The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 298 Substitute Teacher Ye Xingchen

Chapter 298 Substitute Teacher Ye Xingchen

Just when Ye Xingchen was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, his mentor Deng Zhuo found him again.

"Xingchen, didn't I tell you to study a new topic last time? You said you didn't have time, so now you have time."

Ye Xingchen recalled it for a while, and immediately remembered what the teacher said: "Is it "The Transformation and Development of New Media in the Information Age"?"

Deng Zhuo said, "That's right."

"But I'm not good at new media. I haven't done much research on it." Ye Xingchen said.

"It's simple. Isn't your Uncle Chen a professor of the Journalism Department of Jiangzhou University? He has done some research on this. Just this time you go back to Jiangzhou to ask him about this issue. Take a vacation by the way. There is no time limit for this topic. , I just see that you are quite tired recently, let me relax." Instructor Deng Zhuo has high expectations for Ye Xingchen, after all, such a genius is really rare in a hundred years.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to give up on this subject, but when he heard that he was going to Jiangzhou and that there was no time limit, he suddenly became interested.

"Okay, then let me try."

"Okay, then you can clean up and go back to rest early, there are basically no problems here."

"Good teacher, then I'll go back first."


After Ye Xingchen bid farewell to his mentor, he returned to the dormitory, packed his luggage, bought the air ticket for the day, and returned directly to Jiangzhou.

And Ye Xingchen did not let Lin Miaomiao know when he came back this time, because he wanted to surprise Lin Miaomiao.

Back at his home in Jiangzhou, he took a good bath first.Because the journey was exhausting and the weather was relatively hot, I was sweating all over.

After taking a shower, Ye Xingchen was just about to lie down on the bed and have a good sleep when the phone rang. Ye Xingchen picked up the phone and saw that it was Professor Chen Yi.

Professor Chen Yi knew from Ye Xingchen's mentor Deng Zhuona that Ye Xingchen had come to Jiangzhou, so he immediately called him and invited Ye Xingchen to come to his house for a meal tomorrow. There is this matter of the subject in Ye Xingchen's hands.

Facing the invitation of the elders, Ye Xingchen certainly would not refuse.Ye Xingchen wore decent clothes, bought the tea that Professor Chen Yi liked, and visited him early the next morning.

When Professor Chen Yi saw Ye Xingchen, he felt more and more that this young man was handsome, and it was a pity to follow his old friend to do research.

And Ye Xingchen said that he likes to solve some difficult problems and prefers challenges.

Seeing that this was Ye Xingchen's hobby, Professor Chen Yi didn't say much.

"Xiaochen, how long are you going to stay this time?"

Ye Xingchen replied with a smile: "I'm ready to stay, the instructor approved, unlimited vacation, of course I still don't understand some professional knowledge, so I may trouble you."

"This, your mentor told me, don't worry, just ask me if you don't know anything." Chen Yi asked with interest.

Ye Xingchen replied with a polite smile, "Thank you, Professor."

At this time, Professor Chen Yi suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, I have a job here, which should be very helpful for your research. I don't know if you are interested."

Ye Xingchen: "I would like to hear the details."

Professor Chen Yi said with a smile: "That's right. The Department of Journalism of Jiangzhou University has a lack of teacher resources, so some teachers have two classes for one person, or even three classes. So I think you can go to our school as a substitute teacher, and you can learn by the way. If you have some knowledge in this area, of course the treatment is the same as that of ordinary teachers, what do you think?"

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed when he heard that Lin Miaomiao was from Jiangzhou University, and he was worried that he didn't know how to surprise Lin Miaomiao, when the opportunity came suddenly.I just don't know what Lin Miaomiao will think when she finds out that she is her teacher?

Thinking about Ye Xingchen felt exciting, so Ye Xingchen agreed to the proposal decisively: "Okay, no problem, I think this job is very good, thank you Professor Chen for giving me this opportunity."

"Okay, okay, sure enough, I am not in a hurry. It seems that Deng is really lucky to have a student like you." After hearing Ye Xingchen's agreement, Chen Yi felt even happier, and immediately cooked a few dishes himself. Invite Ye Xingchen.

During the meal, Chen Yi carefully explained the courses of the journalism department to Ye Xingchen, and asked him to go back and do some research, and then just prepare the lessons in advance, and ask him if there is anything he doesn't know.

Ye Xingchen nodded in agreement, and promised that he would never let the professor down.

After returning home, Ye Xingchen checked a large amount of information directly from the system, converted all of them into text, and read them directly.

Because he was a substitute teacher, Ye Xingchen did not teach professional courses, but only elective courses, so he directly hacked into Lin Miaomiao's background course selection system, and learned what courses Lin Miaomiao had for elective courses.In the end, Ye Xingchen finalized the course of news series management, because this course has the most courses, and it is still a face-to-face course, so the number of meetings with Miaomiao will be particularly large.

After doing all this, Ye Xingchen sent Professor Chen Yi the courses he chose to substitute for, and then waited quietly for news.

Ye Xingchen's life back in Jiangzhou was very comfortable. Basically, he went out for a run in the morning, took a shower, made his own breakfast, prepared lessons, cooked lunch by himself, prepared lessons, ran at night, and had dinner until the formalities with Professor Chen Yi were completed.

Although Ye Xingchen is a related family, the leadership of Jiangzhou University was shocked for a while after knowing Ye Xingchen's education background, and kept asking Professor Chen Yi repeatedly, are they sure Ye Xingchen's education is Ph.D. [-]?

After repeated affirmations from Professor Chen Yi, they finally accepted this fact.And Ye Xingchen also got in smoothly. At this time, the leaders of the school don't care about whether the major is right or not. What they care about is that such a genius is here, and it will give Jiangzhou University more face if it is spread out.

Ye Xingchen came to Jiangzhou University early that day, and has been looking forward to meeting Lin Miaomiao again.

In the past few days, the two chatted on WeChat occasionally, and occasionally heard Lin Miaomiao complaining about her mother, and then Ye Xingchen comforted her, telling her to give her a surprise when she returned from her research.

Of course, Ye Xingchen didn't tell her that he was a teacher at Jiangzhou University, and he didn't tell her the news of his return. He just waited for Lin Miaomiao to see his expression again today. The scene must be very exciting.

Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to go to school directly after washing at home this day.But before leaving the house, she found out that her younger brother had been left at home by Wang Shengnan. When she called the two of them again, she didn't expect to get the reason that the adults were not free and let her watch the children for a day.

But today is still the fixed roll call time for elective courses, and she can't skip class yet, so she made a bold decision—to bring Lin Gougou with her.

(End of this chapter)

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