Chapter 282 We Can Do This...

"You two don't just stare there, come get your luggage soon." Yang Mi urged again.

"Here we come." Zhao Jinmai tidied up her clothes and hurried over.

Ye Xingchen followed closely behind.

Yang Mi looked at everyone and said, "Right now, we just haven't confirmed whether we all sleep in tents, but what is certain is that our tents are not enough."

"Don't worry about it for now, let's talk about it after we set it up."

Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun Xiaoding directly started to set up the tent, because no matter who slept in the tent, it must be set up.

Soon the tent was set up with the joint work of several people.

"It can't be done, take a break, it's finally set up." Zhang Kaili pulled Liu Mingtao to prepare for a rest.

"Okay, now we can continue to discuss who will sleep in the tent," Han Dongjun said.

It's really hard for Yang Mi to allocate this thing, because everyone wants to sleep in tents and experience the scenery here, so it's quite embarrassing for her.

Ye Xingchen saw that Yang Mi was so difficult to allocate, and he probably had an idea in his mind: "That's what I thought, first of all, it is impossible for the three of us to all sleep in a caravan, because I saw that we can't sleep in this caravan, so sister Mi, you guys There must be several sleeping in this caravan, my caravan can sleep two people, it is very spacious, if anyone wants to experience it, you can go and have a look.”

Han Dongjun was very interested when he heard this: "That's right, I've never been in my little brother's RV, I'll go and have a look."

"I'll go too, I'll go too." Ding Chengxin followed immediately.

"I also want to experience it." Mai Mai raised her hand with a smile, because she suddenly became interested in what Ye Xingchen said just now.

Ye Xingchen saw that everyone was eager to try, so he took them to have a look: "Okay, then I will take you there. Sister Mi, are you coming?"

"I won't go there, you go and have a look, and then come back quickly and we can discuss it as soon as possible, because there are still tasks in a while." Yang Mi shook his head and said.

"Okay, then let's go quickly"

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen took the three of them on a formal tour of the RV. To be honest, this bed could just sleep two people. If it wasn't for the recording of a program, the ones sleeping on the bed would definitely be him and Mai Mai.

"Huo, this car is not bad, it has everything inside." Han Dongjun came to Ye Xingchen's RV for the first time to take a look at the interior, and immediately estimated the value of this car at 800 million +, 1000 Wan is not an exaggeration.

"There is also a sofa. This sofa can also sleep alone. Wow, that is a TV." Ding Chengxin looked around curiously, and suddenly found something magical.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "It's the TV, Heitan turns on the TV."

Following Ye Xingchen's command, the TV was turned on immediately, and cartoons were playing on it.

"And the intelligent voice system?" Han Dongjun asked in surprise.

"Well, there is a system with intelligent voice, I specially asked someone to add it." Ye Xingchen replied patiently.

"Your car is absolutely perfect. I want to buy one after seeing it, but unfortunately I don't have the money." Han Dongjun looked inside enviously and said.

But Ye Xingchen didn't believe him at all, you don't have money, so get it.

Mai Mai followed behind and looked at the bed above carefully, wanting to experience it, and then said to Ye Xingchen: "Can I go up and experience it?"

Seeing Mai Mai's expectant look, Ye Xingchen agreed without hesitation: "Of course."

The three of them quickly made way for Zhao Jinmai and let her pass.

Zhao Jinmai came to the bed and took off her shoes gracefully, then lay down on it, her limbs moved a few times cutely, her first feeling was that it was so soft, and then she didn't want to get up.

"Be careful with the top of your head." Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and then reminded.

"Understood." Mai Mai lay on the bed and watched the TV in front of him, suddenly found it very comfortable.

Ye Xingchen asked: "How is it, are you comfortable?"

"Well, yes, and the angle of the TV is just right, I can sleep here tonight." Zhao Jinmai gave a pertinent answer.

"Okay, then go back and ask the rest of the sisters to see if anyone is with you." Ye Xingchen nodded and said.

"I want to experience it too." Ding Chengxin raised his hand and looked at Ye Xingchen expectantly.

Han Dongjun was also eager to try.

"Well... next time, next time." Although they looked at him with anticipation, Ye Xingchen still refused. The reason is very simple. Except for himself, a boy can sleep in this bed, and the rest of the people don't want it. Think, except of course girls.

A few minutes later, Yang Mi looked at Han Dongjun and Ding Ding who came back with a loss, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, the experience is not good?"

Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin looked at Ye Xingchen resentfully at the same time, as if they had been abandoned by that and then, Ye Xingchen felt uncomfortable all over.

And Mai Mai is hiding behind and laughing.

"Chenchen, what's wrong with them, why did they get into a car, and it's not normal when they come back." Seeing that the two guys didn't know, Yang Mi asked Ye Xingchen what was going on.

Ye Xingchen also pretended to be stupid at this time: "I don't know, it was fine just now, maybe I was tired from setting up the tent."

Yang Mi gave him a supercilious look, only the devil would believe this, it must be Ye Xingchen who did something to the two of them.

"Okay, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it, how to allocate accommodation is the most important thing now." Yang Mi brought the topic back.

Ye Xingchen knew that Sister Kelly and Sister Mintao wanted to sleep in a tent this time, so he directly spoke out his proposal.

"That's what I think. The three of us boys must sleep in a tent, and there is another tent that can sleep three people. Mai Mai sleeps in my RV today. If there are sisters who want to sleep together, they can sleep in one people."

"I'll sleep in a tent." Yang Mi also wanted to experience the feeling of a tent, so he had no idea about the RV.

Ye Xingchen nodded, which was also what he expected: "Well, then, sister Mi, sister Mintao, and sister Kelly, the three of you can sleep in the tent, Danni, you can also sleep in my tent, me and Ding, Jun It's good to sleep together."

But Li Sidani glanced at Ye Xingchen's RV, pointed to it and asked, "Hey, Chenchen, do you have a sunroof?"

"Yes, it can be opened, and it has a good view."

Li Sidani clapped her hands: "I sleep with Mai Mai, we can watch the starry sky at night."

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "Okay, that's fine."

At this time, our little cute Mai Mai ran to sister Li Sidani and said something.

Li Sidani said in surprise: "Really?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jinmai smiled and nodded frantically.

"Then let's go tonight...huh?"


Ye Xingchen looked at these two people in confusion, thinking what are these two people doing tonight?It can't be... well, I think it's crooked.

"Okay, the allocation of accommodation is over, let's spread the word."

Seeing that the problem was finally solved, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

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(End of this chapter)

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