The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 287 Traveling again, the parallel world of Boy Pi!

Chapter 287 Traveling again, the parallel world of Boy Pi!
Ye Xingchen was frightened by Yang Mi's eyes and immediately changed his words: "Miss Mi is so nice, you people still complain, isolating Mi sister is simply inhuman."

Yang Mi snorted slightly after hearing this, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Chen has changed very quickly." Ding Cheng looked at Ye Xingchen inexplicably and smiled.

"Maybe, afraid of being beaten?" Han Dongjun immediately made up the knife.

Ye Xingchen: "..."

There's no need to dismantle it directly, do I not want to lose face?

Even so, Ye Xingchen's expression remained unchanged.

"Haha, okay, let's stop making trouble, it was just a joke." Yang Mi said with a smile.

Li Sidani was speechless for a while, thinking she had been tricked again.

"The devil, she is a devil, help me."


The farce was over, and everyone packed up their things.

Because after the rain for the first two days, the caravan was very humid and there was no way to sleep.So Ye Xingchen's role was revealed. Because of the new tent and caravan as the place of residence, the original caravan could allow time to dry the bed.

After doing all this, everyone returned to the assigned residence today.

Zhao Jinmai and Li Si were lying on the bed watching TV at this time. To be precise, they were watching a horror movie. Because of the artificial intelligence system Heitan, the network and voice control of the entire RV were very good. Li Si was very surprised.

Most importantly, the bed was very comfortable.

Because of sister Mintao's poor sleep, Ye Xingchen offered to let sister Mintao sleep in her own tent, while he slept with Xiaoding Sun God.Liu Mingtao, who wanted to shirk at first, saw Ye Xingchen hugging her the sleeping bag and pillows for sleeping at night, so he readily accepted his kindness.

"Xiaochen, it's good to have you on this journey, otherwise my sister really suffers from insomnia, and I don't know what to do." Liu Mingtao expressed his feelings.

"Oh, it's okay, sister, we boys should take care of our sisters." Due to previous experience, Ye Xingchen only speaks nicely.

Liu Mintao smiled: "That's fine, then the elder sister will not be polite to the younger brother."


After doing all this, Ye Xingchen also returned to the tent, ready to rest.Of course, the unavoidable trio of teasing and squabbling is for sure, but since everyone was really tired today, they each fell asleep after playing for a while.

When Ye Xingchen just fell asleep, the system released a new world mission.

"A new world is detected, it meets the conditions for traversal, whether to perform traversal."

"Ding~ The host didn't answer, time travel by default, 20 seconds to prepare."

"20, 19, 18... 3, 2, 1, travel through time and space. The host has a happy time travel."

In this way, Ye Xingchen was sent to the new world unconsciously by the system.

At this time, in a meditation room in Qianfo Mountain, Jiangzhou City, an old monk suddenly stopped chanting and said silently: "Lord Ye, welcome back."


At 6:30, Ye Xingchen woke up on time. When he saw the strange room and the soft big bed under him, a few words immediately appeared in Ye Xingchen's mind - time travel again.

With his awakening, all his memories of this world began to transfer.

Ye Xingchen, 22 years old, a genius boy, directly skipped a grade to Boyi, majoring in computer science at BJ University.Because my parents run a company in the Netherlands, I came to the Netherlands to meet my parents after I finished researching a topic with my mentor.

After a month of playing here, I feel that China is better, because compared with the cold Netherlands, my own country is warmer.So I just had a send-off meal with my parents yesterday, and bought a plane ticket to return home early this morning.

"New world, genius, Bo Yi, a proper protagonist template, but I was also the protagonist. Jiangzhou, elite middle school, youth school?" Ye Xingchen murmured.

Relying on his memory, he came to the bathroom and began to wash up. Because it was an early morning flight, he was still in a hurry.

After washing up, I had a simple breakfast, and sent a message to my parents on my mobile phone, telling them that I was going back.

Then Ye Bowen and Mu Ying sent him a note to pay attention to safety at the same time, and don't forget to report that you are safe when you get home.

After seeing the news about his parents, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but smile knowingly.No matter which world they are in, they have such a tacit understanding.

Ye Xingchen used his consciousness to connect with the system: "System, where is this world?"

A cold voice came from the system: "Please ask the host to find out by himself."

Well, hang on, you have the final say.

Ye Xingchen has already basically understood this system, except for being able to speak, it is useless. Occasionally, he will tell you that the poisonous chicken soup will poison you, and the rest is an artificial mental retardation, which is not as good as Heitan.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen packed his luggage and set off with his computer bag and satchel on his back. Because of his parents' arrangement, the driver waited downstairs early, so when Ye Xingchen left the villa, the driver took the initiative to greet him.

Ye Xingchen sat in the car and closed his eyes to rest.During this period, in the system space, the mysterious person and the system were chatting.

"Suddenly crossing the world, everything has changed, but I don't know if the host can adapt." At this time, the system did not look cold at all, but more like a person.

"Yes." The mysterious man said lightly.

"I hope." In the system space, one person and one system are just staring at the screen.


Ye Xingchen arrived at the airport half an hour later. At this time, he was waiting in the terminal. Bored, he put on his headphones, took out his mobile phone and started playing games, waiting for the plane to take off.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the airport, probably something happened, but because Ye Xingchen's game match had reached the most critical moment, he didn't care about other things. Of course, the sound insulation of the earphones may be better, so outside No movement was heard at all.

Until Victory's voice came from the phone, the game ended 20-0-10 against Ye Xingchen's Li Bai.

Only then did Ye Xingchen realize that the airport had become a mess.So I decided to go to the information desk and ask about the situation.

When I came to the front desk, I found a lot of people around. I was thinking whether to squeeze in now to ask about the situation. Suddenly, I saw the back of a girl. She squeezed in and tried to communicate with the staff in pure Chinglish. The other party looked like a question mark, obviously the communication effect was not particularly good.

Ye Xingchen, who found it very interesting, walked slowly behind the other party, patted her on the shoulder, and said in Chinese: "Hello, do you need help?"

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback by the sudden accusation. When she turned around, Ye Xingchen realized that it was Maimai's face. No, to be precise, it should be Miaomiao. I understand, and analyzed that this place is very likely to be the world of the Youth Pi, so when he saw Lin Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen became more sure of his guess.

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

  Thanks for the rewards guys.

  I won’t explain them one by one here, because I’m in a hurry

(End of this chapter)

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