The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 291 Am I Short of a Girlfriend?

Chapter 291 Am I Short of a Girlfriend?
Ye Xingchen got up, went to the terminal and bought two buckets of instant noodles, two bottles of water and a few packets of bread for breakfast.

When he came back, seeing Lin Miaomiao was still staring at the phone in a daze, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but said, "Okay, let's eat something first, and then we'll have the energy to do other things when we're full."

After speaking, he handed the instant noodles to Lin Miaomiao.

"Thank you." Lin Miaomiao took it and looked up at Ye Xingchen sincerely and said.

Ye Xingchen sat down first and then said: "Um...thank you, am I just thanking you verbally?"

"Otherwise? What else do you want to do?" Lin Miaomiao looked at him suspiciously and said.

Ye Xingchen turned his head and raised his eyebrows and said meanly: "In ancient TV dramas, after the hero saves the heroine, shouldn't the heroine agree with her body?"

"Get out!" Lin Miaomiao's grateful mood disappeared in an instant, and she instinctively raised her small fist to hit him. Later, she felt that this was really not good, but she raised her hands and lightly hit Ye Xingchen. , and threatened: "Next time you are like this, I will ignore you."

Ye Xingchen still felt quite comfortable after being hit, because he felt that familiar feeling had returned.At this moment, Ye Xingchen thought in his heart, anyway, it's boring now, so it would be fun to tease her.

"Sister, I just said this to brighten the atmosphere, you really believe it. Besides, even if you really promise me with your body, you don't have to ask for it." Ye Xingchen said with disgust.

Lin Miaomiao pointed at Ye Xingchen who was unable to speak for a long time, and finally jumped out and said: "I found that you are are definitely single!"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Lin Miaomiao saw that he didn't speak, and knew that she guessed it right: "Hehe, I guessed it right."

Ye Xingchen took a mouthful of instant noodles and said it didn't matter: "I just don't want to, but it's not impossible. I have a degree, background, talent, and good looks. Will I be short of a girlfriend?"

Lin Miaomiao was stunned, she had never seen such a brazen person: "Ye Xingchen, right, you have refreshed my understanding of the word shameless."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ye Xingchen said to her with a slight smile.

Lin Miaomiao was speechless, she turned her head to eat, ignoring Ye Xingchen, she was afraid that this guy's shameless attributes would be transmitted to her.

After eating up the bucket of instant noodles, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to help clean up the garbage, and then came back and said, "It's getting late, why don't you take a shower and rest."

"Wash?" Lin Miaomiao was very puzzled, you still take a wash when this is a hotel.

Ye Xingchen nodded and said: "That's right, wash up, wash your face and brush your teeth, even if we're stuck at the airport for a few days, we should keep it delicate, what do you think?"

Lin Miaomiao seemed quite reasonable when she heard it, and said, "But what about the backpack?"

"We look at each other alternately, you go first, and then I will go when you come back, isn't that all right?"

Lin Miaomiao nodded slightly when she heard it, and took out the toiletries directly from the suitcase.

The moment she opened the suitcase, Ye Xingchen chose to turn around and avoid it.This move made Lin Miaomiao give him a lot of points in his heart, but he didn't expect this person to be quite a gentleman.

"Then please take a look for me." After speaking, Lin Miaomiao went to the bathroom with facial cleanser, toothpaste and toothbrush.

Ye Xingchen also took out the toiletries from his suitcase.He had a hunch that it might be like this all the time for the next day, but it was good news for him, because this way he could accompany Miao Miao in an open and aboveboard manner.

After Lin Miaomiao came back, Ye Xingchen also went to take a simple wash.

When the two came back and chatted with each other, Lin Miaomiao was still a little cautious and seemed to be in a low mood.So Ye Xingchen told her a few interesting things in the Netherlands, which can be regarded as enlivening the atmosphere.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao yawning, Ye Xingchen said with concern: "If you're sleepy, go to bed first, I'll just watch over."

"It's okay, I'm not very sleepy, where did you just say? The scenic spot here is pretty good, and then?"

Hearing that Lin Miaomiao said she was not sleepy, Ye Xingchen continued to tell her about his travel experience in the Netherlands this month.But Lin Miaomiao didn't respond after talking for a long time, Ye Xingchen turned his head to look, and at some point Lin Miaomiao had fallen asleep leaning against the wall behind.

Looking at Lin Miaomiao who was sleeping peacefully, the corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth raised slightly. He took off his coat and gently covered Lin Miaomiao's body. Then he sat down and continued to read, keeping watch for her.

In the middle of the night, Lin Miaomiao woke up suddenly.When she woke up, she looked at the clothes covering her body, and at the protagonist who was reading a book, and seemed to understand something.

Ye Xingchen was fascinated by reading, and didn't notice Lin Miaomiao woke up at all. At this moment, Lin Miaomiao's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "You... haven't slept all this time?"

Only then did Ye Xingchen notice that Lin Miaomiao had woken up, so he said, "Are you awake? It's still some time before dawn, so go to bed first. I'll go to bed after dawn."

"I'll just watch it, you can sleep for a while." After Lin Miaomiao said, she wanted to return the clothes to Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen said in a tone that he couldn't refuse: "You go to bed first, and only after you sleep well can you help me watch during the day, you know? Be obedient and continue to sleep."


Lin Miaomiao hesitated to speak, but finally accepted Ye Xingchen's kindness.

Ye Xingchen continued to sit beside Lin Miaomiao and read a book.Lin Miaomiao looked at the big boy next to her, and said softly, "Thank you."

Of course Ye Xingchen heard it, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, but he was still reading seriously and did not respond to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao slowly closed her eyes and continued to sleep, probably because of Ye Xingchen's company. At this time, she felt particularly safe. The fear of this strange place in her heart had completely disappeared, and she soon fell asleep again, until dawn.


Although Ye Xingchen's mental strength has increased, he still can't stand it after staying up all night.

Lin Miaomiao was also fully awake at this time. She found that Ye Xingchen was eating bread slowly at this time, and she was even more certain in her heart that this boy guarded her all night, and she was slightly moved.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao was awake, so he took the bread and water: "Go wash up and eat something."


Lin Miaomiao didn't thank Ye Xingchen in any words, because she knew that she couldn't express her gratitude to Ye Xingchen with words alone.

After Lin Miaomiao came back, Ye Xingchen went to wash up again, and then the two returned to the coffee shop to rest with their luggage.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen, who was not looking well, and said with concern: "You haven't slept all night, please take a rest, I'll take care of it."

"Well, good." Ye Xingchen didn't refuse either, and fell asleep with his back on the sofa.

Lin Miaomiao looked at her mobile phone and still didn't have any information about Qian Sany. The anxiety in her heart had turned into slight anger.

 Thanks to Susu and all the book friends for their rewards,
  Thank you for your monthly and monthly tickets.

  Because the author does not book 500, so this month's full attendance is gone.

  However, I still continue to update twice a day, and occasionally burst updates, everyone can rest assured.

  Thank you for your support. If you don’t give up on me, I won’t give up on you either. I will definitely finish writing.

(End of this chapter)

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