside, almost making a mistake.

 Thanks to 546gfh for the February ticket
  Thanks to Qingfengyundan for the February ticket
  Thanks to Mobai 23333 for the January ticket
  Thanks to Xiaoxiaoanzhi for the reward of 1 starting coins

  Thanks to the reader 1213028018452099072 for the reward of 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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