The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 296 That's right, I like Lin Miaomiao!

Chapter 296 That's right, I like Lin Miaomiao!
"Okay, I asked you to come to pick me up, not to make friends." Lin Miaomiao angrily slapped Jiang Tianhao with her arm.

Jiang Tianhao clutched his arm and said complainingly: "Hiss, Miaomiao, it hurts. You said you are still so violent now, which boy will fall in love with you in the future? That's Qian Sanyi, that idiot with a single brain .”

As soon as the word Qian Sanyi was mentioned, Lin Miaomiao's liveliness just now disappeared in an instant, with a look of loss and frustration.

Jiang Tianhao saw the huge changes before and after Lin Miaomiao, so of course he was not stupid, knowing that he might have said something wrong.

"Well, Miaomiao, are you okay?" Jiang Tianhao asked.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and forced a smile and said, "It's okay. Haozi, take me back, I'm tired."

"Oooh, good." Jiang Tianhao immediately took Lin Miaomiao's luggage.

Ye Xingchen said to Jiang Tianhao at this time: "Take care of Miaomiao."

"Don't worry, we will definitely send her home safely." Hearing Ye Xingchen's tone, Jiang Tianhao suddenly smiled and made an OK gesture.

"Well, that's good, then... goodbye!" Ye Xingchen reluctantly waved to Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao.


"Goodbye brother!"

Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao responded at the same time.

Ye Xingchen took the suitcase and turned around to the side of the road to take a taxi. Just as he was about to go in, Lin Miaomiao suddenly stopped him: "Ye Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen looked back at Lin Miaomiao, a little puzzled.

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment and said seriously, "Thank you!"

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It always feels insincere. If you really want to thank me, you might as well think about my proposal that night."

"Here! Me! Get out!" Lin Miaomiao cursed loudly at Ye Xingchen.

"Okay, goodbye, there will be a later date. Oh, by the way, let me know on WeChat, it will be valid at any time, there is no time limit." Ye Xingchen got in the car, opened the window suddenly, and said with his head out of the car.

"Get out!" Lin Miaomiao was about to throw the phone over.

"See you later!" Ye Xingchen quickly retracted his head in shock and said to the driver, "Master, let's go."

As the car started, Jiang Tianhao and Lin Miaomiao became farther and farther away.

"It's really annoying, it's annoying him to death." Lin Miaomiao put down her phone and watched Ye Xingchen's car disappear from her field of vision without looking back.

Jiang Tianhao looked at Lin Miaomiao's duplicity, and couldn't help shaking his hands from Lin Miaomiao's eyes: "Hey, hey, don't look, no one is there."

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao patted his hand and said.

"You don't like him, do you?" Jiang Tianhao asked meanly.

After Lin Miaomiao heard this, she angrily threw her backpack on Jiang Tianhao and said, "I like you big-headed ghost."

"You like me, that's not okay, my heart belongs to Xiaoqi." Jiang Tianhao continued to die.

Lin Miaomiao made another gesture and started to throw the phone: "Get lost too!"


Jiang Tianhao carried his luggage and walked to his car with the suitcase, followed by Lin Miaomiao.

On the road, Jiang Tianhao saw that Lin Miaomiao had been sitting on the co-pilot seat close to the window with her hands on her cheeks and looked out in a daze since she got in the car, so she couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Well, Miaomiao, You haven't told me why you are going abroad?"

Lin Miaomiao frowned, took a deep breath and said impatiently, "I'll talk about it later, I don't want to mention it now."

"Okay, you should take a good rest, I'll shut up." Jiang Tianhao patted himself lightly when he saw this and said.

Lin Miaomiao rested her cheeks with her hands, and continued to look out the window in a daze, but she didn't know if she was thinking about Qian Sanyi or Ye Xingchen.


Ye Xingchen successfully arrived at his own community after a 20-minute drive.Because Ye Xingchen is the only one in Jiangzhou now, and all his friends from the past are now going to various places to go to university, and there is basically no contact.

When he used his memory to find the floor where his home was located and opened the door of his home, a brand new house appeared in front of his eyes.

Although his parents said that they specially decorated it for him.The purpose is that if you have a girlfriend or something in the future, you can bring it over for the night, at least have a comfortable place to rest. (Don't get me wrong, just rest, nothing else.)
Ye Xingchen put his luggage away casually, came to his big bed and jumped on it, then rolled around twice.Huh?Why do I have to roll twice? Damn, I was infected by Lin Miaomiao.

Ye Xingchen got up and went to the living room, first tidied up the room, and then turned on the hot water. It was already evening, and Ye Xingchen planned to go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some vegetables and meat, and show off the skills he hadn't done for a long time.

Ye Xingchen went downstairs to buy things, went upstairs in less than 20 minutes, and then chopped vegetables for cooking.Soon a plate of delicious braised pork and spicy fried cabbage was ready, and finally Ye Xingchen didn't forget to take a photo and send it to Moments.

After a while, I received likes and comments from my parents. Before Ye Xingchen could start eating, Ye's mother's video call came over. Ye Xingchen smiled and chose to answer.

"Hello, my lord."

"You brat, you don't know how to make a phone call when the plane arrives. You don't know that your father and I are worried about you." Ye Mu started to blame.

Ye Xingchen chuckled: "Isn't it too late? Not long after I got off the plane, I called you as soon as I wanted to eat my fill."

"I've seen the photo, it's really good. By the way, it's just you?" Ye Mu carefully looked at Ye Xingchen's back and side and said.

"Otherwise, isn't it just me?"

"Where's that girl, isn't she with you?" Ye Mu asked the point.

Ye Xingchen ate a mouthful of beef and said indifferently: "No, her friend picked her up."

"You've let mom down so much."

"Pfft. Cough cough cough cough" Ye Xingchen almost choked after taking a sip of water, "Mom, why would someone bring someone home after just a few days of acquaintance, there must be a process."

"It's not that you are useless, so I renovated the house for you, and I don't know when I will be able to use that big bed." Ye Mu's tone was full of anxiety.

Ye Xingchen stared blankly at the screen, and said in his heart, the bed was specially prepared, this is really his own mother, the ancestor of 404.

Seeing Ye Xingchen stunned, Mother Ye asked, "Why aren't you talking?"

"No, I just suddenly felt that my mother is really planning for a rainy day." Ye Xingchen complained speechlessly.

"Hmph, it's up to you to say. By the way, Xiaochen, just now, it seems that you really like this girl?"

Mother Ye's sudden change of subject made Ye Xingchen a little at a loss. This kind of strategy of raising first and then lowering it was time for his son to understand.

But Ye Xingchen chose to admit it directly, because he just liked it, and he didn't need to hide this from others, even from tomorrow, he didn't need to hide it from Lin Miaomiao.

"That's right, I like Lin Miaomiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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