Chapter 284 Model?where?
Han Dongjun said in shock: "Do you two dare to have a tacit understanding?"

Li Sidani felt that she had received a critical blow of 8 points: "I feel that the game must not test the tacit understanding between the eight of us, but let the six of us see the tacit understanding between the two of them."

"What's wrong? Is there any problem? Mai Mai and I chose the same?" Ye Xingchen looked confused, not knowing what they were shocked about.

"No, I chose the pot." Zhao Jinmai said shyly.

Mai Mai's words made Ye Xingchen even more puzzled, since the fate of the different choices came from: "Then what's wrong with them?"

"Chenchen, just now you analyzed the reason why you chose ribs, Maimai guessed it, and not a single word is wrong." Yang Mi said word by word.

"Really?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.

"Really! It's really not bad at all." Li Sidani nodded frantically.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai at this time, and Mai Mai also looked at Ye Xingchen. Although they were a few meters apart, the love conveyed by their eyes did not diminish at all.

Suddenly a big head appeared in front of the two of them, and it turned out to be Sister Yang Mi.

"Okay, okay, enough is enough, you are all watching here, be careful that they will throw you two into the lake to feed the fish." Yang Mi gave Ye Xingchen a look.

Ye Xingchen successfully received the signal, and then looked at Ding Ding and Han Dongjun, well, I guess this will kill him soon, but Sister Mintao and Sister Kelly both had aunt smiles on their faces, as if they acquiesced in this door marriage.

"Okay, everyone, let's eat quickly. It's been a busy day, and I'm probably starving." Ye Xingchen changed the subject.

"Cook, cook." Li Sidani immediately became excited when she heard about the meal.

Yang Mi also ordered to start cooking: "Let's cook that line first, put on the pot, my God, the pot chosen by four people, you have to make good use of it, otherwise you won't choose in vain."

"Hahaha, that's called tacit understanding." Mai Mai said with a smile.

"That's right, that's tacit understanding." Li Sidani agreed.

The four teammates who chose the pot glanced at each other, and they all burst into laughter again.

Seeing Mai Mai smiling happily, Ye Xingchen was very satisfied, as long as she was happy Ye Xingchen would be happy.

The powder is cooked very quickly, and it will be cooked after a short period of time.Although Ye Xingchen saw that no one had spare ribs to eat, but as the first day of today's visit to such a beautiful place, relying on fans is not enough to celebrate.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you something."

Ye Xingchen got up and walked towards his RV, and took out 8 cans of luncheon meat within a few minutes.

"No, one serving per person, I'll give everyone extra meals." Ye Xingchen distributed it to everyone.

"Wow, canned food, you still have canned food." Li Sidani said in surprise.

"Quick, quick, give me one." The Sun God, a carnivore, couldn't wait to add another meal.

What Ye Xingchen gave Mai Mai was the kind of canned meat with extremely low fat content and excellent taste, but because of the different packaging, he was caught.

"Huh? Maimai's is different from ours. Ye Xingchen, you dare to carry private goods." Li Sidani was very angry, and she was full on dog food today.

"No, because I didn't have enough cans of that kind, so I took one of these." Ye Xingchen replied calmly.

"I don't believe it. If you took it casually, why did it happen to be in Maimai's hands? You must have done it on purpose."

Li Sidani's wise eyes were fixed on Ye Xingchen, as if I had seen through your little thoughts.

"Really, don't believe it. Forget it. Everyone, please taste this canned food. If it is delicious, tell me if you want to eat it. I still have it." Maybe this is a woman's sixth sense, but for Ye Xingchen It's all trivial, you can say whatever you want, anyway, I won't admit it.

The Sun God took a big mouthful of the meat and said with satisfaction: "It's delicious, it's so delicious. I think the most correct decision made by Sister Mi is to pull my little brother into our team."

"I agree with this point. It's great that Chenchen came to us. Really, it saves a lot of trouble." Liu Mintao said seriously.

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen quickly got up to thank, and delivered his "Award Acceptance Speech":
"Thank you, thank you for your affirmation. In fact, I also feel very honored. I can participate in this recording of Hua Shao with you, and I can also eat and sleep with you. I am really very lucky. It is my honor to be affirmed by everyone. .”

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at our Chenchen, the acceptance speeches are all prepared in advance." Yang Mi joked.

"Hahaha, acceptance speech?" Mai Mai laughed from ear to ear.

Ye Xingchen was so thick-skinned that he blinked at Sister Yang Mi before sitting down, which made Zhao Jinmai give him a supercilious look, hold grudges, and look for an opportunity to beat him up.

In the end, seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Yang Mi found out the travel brochure, and began to tell everyone about the projects in this place:
"First of all, the camp charges are free."

This is tantamount to good news for the whole team.

Zhang Kaili: "Sure, I don't have a lot of money to spend on this job."

Yang Mi went on to say: "It's just that everyone needs to camp without a trace."

"Environmental protection, no garbage." Han Dongjun said loudly.

"We definitely won't leave rubbish on this one, it's okay." Ye Xingchen nodded his head to express his opinion, expressing that he was listening carefully, but his other hand did go to Mai Mai's place, causing Mai Mai to keep talking. Roll your eyes at him.

But he pretended he didn't see it, and then grabbed Mai Mai's little hand. In the end, Zhao Jinmai didn't continue to struggle, and looked at him angrily, and then ate with the other hand.

Ye Xingchen knew that he was in a corner and the camera couldn't see him, that's why he was so unscrupulous.

Yang Mi continued to tell everyone about the project: "There are also sand motorcycles, motorcycles, hahahaha, it's too bad and I'm talking again."

"What, a sand model?" Han Dongjun asked.

Ye Xingchen was playing with Mai Mai's little hand, obviously not listening carefully. When he heard the model, he subconsciously said, "Where? Where is the model?"

Zhao Jinmai: "?"

Yang Mi: "?"

Han Dongjun: "?"

Ding Chengxin: "?"

Zhang Kaili: "?"

Liu Mingtao: "?"

Li Sidani: "?"

As the saying goes, shocking everyone with one word is nothing more than that.

"No, this person, hey, Mai Mai, did you see that? This is a scumbag." Li Sidani condemned Ye Xingchen's behavior unceremoniously.

Yang Mi also shook his head "seriously" and said: "Chenchen, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, you really disappointed everyone, scumbag!"

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was being educated by everyone again, the Sun God resolutely avenged today's revenge: "I declare that although we are in the boys' camp, I firmly resist the behavior of scumbags, so you educate yourself to your heart's content, okay. Let Xingchen Little brother realizes his mistake, as for whether to use violence... I suggest... use it, it is also possible."

Ye Xingchen: "?!"

Don't bring such fun, fishing law enforcement?
 Thanks to me, a little bookworm, for voting for April
  Thank you for the January ticket issued by the weak crown knot
  Thank you Ming Mou Zui Shang for voting for January
  Thanks to Shang Zhou and the tyrant for voting in February
  Thanks to book friends 20170501184252044 for the January vote
  Thanks to 5862426 for voting in February
  still owe six chapters
(End of this chapter)

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