The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 285 Ye Xingchen's Image in Everyone's Mind

Chapter 285 Ye Xingchen's Image in Everyone's Mind
Ye Xingchen quickly thought of the reason for solving this matter correctly in his mind, and then said without blushing and heartbeat: "It's not that I was distracted just now, I was surprised to hear the models, I wondered if there were models in this place? So I was more concerned Shock."

Zhao Jinmai quietly took his hand out of Ye Xingchen's hand in displeasure, and said, "Hehe, then your reaction is quite strong. It's not your first offense."

The tone was full of sarcasm.

"Really, if I lied, I would be more nervous and flustered, but now you see, I'm fine, I'm serious about explaining this to you." Ye Xingchen continued to argue.

Yang Mi said disgustedly: "Chenchen really lied and didn't make drafts. This kid is a scumbag. Hello everyone in front of the screen. Today I will make a new program for you, which is to teach you how to identify scumbags." Man, Nuo, please look at this, this is a proper scumbag."

Yang Mi took the manual and rolled it into a microphone, came to the table and said to the camera.

Ye Xingchen even got hammered himself, this time he really can't clean it up, hey, he needs to be coaxed again, he was finally coaxed to be happy today, but now he is angry again.

Ding Chengxin couldn't bear to watch Ye Xingchen being bullied, so he came out and said something nice: "I feel that Brother Chen was really shocked just now, not excited. I can feel it from being so close. Really, everyone misunderstood Brother Chen .”

Ye Xingchen turned his head to look at Xiao Ding, his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Brother, my brother really didn't love you for nothing, woo woo woo."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's aggrieved look, Liu Mingtao couldn't bear to help and said good things: "Actually, I think so too. I don't think Xingchen is this kind of person."

Zhang Kaili: "Agreed."

"No, can this be cleaned up? Isn't public opinion changing a bit sooner?" Han Dongjun was also shocked to see so many people cleaning up Ye Xingchen.

Seeing this, Yang Mi pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Okay, no kidding, this time I barely believe in Chenchen, let's continue, sand motorcycle, yes, we still have a zoo, and we can drive wolves back to their cages. "

"You can go to the zoo. I haven't been to the zoo for a long time." Zhang Kaili said with a mouthful of fans.

Han Dongjun nodded in agreement: "Okay, this is fine, then we will go tomorrow."

Ye Xingchen didn't express any further opinions this time, because Mai Mai was still angry with him, and he had to find a way to tease her.

"Will you go to the zoo tomorrow? It sounds very interesting."

Zhao Jinmai said angrily, "No, aren't you looking at models? Do you still have time to go to the zoo?"

Ye Xingchen was speechless: "Sister, I really didn't mean it."

"Of course you didn't mean it, and you didn't dare."


Xiao Ding looked at Ye Xingchen's shriveled appearance and sniggered unjustly.

Seeing that Mai Mai seemed to be really angry, Ye Xingchen knew that there was no way to persuade him for a while, so he made up his mind to talk to Mai Mai alone after a while.

Yang Mi continued to introduce this project to everyone until the end of all broadcasts.

Ye Xingchen finally found a chance and said to Zhao Jinmai next to him, "Shall we go for a walk later?"

"No." Zhao Jinmai ruthlessly rejected Ye Xingchen's proposal.

Then he ran to Yang Mi's side and said, "Sister Mi, shall we go for a walk later?"

"Yes. It's so pleasant to take a walk by the lake." Yang Mi nodded in agreement.

Li Si also opened his hands to embrace nature: "Walking, this is the most comfortable night for me in a few days."

"Hahaha, it's been raining all the time, right? It's finally sunny this time, is Xingchen going?" Yang Mi said with a smile, not forgetting to give Ye Xingchen a chance.

Ye Xingchen glanced at Yang Mi gratefully and agreed decisively: "Go, I'll go."

"Then let's go."

Yang Mi walked slowly on the sandy ground with Mai Mai and his party, and when he saw the swing, he said excitedly: "Look, there is a swing."

"Wow, I want to play, I want to play." Li Si was the first to run up.

But her little plan was ruthlessly smashed by Yang Mi.

"Come down, how old are you, let your younger brothers and sisters play."

Li Sidani also wanted to win everyone's sympathy by acting like a baby: "No, no, I want to play."

"Go away." Yang Mi directly pushed away to avoid her tricks.

"Wooooow." Li Si squatted on the ground "crying with his head in his arms".

After Yang Mi pushed Li Si away, he sat on the swing and swayed leisurely. The rest of the people also stood by and watched Mi Tuan's "bully" behavior in shock.

Ding Chengxin took out his camera and said, "Let's take a picture together."

"Okay." Ye Xingchen hurriedly leaned next to Maimai when he heard that the photo was taken.

Zhao Jinmai is still a little angry now, she knows Ye Xingchen's little thoughts, but she doesn't care about it, let him go.

Everyone poses, Ding Ding presses the shutter.Because of the lack of lighting, when the photo came out, except for Xiao Ding who was holding the camera in front, the rest of the people were all black.

"Hahahaha, it's all blurred." Han Dongjun couldn't help laughing as he looked at the row of charcoal.

Li Sidani looked at the photo indignantly: "Oh my god, how did you take this picture, Xiao Ding is almost like a light bulb."

Mai Mai leaned forward to take a look, and did not hold back on time.

Ye Xingchen was anxious because he really wanted to talk to Mai Mai alone, but seeing how excited this group of people was, he felt that there was no chance tonight.

Yang Mi has been paying attention to Ye Xingchen since the beginning. As the only person in the team who knows about this underground affair, she now knows what Ye Xingchen is thinking, so she plans to help Chenchen at this time.

"Xiaoding, Dongjun, you two go and see what the two sisters are up to. I think they need help there."

Yang Mi said to the two who were fighting.

"That's fine, you guys play first, Ding Ding and I will go over and have a look." Han Dongjun agreed.

Li Sidani interjected at this moment: "Should I still use it?"

"You can go there, but it shouldn't be of much help. By the way, our luggage hasn't been packed yet. You can go over and help pack it. I'll go over and take a look at it later." Although Yang Mi's purpose of dismissing everyone is obvious, but this The reason is quite reasonable.

"That's fine, then I'll go." Li Sidani, as an old fox who has lived for more than 30 years, naturally knew that Yang Mi was deliberately dismissing everyone.

"Forget it, let me go with you. Xiaochen, you bring Maimai here to have fun, don't bully Maimai, let me know and I will..."

Ye Xingchen nodded gratefully and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Zhao Jinmai. If there is any problem, I will commit suicide and apologize."

"Hmph, this is the best."

Yang Mi gave Ye Xingchen a hard look, and then left holding hands with Li Si.

 Thank you Fengju Xinggui for voting for February
  Thanks to book friends 20220608114009462 for the January vote
  Thanks to Chen Diandian's Jinmailang for voting for January
  Thank you Xifeng Yeying for voting for February
  Thanks to book friends 160927181220177 for the January vote
  Thanks Zhuang Dafei for voting for January
  Thank you Moonlight Treasure Box δ Old Wolf for voting for February
  Thank you shadow g for voting for January
  Thank you for the January ticket issued by the weak crown knot
  Thanks to Su Yumiao for voting for February
  Thanks to 97 who has no money to read books and voted for the January vote
  Thank you Xiaoxiaoanzhi for voting for January
  Thanks to maisymind1 for voting for January
  Thank you Xiaozuanfeng for visiting the mountain and voting for the August ticket
  Thank you for calling me Jinmailang for the 500 starting coins

  Thank you Moonlight Box δ Laolang for the 5 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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