The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 289 My name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars

Chapter 289 My name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars (reward plus 18)

Although Lin Miaomiao sent a message, she could still hear what Ye Xingchen said.When she heard that the big boy was going to stay with her, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly said: "No, no..."

Ye Xingchen put his hand to his mouth and made a gesture of silence, and Lin Miaomiao immediately fell silent.

Ye Xingchen continued to make phone calls with his parents.

When Mu Ying heard that Ye Xingchen was going to stay at the airport because of a girl, all her worries just disappeared, and she was even a little agitated and excited: "Girl, is she pretty?"

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, he could imagine his mother's expression now, so he lazily replied: "It's very beautiful, and it's also very cute."

No matter how stupid Lin Miaomiao was, she knew that this was about herself, so her face blushed uncontrollably. Although she should be happy to be praised as beautiful and cute by others, but at this time, for some reason, she always wanted to hit her face. The man's impulse.

Mu Ying also instructed Ye Xingchen: "You must pay attention to safety. When will you call your parents or something? And take care of the girls. The money in the card should be enough, you are a boy..."

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt bad when he heard his mother's voice in the receiver.I just mentioned a girl, the horoscope has not been written yet, the good guy has been picked up from the trash can directly from her own son.

"Understood Mom, by the way, you can ask my dad if there is any way for her to go out temporarily, even if she stays out for one night, if possible, call me back later, and hang up now." Ye Xingchen said After making my appeal, I decisively found an opportunity and hung up the phone.

"Oh my god, it's finally quiet." Ye Xingchen looked at the phone and sighed.

Although Lin Miaomiao was a little shy now, the restlessness and anxiety in her heart still accounted for most of it. It was even said that the inner changes of the whole person were written on her face.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help being curious about Lin Miaomiao in this world without his intervention.

He looked at the restless Lin Miaomiao and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm here with you. Let's go, there are many people in this place, let's find a place to rest. Don't worry, my dad will notify me if there is any news."

Because of Lin Miaomiao's helplessness in her heart, Ye Xingchen appeared to help her at this time, and her good looks, so Miaomiao relaxed her vigilance a little, and agreed to Ye Xingchen's request.

Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao to the coffee shop and found a relatively quiet place. Because all the planes at the airport were out of service, there were a lot of people in the coffee shop at this time.

After the two sat down, the waiter came to them and asked eagerly, "What would you like to drink?"

Just as Lin Miaomiao was about to say no, Ye Xingchen ordered something: "Two glasses of Americano, with sugar, thank you."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter left after recording.

Lin Miaomiao let go of her hands in embarrassment, and continued to send messages to Qian Sanyi on WeChat.

While waiting for the coffee, the atmosphere was awkward, but Ye Xingchen didn't speak first. After all, he knew that Lin Miaomiao must be in a hurry to contact his family or Qian Sanyi, so Lin Miaomiao didn't have the heart to chat with him at this time. of.

Ye Xingchen sat here, playing with his mobile phone boredly, and found that it was still his own mobile phone. He thought to himself: The system is getting smarter and smarter, so he knows to switch directly.

The atmosphere was getting dry. After Lin Miaomiao contacted Qian Sanyi to no avail, she temporarily put away her mobile phone.After all, it's impolite for someone to help me so much, but it's impolite for me to keep looking at my phone.

"Sorry, what happened to me just now?" Lin Miaomiao said apologetically.

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "It's okay, that... are you contacting your boyfriend?"

Lin Miaomiao was stunned, and she didn't realize it: "Ah? No, no, just an ordinary friend. I thought about going to Switzerland to find him, but I didn't expect to encounter such a situation."

Ye Xingchen asked with great interest: "Isn't it a boyfriend? Is that a prospective boyfriend?"

Lin Miaomiao felt very speechless, she didn't want to explain anything in an instant, and she rolled her eyes unconsciously, as if she was used to it.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw the familiar white eyes, because he felt that Lin Miaomiao at this time was the real Lin Miaomiao.

Just when Ye Xingchen chatted to death, the two of them were embarrassed and didn't know what to say, at this time the waiter brought over the coffee.

Feeling relieved, Lin Miaomiao picked up the cup to hide her embarrassment. Ye Xingchen also knew that the atmosphere was very dry, so after taking a sip of coffee, he took the initiative to raise the topic: "My name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars. I don't know your name yet. "

Lin Miaomiao put down the coffee in her hand and said cautiously, "My name is Lin Miaomiao."

"No more?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.

Lin Miaomiao was a little overwhelmed by the sudden question: "No, it's gone."

"Shouldn't the name be added to the self-introduction?" Ye Xingchen said.

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback, and she didn't understand why the name and location were added. Is this a custom in the Netherlands?

Because Lin Miaomiao could tell from Ye Xingchen's phone call that he should be a Chinese living in the Netherlands, so she subconsciously thought that this was a Dutch custom.

However, Lin Miaomiao was still puzzled, so she asked, "Really? But you didn't say anything just now."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help being a little surprised that Lin Miaomiaowen suddenly became so smart, and she didn't fool around.He hurriedly explained: "Sorry, I forgot, let me introduce again, I, Ye Xingchen, male, Chinese, 22 years old, a hobby girl, majoring in computer science at BJ University, currently studying Ph. Go back and prepare to go back to Jiangzhou."

"Are you from Jiangzhou too?" When Lin Miaomiao heard that Ye Xingchen was from Jiangzhou, Lin Miaomiao instantly felt that the two of them became more cordial.

"That's right, could it be you too?" Ye Xingchen pretended to be pleasantly surprised.

"I am also from Jiangzhou, and my university is Jiangzhou University." It is really fate to meet Chinese people from this place, not to mention meeting her fellow villagers from this place, Lin Miaomiao was nervous and panicked Most of the mood disappeared in an instant.

"Jiangzhou University? Do you know a professor named Chen Yi?"

Because my tutor happened to be good friends with Professor Chen Yi from Jiangzhou University, and his tutor often mentioned Ye Xingchen's name in front of Professor Chen Yi, and the two got to know each other over time.

"I know, of course I know." Lin Miaomiao was even more surprised when she heard it, because Professor Chen Yi is a professor of an elective course in her major. Although she hasn't officially taken this course yet, she has heard of the seniors in her junior year. The seniors said that this professor is very good and the lectures are very interesting. Even if this course is elective, many people sign up, and even those who don't sign up will come to listen.

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(End of this chapter)

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