Chapter 292 Lin Miaomiao's Move.

She continued to try to call Qian Sanyi, but at this time Qian Sanyi's mobile phone was turned off.

Lin Miaomiao is now basically sure that the chance of her contacting Qian Sanyi has become very small.Lin Miaomiao put away her mobile phone and stared at the big boy in front of her in a daze.

To be honest, I am really lucky to meet people from my country who can help me in a foreign country. At this time, Lin Miaomiao thinks that she is not just lucky.


Ye Xingchen slept from 8:2 am to [-]:[-] pm. Although the sofa was not as comfortable as his own bed, he still slept very comfortably this time.

Lin Miaomiao had just bought some snacks and bread in the terminal, and saw that Ye Xingchen had woken up, so she said, "Are you awake? Are you hungry? Eat something."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help smiling when he saw the food in front of him. He didn't expect Lin Miaomiao to be good at taking care of others.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't speak, Lin Miaomiao thought he didn't like it, so she said apologetically, "Sorry, I can only buy these."

Ye Xingchen picked up a bag of bread and ate it bluntly, and said, "It's okay, I'm not picky."

Seeing Ye Xingchen eating happily, Lin Miaomiao finally let go of her hanging heart.

At this time, Ye Xingchen looked at his phone, replied a few messages to his parents, then put down the phone and said, "By the way, Miaomiao, have you contacted your friend?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head in silence and did not speak.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was in a very depressed mood, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to talk, and continued to read after eating something.

Lin Miaomiao said at this time: "Ye Xingchen, thank you very much for being here with me. Why don't you go back, I can stay here by myself."

Ye Xingchen didn't think about it and refused directly: "I don't feel relieved to leave you here alone. And if others know that I left a girl alone at the airport, how can I go out and hang around? No, I won't."


Hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing.

In fact, she knew that this was just the reason Ye Xingchen was here to accompany her. After all, who would know about this?
Seeing Lin Miaomiao smiling, Ye Xingchen struck while the iron was hot, took out his tablet and said, "You don't have to worry too much, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. Don't worry, the airport should be able to do it soon." Recovery, after all, there are so many people here, the airport can't ignore them. No, let's watch a movie to relax and change our mood. We must know that the goddess of luck favors people who love to laugh."

Lin Miaomiao felt that Ye Xingchen's words made sense, so she agreed to his proposal.

Ye Xingchen gave half of the earphones to Lin Miaomiao, and then found something to put the tablet between the two of them to ensure that both of them could watch movies comfortably.


Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen watched the movie all afternoon until the cafe closed at 8:[-] pm. The two took the rest of the food and water and found a relatively quiet place to rest.

During this period, Lin Miaomiao discovered a problem. Ye Xingchen's schoolbag was like a treasure chest. Last night, both of them rested on a book, but Ye Xingchen still had a few books to read in exchange.And when watching a movie this afternoon, Ye Xingchen changed two power banks, of course this is not the point, the point is to listen to Ye Xingchen, he still has a power bank.

This made Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but suspect that this guy's family was selling books and power banks. Otherwise, would a normal person bring so many power banks with him when he went to Congress?
After sitting down, the two of them simply ate something, Lin Miaomiao was still holding the mobile phone to send messages non-stop, of course there was still no reply.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xingchen couldn't help being a little angry, even if Qian Sanyi had something big to do, he had to read the news.This is because I met Miaomiao, what if I didn't?
He didn't dare to imagine what would happen, recalling Lin Miaomiao's helplessness on the first day, Ye Xingchen couldn't help clenching his fists.

Ye Xingchen could feel Lin Miaomiao's anxiety from the very beginning, and could even feel that Lin Miaomiao was a little angry at this moment.

But he thinks this is a very normal thing. If a person is in a foreign country and cannot speak the language, he can't contact his friends with his mobile phone. It's strange if he doesn't get angry.

In the end, Lin Miaomiao put her phone down on the ground in disappointment and hugged her legs tightly in a daze.

Ye Xingchen took out the earphones, put them on Lin Miaomiao's ears again, and said, "When you're in a bad mood, listen to the music, it can be effectively relieved."

Ye Xingchen played his playlist, and the two leaned together to listen to the music.

Maybe Lin Miaomiao didn't sleep well yesterday, and she was exhausted physically and mentally because she was busy contacting Qian Sanyi today, so she fell asleep leaning on Ye Xingchen's shoulder after a while.

Seeing that she was asleep, Ye Xingchen didn't wake her up, so he let her lean on him.Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao carefully, only then did he realize that Lin Miaomiao had really grown up, she was no longer the malnourished child, and became more beautiful, just like Mai Mai.

Ye Xingchen slowly raised his arm, gently stretched it over Lin Miaomiao's head, gently brushed her hair behind her ear, and then whispered to her: "Miaomiao, long time no see ,I am back."

After Ye Xingchen finished all this, he quietly put his hand back and continued to read.Because he just woke up this afternoon, Ye Xingchen still has plenty of energy at this time.

But after he focused on the book, Lin Miaomiao slowly opened his eyes.


On the third day, the two of them still had the process of the previous two days. They were in the coffee shop during the day and found a quiet place to rest at night.In the middle, Ye Xingchen's mother made a video call to him. Seeing Ye Xingchen looked haggard, she couldn't help but feel distressed, so she wanted Ye Xingchen to come back first.

But Ye Xingchen insisted on staying at the airport on the grounds of accompanying that girl.Mother Ye was very surprised, she had never seen her son so interested in a girl, so she insisted on seeing what Lin Miaomiao looked like.

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to give Lin Miaomiao a shot.Even Lin Miaomiao looks very haggard now, but Mu Ying can still tell that this is a very beautiful and lovely girl, and she is full of motherhood in an instant.Immediately gave Ye Xingchen a death mission, he must take good care of this girl, and ask him if something happened.

Although Ye Xingchen had already thought of this situation, he still couldn't accept it in his heart. In a second, he changed from a biological child to a trash can, dare to change his attitude faster?
The two chatted for a few more words before Ye Xingchen hung up the phone.

He looked at Lin Miaomiao, and was completely disappointed with the person on the phone. He felt powerless, like a walking corpse, without a soul. This made Ye Xingchen very distressed. He had never seen Miaomiao before. Live like this.He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only silently accompany her by Miaomiao's side.

(End of this chapter)

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