The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 286 Where's Your First Love?

Chapter 286 Where's Your First Love?
Now there are only two people left in this place, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai sat on the swing and looked at Ye Xingchen, as if waiting for Ye Xingchen's explanation.

"Mai Mai, I'm not a scumbag." Ye Xingchen prepared a lot of reasons, but when he saw Mai Mai, they were all eliminated. He was not going to lie anymore.

"Reason." Zhao Jinmai's voice was still full of joy and anger as usual.

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly: "What reason is there? We have lived together for three years in total. Don't you know what I am?"

"Hmph, I don't know, who knows if you lied to me." After hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, Zhao Jinmai was shy and playful, as if reminiscing about her previous high school life.

"I really did something wrong just now. I can only say that this is a habit I developed before, and I also think it's fun. I don't really like watching models or anything. I swear if I lie, let me go..."

"Okay! I believe you."

Before Ye Xingchen could swear, Mai Mai hurriedly interrupted.She knew that Ye Xingchen was not that kind of person. After all, many beautiful girls in that world had written love letters to him, but he didn't read any of them, and threw them away in front of her.

"You forgive me?" Ye Xingchen said in surprise.

Zhao Jinmai hesitated for a moment: " depends on your performance."

"Huh? It also depends on performance?" Ye Xingchen's excited mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

"Why, don't you want to? Forget it, don't force it."

"Yes! Is it okay if you want?"

Ye Xingchen sighed in his heart, let's just look at the performance, anyway, it's better than ignoring me.

"Hmph, why don't you help me on the swing?" Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen angrily and said.

"Oh, oh well."

Ye Xingchen gently helped Mai Mai swing on the swing.

But Mai Mai seemed to feel that this was a bit boring, so he stopped and looked at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

"Sit up and join me." Zhao Jinmai invited.

Ye Xingchen was particularly excited at this time: "Okay."

Although there are still staff filming nearby, Yang Mi has already greeted them just now. The interaction between Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen can be filmed, but editing is not allowed to be released before the official announcement.

You can only publish some normal content, and of course you can also post a little suspenseful and eye-catching content, but it should not be too obvious.

The director team readily agreed, because this is a lucrative business. If the two of them really make an official announcement in the future, maybe Huashao 4's ratings will be greatly improved because of it. Then they will post their daily routines. The fans must be going crazy one by one.Therefore, the director team and all the staff have signed a non-disclosure agreement. If anyone leaks, I will see you directly in court.

So Ye Xingchen didn't continue to avoid the staff, and sat down with Mai Mai directly.The two of them were swinging on the swing together, but they didn't know how many people were secretly watching them more than a dozen meters away. The worst thing was that Han Dongjun had a telescope.

"Let me take a look, let me take a look." Li Sidani said and was going to grab the telescope.

But because of the height gap, she couldn't reach it.

"Don't make trouble, I'm watching." Han Dongjun adjusted the distance and accuracy of the telescope and continued to peek.

After Yang Mi helped the two elder sisters paste the couplets, seeing this group of people sneaking around here, he immediately asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

After hearing Yang Mi's voice, Li Si immediately turned around and made a silent gesture for her: "Shh, don't make noise, just look at that."

Yang Mi talked about Li Sidani's pointing, and saw Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai sitting on the swing chatting leisurely.

"You guys are going too far, actually peeping." Yang Mi condemned.

"Hey! What about scholars can be called peeping, it's called observation." Han Dongjun put down his binoculars, raised his eyebrows at Yang Mi and said meanly.

When Yang Mi saw what was in his hand, he yelled foully: "Damn it, it's fine if you peep, and you still have binoculars, are you still a human being?"

"Why don't I use it for you?"

"What I'm waiting for is your words." Yang Mi grabbed the binoculars and stood in front of them to observe secretly.

Li Sidani: "Sister Mi, you are really...honest."

"That is!"


At this time, Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen and asked suddenly: "I remember, did you have a first love?"

Ye Xingchen was startled and then said slowly: "Yes, but we have lost contact."

"Is that so." Zhao Jinmai turned her head, wondering what she was thinking.

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen knew that he couldn't do anything if he didn't want to prove it, so he handed over his mobile phone and said, "The password remains the same, her name is Huang Siyuan, and the chat history is also there, but it's been a long time since I've contacted her." gone."

Zhao Jinmai took the phone and saw that it was still the Mi 12, and said with a smile: "Our business is really amazing."

Of course, Ye Xingchen understood what she meant, so he replied: "Yes, something that only appears in novels happened to me. It's really unbelievable. However, we might be the protagonists."

Zhao Jinmai didn't respond to him, and turned on the phone on her own, but instead of going through the chat history, she opened the phone's photo album. There are more than 4000 photos in this photo album, all of which are photos of Miaomiao and the two of them. group photo.Zhao Jinmai and Ye Xingchen looked at the photos together, and none of them corresponded to an event, that is, a story, all of which were memories of the two of them.

Ye Xingchen said, "I keep them all, I keep every photo."

"Yeah." Zhao Jinmai nodded lightly and said, "Don't delete one piece."




The love group gets along well, but the peeping group seems to have encountered a problem.

They watched the two of them for a while without any movement, and they felt that it was meaningless because they couldn't hear the sound, and then they chatted while eating snacks in front of the tent.

Because when Yang Mi called Sister Li Si again, Li Sidani always felt very uncomfortable, so she said to Han Dongjun while Yang Mi was away: "I don't know why I felt like I wanted to hit her when Sister Mi called my sister." .”

"Let's go together, I'll help you beat her." Han Dongjun said.



When they were chatting, Yang Mi kept making trouble for the rest of the people, and then he was disgusted and "isolated" by everyone.

When Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai came back together side by side, Yang Mi hurriedly got up and hugged Mai Mai and complained: "They isolated me, woo woo woo."

"Sister, don't cry, don't cry." Zhao Jinmai coaxed Yang Mi like a child.

This made everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xingchen was also asking what was going on here, and then the rest of the people told him what happened.

Ye Xingchen glanced at Yang Mi inexplicably after listening and said, "I don't think it's all their fault."

Yang Mi heard that the white-eyed wolf actually helped them speak, and stared at him fiercely, as if waiting for his explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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