The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 288 Parallel World Lin Miaomiao

Chapter 288 Parallel World Lin Miaomiao

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and saw a Chinese face. Her first impression was that he was handsome, and then she felt inexplicably close. She felt very strange. They didn't know each other clearly. Why did they have such a face? What a feeling.

Lin Miaomiao replied politely: "Hello, are you Chinese?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Ye Xingchen opened his hands and looked down at his body.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly waved her little hand and said, "No, no, I just think it's fate to meet Chinese people in a foreign country."

It may be the reason for the first meeting, and it was still abroad, so although Lin Miaomiao felt that it was very close to meet the Chinese, she still maintained basic vigilance.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao was still a little cautious, so he went straight to the topic: "I see that you just asked the front desk about the situation at the airport, and you may need help, so come here and see if you need help."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao was a little embarrassed, she said awkwardly: "My English is not very good, so..."

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly when he heard it, then walked to the front desk, motioning for Lin Miaomiao to come over:
"What do you want to ask, I will help you."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen could help, Lin Miaomiao immediately relieved her anxious mood just now, because the problem of language barrier could finally be solved.

"I want to ask when the flight to Zurich can take off." Lin Miaomiao said.

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen immediately asked the front desk, and the final response was that all flights were grounded due to the eruption of the volcano in Iceland, and the exact departure time is unknown.

Ye Xingchen told Lin Miaomiao the news he had just received.

Lin Miaomiao became flustered when she heard it, and even a little overwhelmed, so she hurriedly asked, "Are all the flights grounded?"

"Yes, that's what the service staff at the front desk said." Ye Xingchen nodded and replied.

"But Iceland is far away from here, why would the volcanic eruption there affect this place?" Lin Miaomiao asked with puzzlement and doubts.

Ye Xingchen carefully explained to her the reason why the plane could not take off after the volcanic eruption: "Because the volcanic eruption will produce volcanic ash, the main components of volcanic ash are silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, etc. When the plane flies at high speed, the volcanic ash will It will cause severe wear and abrasion to the surface paint and windshield of the aircraft. After the volcanic ash is inhaled by the aircraft engine, the silicon dioxide will damage the engine after melting in the engine combustion chamber, causing the engine to stop in the air and causing flight accidents. So wait for the volcanic ash to dissipate completely Only then can all flights at the airport resume.”

Although Ye Xingchen's explanation was confusing to Lin Miaomiao, at least she understood the conclusion, that is, the flight cannot operate normally until the volcanic ash dissipates completely.

"Then what to do, how long will it take?" Lin Miaomiao was even more anxious at this time.

"Well... I don't know about this, why don't you contact your parents and see what to do next." Ye Xingchen also knew that in a foreign country, if he showed too much enthusiasm, he might arouse others' vigilance, and even more so. Besides, she was a girl, so she made a pertinent suggestion.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao remembered to take out her mobile phone to contact Qian Sanyi.

When Ye Xingchen saw that she wanted to contact her parents, she politely chose to avoid it temporarily. By the way, she also contacted her parents to explain the situation at the airport, and asked if there was any other way to return home.

So Ye Xingchen sent Ye Bowen a message, and waited for his father's response.

Lin Miaomiao was currently in contact with Qian Sany on her mobile phone, but no one answered.The helpless Lin Miaomiao could only send a voice message to Qian Sanyi via WeChat: "What's wrong with you, why don't you answer the phone? When will the volcano erupt in Iceland? It's not right now. Now the airport is in chaos. What? Do it, Qian Sany, the problem is that I can't understand what they are saying."

Although Ye Xingchen was some distance away from Lin Miaomiao, he could still hear what Lin Miaomiao said clearly because of his improved physical and mental strength.

After hearing Qian Sanyi's name, Ye Xingchen basically confirmed that this was the world of the Youth Pi, and it was a world that was deduced according to the original plot without his own intervention.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help frowning when he saw Lin Miaomiao's anxious look when he couldn't contact Qian Sanyi.He stepped forward and asked with concern: "What's the matter, can't you contact them?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and did not speak, but kept sending messages.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen's phone rang. Ye Xingchen took out his phone and saw that it was his father.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?"

Ye Bowen's voice came from over there: "Xiaochen, all flights are now suspended, and we don't know when they will resume, so you may not be able to return to China for a while."

Before Ye Xingchen could speak, his mother Mu Ying continued beside him, "Xiaochen, why don't you go home first, you're going back to China after playing for a while, anyway, you can't go back now, so you might as well spend a few more days with mom and dad .”

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to accept this suggestion. He subconsciously looked at Lin Miaomiao next to him, and then said to Mu Ying, "Wait a minute."

Then temporarily mute the phone.

He said to Lin Miaomiao: "Well... the situation at the airport is still uncertain, but it may take three or four days at the earliest before all flights can be officially resumed, so why don't you go to my house for a few days first. Of course, don't get me wrong , I just... I just don’t think you have anywhere to go. If you think I’m a bad person, you can go to a hotel.”

Lin Miaomiao was a little wary when she heard Ye Xingchen invite her to his house at first, but when she saw Ye Xingchen's at a loss, Lin Miaomiao chuckled, feeling that the person in front of her was quite interesting, but it was only for a moment. The mood immediately recovered from the anxiety just now.

"I...I know, but I transferred to Switzerland, and my visa is also a Swiss visa, so I can't leave the airport." Lin Miaomiao explained her situation to the protagonist, and the panic and anxiety on her face were fully expressed.

Ye Xingchen frowned, thinking that this problem would be difficult. If Lin Miaomiao couldn't leave the country, Lin Miaomiao would be stranded at the airport, and she couldn't speak the language. She was still alone. Of course, Ye Xingchen couldn't put her here alone. , even if the other party is not Lin Miaomiao, but just an ordinary girl.

So Ye Xingchen picked up the phone again and said to his parents: "Mom, maybe I won't be going home for a while?"

"Why, where are you going if you don't go home? Now you can't go back to the country." Mu Ying said worriedly after hearing this.

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao subconsciously and found that Lin Miaomiao was still sending messages to Qian Sanyi non-stop at this time, and he continued to say to Mu Ying: "I met a girl at the airport, she is Chinese, she also Stuck at the airport, but she doesn't have a visa for the Netherlands, so she may have to stay at the airport all the time. I'm not at ease, so I want to stay here with her."

(End of this chapter)

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