Chapter 295 Inexplicable Hazy Feeling

Jiang Tianhao looked puzzled, wondering when Lin Miaomiao left the country, so he immediately asked, "When did you leave the country?"

Lin Miaomiao's message came quickly: "I'll tell you when I get back."

After seeing Lin Miaomiao's news, Jiang Tianhao silently replied, "Call me when you arrive."

"it is good."

After replying to Jiang Tianhao, Lin Miaomiao adjusted the seat, lay down and fell asleep.

The two stayed at the airport for three days and three nights. Although they had a rest, they didn't sleep very well because of their high mental vigilance.Therefore, during the 13-hour flight, Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao slept very deeply, and they made up for the rest time of the past few days.


Soon the two were awakened by the turbulence of the plane's descent, and only then did they realize that they had already arrived at the airport in Jiangzhou.

"Jiangzhou, I'm back." Ye Xingchen looked out the window and said lightly.

Lin Miaomiao said with a wry smile, "Yes, I'm finally back."

She felt that she went to Zurich this time because she was too self-indulgent.After suffering so much on this trip, I finally came back. Maybe God is preventing me from looking for Qian Sanyi.

After the plane landed, Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao to the airport lobby to claim his luggage and walked out of the airport.

Breathing the fresh air outside, Lin Miaomiao seemed to be reborn.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in front of him and said, "Where are you going, I'll see you off."

"No, no, I have already notified my friend to pick me up. It will be here in a while. Just go and do your business. Thank you for your company these two days. Thank you very much. If I were alone , I really don’t know what to do.”

Lin Miaomiao sincerely thanked Ye Xingchen, and at the same time rejected Ye Xingchen's kindness. First, she wanted to find a quiet place to stay by herself for a while. Second, she had troubled Ye Xingchen enough in the past two days, so she It's not good to continue to trouble others.

Seeing that he was rejected, Ye Xingchen was not angry, and he said again with concern: "I said before, if you are left alone at the airport and don't help, if this gets out, I will save my face. It's okay not to send you away, Then I'll accompany you here to wait for your friend for a while, anyway, I have nothing else to do for the time being, the so-called helping people to the end, sending Buddha to the west."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's insistence, Lin Miaomiao did not continue to drive him away.At this time, she suddenly thought of something, so she smiled and said to Ye Xingchen: "Haha, let me add you a WeChat account. You are spending money these days, and you are the one who paid for the air ticket. Add a WeChat account and I will be fine in the future." Return it to you slowly."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a slight smile.He did not reject Lin Miaomiao's proposal, because the two of them were not particularly familiar with each other at the beginning. According to Lin Miaomiao's personality, if he said no, she would find a way to return it to him, so Ye Xingchen decisively called out his QR code, let Lin Miaomiao scan it and add herself.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen agreed, Lin Miaomiao relaxed a little, because she was afraid that Ye Xingchen would refuse.Because Lin Miaomiao knew that the money was not too much for Ye Xingchen, but she never liked to owe others anything, and she would find a way to return this favor to Ye Xingchen.

After scanning the QR code, Lin Miaomiao found out that Ye Xingchen's screen name was Xingchen, and her avatar was a beautiful and mysterious map of the starry sky, and she looked very comfortable. She decisively chose to add a contact person. Think of it but add it directly.

That's right, it was successfully added directly, because Ye Xingchen already had Lin Miaomiao's contact information, but he was just a one-sided friend in this time and space, so he passed without verifying the information.

Although it is also possible that Ye Xingchen himself set it up like this, Lin Miaomiao vaguely remembered what Ye Xingchen said that night - "Miaomiao, long time no see, I'm back."

Coupled with these two days of getting along, Lin Miaomiao found that the person in front of her knew herself very well.The snacks and drinks I bought were also bought according to my own taste. I knew when to comfort myself and when to let myself be alone, as if...he knew everything about himself.

In Lin Miaomiao's impression, only her father would know her so well, so she has always been puzzled about this matter.She also tried to ask that night, but there was nothing strange about Ye Xingchen's answer, which baffled her.

"Okay, it has been added, and I will return it to you slowly in the future."

Ye Xingchen said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

"I'm in a hurry!" Lin Miaomiao said.

Ye Xingchen showed a slight displeasure on his face, he pretended to be disappointed and said: "Why, do you want to draw a line with me like that?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I just want to return the money to you quickly." Lin Miaomiao obviously panicked after hearing Ye Xingchen's words, she thought Ye Xingchen really misunderstood what she meant.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xingchen, who was still very disappointed just now, suddenly laughed:
"Hahahaha, just kidding."

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, as if she had been deceived by Ye Xingchen again.

Ah - so angry, she really wanted to beat this man up.

Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes, trying to find a way to calm down.

And Ye Xingchen did not continue to die, but kept looking for Jiang Tianhao's figure in the crowd.

While waiting, Jiang Tianhao appeared in front of the two of them: "Miaomiao."

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Lin Miaomiao's tone was slightly reproachful.

Jiang Tianhao scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "There was a traffic jam on the road, so I came a little late. By the way, who is this?"

Jiang Tianhao turned his eyes to Ye Xingchen, he had the same feeling as Lin Miaomiao, he said suspiciously:
"Hey, the two of us... sorry, I may have mistaken the person."

"It's okay." Ye Xingchen smiled and said it's okay, thinking that his arrival has completely affected the will of this parallel world.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao introduced to Jiang Tianhao: "His name is Ye Xingchen. Thanks to him for taking care of me along the way, otherwise I...forget it and talk to you when I get back."

"Okay, brother, thank you for taking care of Miaomiao, I'll treat you to dinner another day." Jiang Tianhao patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder.

"Haozi, can you be a little polite?" Lin Miaomiao first scolded Jiang Tianhao, and then apologized for him and Ye Xingchen: "Ye Xingchen, don't mind, he is naturally familiar with him, there is no other meaning .”

"It's okay, I don't mind, I also like his character."

Ye Xingchen said with a faint smile.

Jiang Tianhao's natural familiarity has been known since the first day he went to the elite middle school.Moreover, he didn't dislike Haozi's actions, on the contrary, it made people feel kind.

"Hahaha, good brother, I'll just say this to you. I, Jiang Tianhao, have made a promise to you as a friend."

"It's a great honor."

After a brief exchange, Jiang Tianhao's favorability for Ye Xingchen instantly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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