The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 293 Ye Xingchen, did we know each other before?

Chapter 293 Ye Xingchen, did we know each other before? (310 was originally 38)

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who had been curled up all afternoon, his face was pale and his eyes were dull.Feeling a little tingling in his heart, he didn't understand what Qian Sanyi was doing, and when he lost contact, he had to lose contact at this time.

Ye Xingchen thought about it quietly, and felt that it was not an option to remain silent, so he took the initiative to speak, pretending to be careless and whispering to Lin Miaomiao: "Your friend doesn't seem to care about you very much, it doesn't seem that It’s something a prospective boyfriend can do. If you don’t reply to the news today, there are two results, either he did it on purpose. Or...he died, but the latter is a bit too dramatic and unlikely. "

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Lin Miaomiao's dilated pupils gathered again, turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen, and said faintly: "Actually, I don't blame him, I came here by myself, I didn't tell him before I came, Maybe he really has something important right now."

"Important things, what is more important than human life?" Ye Xingchen said contemptuously, "Although I know outsiders, I am not qualified to interfere in the affairs between you, but I can only say that feelings go in both directions. Human effort is not enough, understand?"

"I...I don't know." Lin Miaomiao didn't seem to want to answer this question.

"Okay, let's not mention him. I'm hungry. What do you want to eat? I'll go to the supermarket in the terminal to buy it for you." Looking at Lin Miaomiao whose eyes were slowly dimming, Ye Xingchen was going to start with food, because From what he knew, no matter what unhappy things happened to Lin Miaomiao, eating one meal would instantly improve her mood, and if not, then two meals.

"Ye Xingchen, did we know each other before?" Lin Miaomiao suddenly looked at him and said.

"Ah?" Ye Xingchen was caught off guard by Lin Miaomiao's sudden question, "You couldn't be too sad, did you lose your mind, didn't we just meet?" Ye Xingchen said pretending to be calm.

Lin Miaomiao stared closely at Ye Xingchen and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Then why do you always give me the feeling that you have known me for a long time, and I also have an inexplicable sense of familiarity with you, why?"

"Well... Maybe I'm born to make people feel very close. In fact, it's not just you who feel this way. Many of my classmates, even teachers, and friends have this feeling at the beginning. I also summed it up myself. Maybe it's ...It's so handsome." Ye Xingchen pretended to think deeply, and then said with a look of embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't describe her current mood in words at this time.Originally a very serious topic, after Ye Xingchen's deliberation, the painting style of this topic changed suddenly. It feels like it was originally a Qiong Yao drama and suddenly turned into a comedy, which makes you particularly uncomfortable.

Although Ye Xingchen's escape method did ease Lin Miaomiao's mood, the effect was limited.

After a while, Lin Miaomiao's mood became unstable again.

"I just want an explanation, I want to forgive him. But why didn't he reply to my message, why didn't he answer my phone, why didn't he move at all, even if he just said that he wasn't free, I would forgive him." Said As she spoke, Lin Miaomiao's words slowly took on a nasal tone, and crystal tears slowly filled her eye sockets.

"Ye Xingchen, did I lose him?" Lin Miaomiao turned to look at Ye Xingchen on the left with his eyes blank.

"No, he lost me."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's lifeless eyes. The big eyes shining brightly in her memory were now filled with tears. The tears that filled her eyes slowly poured out of the corners of her eyes and slid down her haggard face. , tick-tock splashed on the floor.

A strong impulse suddenly filled his body, he stretched out his arms fiercely, and pulled Miao Miao into his arms.

Sensing the movement of the girl in her arms trying to push him away, Ye Xingchen used his arms slightly, lowered his head slowly and said in a deep voice: "Lin Miaomiao, you have to remember, you are not wrong. You are a good girl, others may I don’t know how much you paid, but I know. I know how expensive the air ticket to Zurich is, and I also know that you must have suffered a lot for this surprise. So, it’s Qian Sanyi who doesn’t know how to cherish it, understand? "

Feeling the slowly moistening chest and the slow stop of the girl in his arms, Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief, just hugged the girl in his arms, and gently stroked Lin Miaomiao's back.

After comforting Lin Miaomiao for a while, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to let go of her and said, "Is it much better now?"

Lin Miaomiao blushed a little, and suddenly jumped away and ran to the side.

Ye Xingchen scratched the back of his head, wondering if he was so scary? (Author: Bah, beast, you are hugging others and asking if it is so scary.)
Helpless, seeing Lin Miaomiao's appearance, Ye Xingchen knew that he seemed to scare her, so now he can only continue to contact her after Lin Miaomiao puts down his guard against him.

Ye Xingchen went to the departure hall alone and bought a lot of snacks.When he came back, he saw Lin Miaomiao sitting there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

"No, these are snacks I bought for you. I don't know if you like them." Ye Xingchen put your big bag of snacks in front of Lin Miaomiao.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao really felt a little hungry, so she was not polite, and directly picked up her favorite snacks and ate them.At this moment, she no longer has the restraint and embarrassment of the past.Because in her perception, Ye Xingchen just hugged her and took such a big advantage, she should eat something from him.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's appetite, Ye Xingchen suddenly became in a good mood.Because the current Lin Miaomiao is the real Lin Miaomiao, the Lin Miaomiao who eats more than anything else.

Ye Xingchen then handed Lin Miaomiao a bottle of drink, which was Lin Miaomiao's favorite drink at the beginning, but now the packaging and writing have been changed, and the ingredients are still the same.

Lin Miaomiao opened it and took a sip, then just stood there in a daze.

Seeing that she stopped suddenly, Ye Xingchen asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Don't you like drinking?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head lightly and said, "No, I like it very much, thank you, Ye Xingchen."

Although this sentence is very common, Ye Xingchen always sounds like Lin Miaomiao wants to express something.

But he didn't think about it, and now is not the time to think about it.

Just when the two of them had almost eaten, Father Ye called.

Ye Xingchen answered the phone directly on speakerphone: "Hey, Dad, is there any news?"

"Well, I just asked someone to ask, all flights will resume tomorrow, are you going to book a ticket back home?"

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed when he heard the news: "Of course."

But then he thought that Lin Miaomiao was still here, so he asked, "Are you planning to continue flying to Switzerland or..."

"I'm going back to China!" Lin Miaomiao's tone was very firm at this time.

After hearing Lin Miaomiao's answer, the corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth rose slightly: "Two tickets to Jiangzhou Airport, I will send you Miaomiao's ID card in a moment, please help us book two first-class seats next to each other, thank you Father."

 Thanks to hyj930717 for the reward of 10 starting coins

  Thanks to Jinmailang from Chen Diandian for the 2 starting coins

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  Two more chapters are due, and I have a hunch that it is not over yet.

(End of this chapter)

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