Chapter 297 Wait for me to come back!

After hearing Ye Xingchen's definite answer, there was silence on the other side of the phone, and finally Ye's mother said slowly: "I've checked Lin Miaomiao, she's from Jiangzhou, although she's not very stunning, she's not a big deal Everyone is a lady, but as long as you like it, that's fine."

Ye Xingchen listened to his mother's opinion and looked it up again. He could imagine that his parents were holding all of Lin Miaomiao's family information on the table to study.

"Mom, let's not gossip like this. This is because I am interested in others. If you investigate them, what if I just want to help my fellow countrymen? You are too fast." Ye Star said speechlessly.

"Brat, I don't know you yet? Why do you need to stay with him at the airport for three days? Your father and I are doing this for your own good. You know the other side's background. What if your character is not correct? "Mu Ying said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I have nothing to do, I'll hang up first, I haven't eaten yet, I'm hungry, and I will send my son off to my mother."

After speaking, Ye Xingchen hung up the phone directly, thinking that he had nothing to do with his mother, so forget it and let her go.

Mu Ying looked at the hung up phone, and would inevitably scold Ye Xingchen in the future, of course, this is all for later.

After Ye Xingchen hung up the video, he saw that someone in his circle of friends liked and commented on him. After clicking in, it turned out to be Lin Miaomiao.

Before Ye Xingchen could reply, Lin Miaomiao's WeChat message came over.

Lin Miaomiao: "You actually know how to cook?"

Ye Xingchen chuckled when he saw it and replied: "Yes, everyday meals are still fine."

Lin Miaomiao: "It looks delicious, I really want to eat it. I'm so hungry.jpg"

After seeing the news about Lin Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen couldn't help sighing in his heart: Lin Miaomiao is still the same Lin Miaomiao, even if he grows up, he still hasn't changed much, no, but he has become more beautiful, as beautiful as Mai Mai.

So Ye Xingchen replied: "As long as you promise with your body, you can eat such delicious meals every day. Funny.jpg"

Lin Miaomiao: "Get lost!"

Ye Xingchen: "Okay."

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

An interesting chat ended here, and Ye Xingchen could finally eat with peace of mind.

But when Ye Xingchen ate half of it, he realized that eating two dishes by himself was really extravagant, and he couldn't eat it at all.

It would be nice if Miu Miao was here.

This is Ye Xingchen's real thoughts at this time.


Ye Xingchen originally thought that he could stay in Jiangzhou for a while, but within a few days his tutor suddenly called him, saying that Ye Xingchen's research project was finished and asked him to go back and prepare.

Helpless, Ye Xingchen had no choice but to buy a ticket back to BJ. Before leaving, he sent a message to Lin Miaomiao, saying that he was going back to BJ, and to say goodbye to her.

After Lin Miaomiao saw the news, she took the initiative to call Ye Xingchen, saying that she would treat Ye Xingchen to dinner tonight, mainly to thank her for taking care of her in the past few days abroad, and to send Ye Xingchen off by the way.

Of course Ye Xingchen chose to agree, and the two finally settled with Tianhao's little chef.

In the evening, Ye Xingchen took a taxi to the place where Lin Miaomiao had sent him the location. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Lin Miaomiao kept looking at the people and cars on the road in front of the door. It seemed that he had been standing there for a long time.

"Wait in a hurry, there is some traffic jam on the road, so I came a little late." Ye Xingchen stepped forward and said.

Seeing Ye Xingchen coming, Lin Miaomiao immediately showed a smile on her face: "No, I just waited for a while. Let's go up, Haozi has already cooked dinner, just wait for the two of us."

Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to hold Ye Xingchen's hand, and hurriedly led Ye Xingchen upstairs.

After arriving at the rooftop, Lin Miaomiao turned around and introduced to Ye Xingchen: "How about it, does this place have a particularly beautiful scenery?"

"It's pretty good." Ye Xingchen didn't look up at the surrounding scenery, but kept looking at the two holding hands.

Lin Miaomiao also realized this, and hurriedly took her hand back. Lin Miaomiao said in a panic: "Well, let's sit down first, and he will come up after he finishes cooking."

Lin Miaomiao, who was still lively at first, suddenly became nervous.She came to the table and sat down, and motioned for Ye Xingchen to take a seat too.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's current state, Ye Xingchen laughed and said, "Please, I'm the one who was taken advantage of, okay, why are you so nervous?"

"Who, who took advantage of you, hey, why are you like this, everything is good, but unfortunately you just have a mouth, you deserve to be single, you will never find a girlfriend in your life with your mouth." When Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao exploded in an instant, and immediately talked about Ye Xingchen being single.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao's ability to complain is still so strong, and she has a small mouth. It seems that her emotions have recovered well these days, so Ye Xingchen said: "Actually, finding a girlfriend depends mainly on fate, such as Let’s talk about me, I really want to find a girlfriend, my parents are also more anxious, and want me to find a girlfriend sooner.”

"Then why didn't you look for it? I guessed it right, because your mouth is too bad, and people don't bother to talk to you." Lin Miaomiao picked up a skewer, took a bite and taunted.

Ye Xingchen smiled indifferently, and continued: "In this era of looking at faces, you think I really can't find them."

"Cut, can you stop being narcissistic. Even if you are handsome, are you different now and still don't have a girlfriend?" Lin Miaomiao said rolling her eyes at him.

Ye Xingchen said calmly: "I haven't found someone I like before. Although there are many beautiful and talented girls around me, I really don't have any feelings for them."

Lin Miaomiao narrowed her eyes, looking at such a stinky person in front of her, she felt as if she would give him a beating, she suppressed the anger in her heart, and continued to ask: "You don't like beautiful and talented people, Then what do you like, like fairies, why are you so demanding."

"I'm not too demanding. Anyone who says they're beautiful and talented will definitely like me. If that's the case, I'll like one if I don't see one." Ye Xingchen said angrily.

Lin Miaomiao made a stop gesture with her hands, and then took out her mobile phone to send Jiang Tianhao a WeChat message: "Okay, okay, you are noble, okay. I won't talk about this with you, I will send a message to ask Jiang Tianhao, what's the matter?" What’s the matter? If you haven’t come yet, I’ll just wait for him, and I’m almost starving to death.”

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in front of him so exquisitely illuminated by the lights, he stared at Lin Miaomiao and said seriously: "I really didn't like anything before, but now I do."

When Lin Miaomiao raised her head, she found that Ye Xingchen was looking at her with a different kind of eyes. At this time, she was a little flustered, and her eyes kept wandering.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly lowered her head to eat, as if she used this method to hide her shyness and nervousness.

She was already thinking wildly in her heart now: Is he confessing his love to me?No, no, we've only known each other for a few days, how could he like me.In case of confession, how should I refuse?But will it hurt his heart after refusing?Oh, I'm so annoying, Jiang Tianhao, why aren't you here yet?

After a while, Ye Xingchen withdrew his gaze.Because he knew that there was still a long time to come, and it was not yet time to confess.

Just when the atmosphere between the two was in an awkward situation, Jiang Tianhao finally brought up his special dishes:

"Huo, it's hot. It's all done. Let's eat."

Lin Miaomiao saw Jiang Tianhao coming, as if her backbone had come: "You are here, we dare not move our chopsticks if you don't come."

"So you moved the stick?" Ye Xingchen looked at the skewer stick in front of Lin Miaomiao with a slight smile and said.

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth, "Shut up!"

Ye Xingchen glanced at her, not being threatened by Lin Miaomiao at all.

"Jiang Tianhao, right? Let's get to know each other today. My name is Ye Xingchen, a star in the sea of ​​stars." Ye Xingchen stood up and stretched out his right hand to Jiang Tianhao.

Jiang Tianhao also got up quickly, wiped his hands and held hands with Ye Xingchen: "This relationship is good, my name is Jiang Tianhao, Miaomiao's high school classmate, thank you very much for helping Miaomiao when she was most helpless. In this regard, I, Haozi, will make you my friend."

Lin Miaomiao saw the formal appearance of these two people, and hurriedly pulled them away: "It's almost done, why don't you two go ask for help, really hurry up to eat, and go home after dinner, so much talk to each other Woolen cloth."

Jiang Tianhao sat down tremblingly, and said embarrassingly: "It's okay, Miaomiao is just like this, she's used to it."

"Say again?" Lin Miaomiao threatened with clenched fists.

"Stop talking, let's eat and eat." Jiang Tianhao quickly surrendered.

This meal was threatened by Lin Miaomiao, so no one dared to say a word afterward, it was just a simple dry meal.

The few times Jiang Tianhao wanted to talk about something, he was dismissed by Lin Miaomiao's eyes.

It wasn't until they were almost full that Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to let them talk: "Are you all full?"

"Who dares not be full if you talk." Jiang Tianhao turned his head and muttered.

Lin Miaomiao: "What?"

Jiang Tianhao: "It's nothing, I'm full."

"I'm full too, the food is delicious, and the business of this place will be very good in the future." Ye Xingchen said objectively.

Jiang Tianhao was really happy when he heard this: "Hey, then I will lend you a good word."

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Xingchen said to the two of them, "Thank you Miaomiao for specially preparing the meal for me, then I will go first, and I have to rest early today to catch the early morning flight tomorrow."

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, but finally stood up and said, "I'll see you off."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao and smiled slightly, "Okay."

"I'll give it off too." Jiang Tianhao also hurriedly got up.

Lin Miaomiao: "You wait here."

"Eh." Jiang Tianhao was so frightened by the roar that he sat down on the chair again.

"Tianhao, you don't have to send me off, just let Miaomiao come." Ye Xingchen said gently.

"Well, safe travels."

"Thank you."

In the end, Lin Miaomiao followed Ye Xingchen and sent Ye Xingchen downstairs.

Coming outside, Lin Miaomiao pondered for a while, and only said: "That... safe journey."

"That's... gone." Ye Xingchen said in disbelief.

Lin Miaomiao said angrily, "Otherwise, what else are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen wanted to open his hands and said to Lin Miaomiao: "Shouldn't we give a hug when good friends are saying goodbye?"

Lin Miaomiao retreated subconsciously.

After Ye Xingchen saw Lin Miaomiao's reaction, he laughed at himself. At this time, Ye Xingchen's taxi also arrived. He finally put down his hands and said, "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously. Okay, I Let's go, goodbye."

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a while at the back, and just a second before Ye Xingchen got into the car, she suddenly shouted: "Ye Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen turned around skillfully and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't speak, she went straight to Ye Xingchen and hugged Ye Xingchen lightly and said: "Don't think too much, this is a hug between friends."

The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth raised, and he hugged Lin Miaomiao gently with both hands, and then said in a gentle tone: "I will go back this time, it will take five or six months at the shortest time, and it may take more than a year at the longest."

Lin Miaomiao: "So long?"

Ye Xingchen nodded slightly: "Yes! have to wait for me to come back."

Lin Miaomiao trembled all over, she didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Ye Xingchen suddenly let go of her at this moment, and then said slowly: "Go back, I'm leaving!"

Then Ye Xingchen turned around and got in the car.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen who had fastened his seat belt, but hesitated to speak, and finally didn't say the sentence I'll wait for you to come back.

With the start of the car, Ye Xingchen's figure also slowly moved away. It was only now that Lin Miaomiao felt a slight reluctance in her heart.

one year later……

At this time, Ye Xingchen finally completed all the tasks assigned by his tutor.Originally, he thought that his mentor had only arranged one or two topics for him. Who knew that after returning, the distribution of topics would not be interrupted, almost one after another.

To be honest, Ye Xingchen hardly took any vacation during the year, that is, he could take a vacation to relax during the holidays. During this period, Ye Xingchen could call Lin Miaomiao and talk about his work here. And listen to all the unhappiness of Lin Miaomiao.

During the period, Lin Miaomiao told him that she had applied for the postgraduate examination, and Ye Xingchen saw that she worked so hard, of course it was indispensable to encourage her.

But the good times didn't last long. After a while, Lin Miaomiao called Ye Xingchen like Baoyouniao, saying that she wanted to give up the postgraduate entrance examination, not the piece of material for the postgraduate entrance examination.And the most important thing is that Lin Miaomiao now wants to move out of school and rent a house outside.

Although Ye Xingchen felt very sorry, he still unconditionally supported Miaomiao's actions.

Since the hug a year ago, the relationship between the two has developed rapidly, of course it does not mean that it has developed rapidly in the direction of lovers.The two have now become good friends who talk about everything, although Ye Xingchen often pokes her jokingly, expressing confession or something.But Lin Miaomiao replied in one word, and even ignored them.

 Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by fools who don’t eat sugar

  Thanks to Chen Diandian's Jinmailang for donating 2 starting coins.
  Thanks to Zhizhang for rewarding 1 starting coins.
  Thanks to Miaomiao boyfriend for the 100 starting coins

  Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Unrequited Love

  Thank you brothers for your monthly tickets and recommended support

  thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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