Chapter 294 Returning to China
After Ye Xingchen hung up the phone, he relied on his own memory to send Lin Miaomiao's ID number to his father.Then she took back her phone and looked at Lin Miaomiao and asked, " don't plan to go?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and said with a self-deprecating smile: "No, maybe... I think it's a surprise. It might be a trouble to others. I'm too naive to think."

"Okay, I respect your opinion, my dad should be the earliest flight booked for us, so let's go to bed early tonight." After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he went to the corner and sat on the ground.

Lin Miaomiao was slightly puzzled when she heard it: "Didn't you say to send my information to uncle?"

Ye Xingchen said subconsciously: "It's done."

"But I haven't given it to you yet." Lin Miaomiao said.

Ye Xingchen was shocked, what happened, he forgot about it.After a short thought, Ye Xingchen explained: "Yes, I forgot. Miaomiao give me your ID card, and I'll take a photo for my dad."

Lin Miaomiao frowned, feeling more and more strange about the person in front of her, but she also knew that now was not the time to think about these things, so she handed over her ID card.

When Ye Xingchen took the ID card, he glanced at it.Sure enough, the ID numbers are the same, it seems that this world is really just a normal developing world without my participation.

Ye Xingchen pretended to take a photo and sent it to his father, and then returned the ID card to Lin Miaomiao.

"Okay, perfect. I can finally go back to China." Ye Xingchen stretched his waist

"Yeah, I can finally go back." Lin Miaomiao looked into the distance in a daze, recalling her life in the past few days. If it wasn't for Ye Xingchen's company, she would suffer every day. She didn't want to experience the feeling of being incapacitated.

Ye Xingchen flipped through the books on the ground boredly while waiting for news from his father.

After a while, Father Ye's phone was turned on again, saying that he had bought air tickets for the two of them tomorrow.Let the two of you pay attention, don't miss that flight, it will be difficult if you miss it.

Of course, Ye Xingchen must praise his father and say something nice.However, Father Ye obviously didn't like this, so he hung up the phone directly.

After being hung up, Ye Xingchen silently looked at the phone in a daze, as if he had suffered severe psychological trauma.Lin Miaomiao on the side witnessed all the process, and finally couldn't help secretly laughing.

"Don't laugh." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who was giggling and said angrily.

"Hahahaha, I'll just laugh, I want you to take care of it." Ye Xingchen couldn't help saying that, but it didn't help, and it made Lin Miaomiao laugh even more unscrupulously.

Seeing her proud look, Ye Xingchen angrily snatched the ID card from her hand, then got up and went to the self-service ticket machine to get the ticket.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen seemed really angry, Lin Miaomiao stopped smiling and asked, "Where are you going?"

Ye Xingchen shook the ID card in his hand and said without looking back, "Get the ticket."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's back going away, Lin Miaomiao's eyes shone with a different light, and she murmured: "Ye Xingchen, are you sent by heaven to save me?"

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao didn't even realize that something in her heart had moved.

Ye Xingchen came to the automatic ticket machine and took out the two tickets. At this time, he realized that Lin Miaomiao's ID card was no longer the image he had in high school, but Ye Xingchen felt that it was quite normal, after all, it had been so many years , Miao Miao must have felt that she was not good-looking at that time, so she took a new shot.

After taking the air ticket and ID card, I returned to the place just now, and found that Lin Miaomiao was frantically sweeping up the snacks on the ground.

Ye Xingchen just stood in the distance and watched Lin Miaomiao eating there. After standing for a long time, Lin Miaomiao looked up and saw him.

"You, when did you come?" Lin Miaomiao said shyly, putting down the things in her hands.

Ye Xingchen pressed his ID card against his chin, thought for a while and said, "I just came here, not long ago."

Lin Miaomiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that luckily she didn't see her indecent appearance just now.

Ye Xingchen paused for a while and then said: " have already eaten when I come."

Lin Miaomiao's fair face suddenly turned red, she turned her face away and did not dare to look at Ye Xingchen, at this moment she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue teasing her either, he handed the ID card and air ticket in front of Lin Miaomiao and said softly, "Take it away, we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

Lin Miaomiao quickly snatched it and put it in her wallet, then said suddenly: "I was just hungry."

"I know, I can tell." Ye Xingchen replied casually.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen and explained seriously: "I don't usually do this."

Ye Xingchen showed a suspicious expression when he heard this.This expression gave Lin Miaomiao the urge to kill him, and she wanted to silence him!

In the end, Lin Miaomiao sat on the ground angrily, and continued to eat snacks, thinking: I will eat you to death, I will eat you poorly, so what if I can eat it, whatever you think, hum.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao crazily eating to vent her anger, Ye Xingchen smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, this familiar feeling finally came back.

At night, Ye Xingchen still divided the earphones into half, and the two fell asleep together with their heads leaning against each other amidst the beautiful singing. However, Ye Xingchen closed his eyes and rested his mind, which belonged to light sleep. During sleep, he could still feel the surrounding environment situation in order to better respond to emergencies.

Early the next morning, Ye Xingchen called Lin Miaomiao up early, and the two of them simply washed up, then packed their things and prepared to board the plane.

Because it is the first flight in the morning, so time is very tight.Before boarding the plane after checking the tickets, Ye Xingchen handed all the luggage of the two of them to the staff except the mobile phone, and then brought Miaomiao to the first-class seat.

The two found their own seats and sat down. Ye Xingchen took a look at the seat where the two seats were leaning against, and couldn't help giving his father a thumbs up in his heart. He did a great job.

"It will take more than 10 hours to fly back to Jiangzhou. During this period, get a good sleep." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao next to him and said with concern.


This was the first time for Lin Miaomiao to fly in first class. She had seen it on TV before, so she was full of curiosity.

But it is true as they say, first class is really comfortable.

Soon the plane started to take off. During the take-off, Ye Xingchen felt a little dizzy, so he quickly closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

And Lin Miaomiao next to him sent a message to Jiang Tianhao, asking him to pick her up.

At this time, in a restaurant, Jiang Tianhao was sitting on the roof enjoying the distant scenery, when the WeChat notification sounded suddenly.

"Haozi, I'm already on the plane back home, come pick me up later."

 Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by the book black hole

  Thanks to Miao Miao's boyfriend for the reward of 10 starting coins.
  Please call me the 5 starting coins that Jinmailang rewarded

  Thank you Xiaoxiaoanzhi for voting for January.
  Thanks to Fengguo Wuhen for voting for February
  Thanks to A Peng, who voted for March
  Thank you for calling me Jinmailang for voting for March.
  Thanks to Coke for voting for February
  Thanks to Liaoyuan for voting for January
  Thanks for the January ticket voted by the thermos cup
  Thanks to 546gfh for voting for January
  Thank you Miaomiao boyfriend for voting for June
  Thanks to book friends 20200406180626135 for the January vote
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  Thank you Foonag for voting for January
(End of this chapter)

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