Chapter 299 A Dreamlike Meeting
Lin Miaomiao brought Lin Gougou to the door of the classroom with some snacks, and said to Qiangou, "Don't make any noise in class, otherwise we will both be thrown out by the teacher."

Lin enough to stare at the snacks in his sister's hand, then nodded heavily.

Lin Miaomiao was so relieved that Lin Gougou came to the classroom, worrying about where to sit, when her roommate Xia Yating waved at her: "Miaomiao, here."

Lin Miaomiao turned a corner and took Lin Gougou directly to Xia Yating's side and sat down.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao next to Lin Miaomiao, Xia Yating said in shock, "Why did you bring your brother?"

Just as Lin Miaomiao was about to answer, Professor Chen Yi walked in from outside, so Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to say first, "I'll tell you later."

The students thought that he would roll the roll, but Professor Chen came to the podium and directly talked about the specific content of this class, basically letting the students know what the main learning of this class is.

Lin Miaomiao saw that this class was not called and did not continue to pay attention, so she told Xia Yating next to her about her suffering: "My parents are all busy with their own work, and when I went out this morning, I found my brother Falling home."

Lin enough to go to eat the spicy strips next to Lin Miaomiao at this time, when Lin Miaomiao saw it, he slapped his hand away and said, "This is medicine and you can't take it."

Then he ate it on his own, completely forgetting that this snack was bought for his brother.

Lin Miaomiao went on to talk to her roommate Xia Yating: "Tell me, what if I don't take him with me? Can I stuff him back into my parents' stomachs?"

Listening to Lin Miaomiao's complaints, Xia Yating comforted her at the side: "You are doing well now, and you have a ready-made child with you. The most important thing is to accumulate work experience. If you have a child soon, you will directly You can use it, you don’t need to learn it.”

"Oh, so I should be happy." Lin Miaomiao said with a big roll of her eyes.

Xia Yating couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed softly, then suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, is your boyfriend back? Still in BJ?"

"I don't know when I had a boyfriend, hey, can you stop making rumors about me?" Lin Miaomiao was dumbfounded, wondering when she left the single.

Seeing her pretending to be stupid, Xia Yating reminded her in a low voice, "It's Ye Xingchen, the one who often calls you."

"No, who told you that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. We are just ordinary good friends." Lin Miaomiao explained speechlessly.

Xia Yating stared blankly at Lin Miaomiao and said, "Yes, yes, yes, good friends, good friends call all night, are you bullying me because of my low IQ?"

Seeing that she couldn't explain clearly, Lin Miaomiao didn't explain at all: "Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you, I'll just listen to the class."

Just as the two were talking, there was a sudden roar of applause in the classroom.

Lin Miaomiao didn't know what happened. When she looked up, her mind went blank.

Ye Xingchen stood on the podium and looked at the students in the audience with a smile and said: "Let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Ye Xingchen, the star of the sea of ​​stars. I am 23 years old this year. I graduated from BJ University and I am studying for my Ph.D. , in the next period of time, I will lead everyone to study this class, I hope you will support me a lot."

Lin Miaomiao stared blankly at the podium, then slowly turned her head and asked her roommate: "I haven't woken up yet, I feel like I'm hallucinating."

Xia Yating suddenly thought of something after hearing Ye Xingchen, she asked Lin Miaomiao next to her in surprise, "Don't tell me, he is that Ye Xingchen?"

Lin Miaomiao nodded.

"My God!" Xia Yating covered her mouth. She had also imagined various ways for the male and female protagonists to meet, but she just never thought that Ye Xingchen would meet Lin Miaomiao as a teacher. This is too romantic.

Just when the two looked at each other in shock, a boy next to him poked Lin Miaomiao with a pen.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head to look at the boy suspiciously.

The boy pointed at the podium.Lin Miaomiao looked at the place he was pointing at, only to see Lin Gougou running up to the podium.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly lowered her head to look down, and found that Lin Enough, who should have been by her side, was no longer there.

Ye Xingchen and Professor Chen Yi looked at this kid running up with disbelief.Ye Xingchen knelt down and looked at this cute kid and said, "Which department are you from? What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Gougou, from your department." Lin Gougou was not afraid of strangers at all, he looked at the handsome big brother in front of him and said with a smile.

After Ye Xingchen heard this name, he knew that this was Lin Miaomiao's younger brother. Because Miaomiao had mentioned about her younger brother on the phone, it was easy to guess.

Ye Xingchen rubbed Lin Quougou's head affectionately and continued: "Who brought you in?"

Ye Xingchen's gentle actions really won the hearts of most of the girls in the audience. The originally boring class instantly became interesting because of Ye Xingchen's joining. Of course, it was all supported by his appearance.

At this time, Lin Gougou replied: "My sister, Lin Miaomiao."


Ye Xingchen got up and looked at the audience and asked with great interest, "Who is Lin Miaomiao?"

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and covered her face and stood up slowly, then raised her hand shyly and said, "Me."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao didn't dare to look up at Ye Xingchen, she didn't have to think that this guy must be smiling now.

"Student Lin Miaomiao, please take good care of your lovely brother. Although you can take care of yourself in my class, you must ensure your child's safety first." Ye Xingchen said with a gentle smile.

"I know, I know." Lin Miaomiao wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, it was too embarrassing, and she couldn't help blaming Ye Xingchen in her heart.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's ostrich-like shyness, held back his smile and retracted his gaze, and then said to the future brother-in-law: "Sufficient classmate, can you go back to sister's place first? Brother is going to class .”

"Okay." Lin Gougou obediently agreed, then turned around and ran to Lin Miaomiao's position behind.

After running a few steps, he stopped and turned to Ye Xingchen and said, "Brother Xingchen, you are very handsome."


The students in the audience couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed suddenly, and then he also praised: "Student Enough is also very cute, just as cute as your sister."

Lin Miaomiao was so shy that she could bleed, she hurried over to grab her younger brother, and lay down on the seat without looking up.

"Okay, today's class, let's not talk about knowledge first, let's chat, just so you can get to know me." Ye Xingchen took a look at Lin Miaomiao and officially started hosting the class.

 Alright, alright, let me play with you.

  On such an important day as the Qixi Festival, after all your hopes have been shattered, I will surprise you suddenly.Only at this time will it be particularly precious.

  Therefore, the author will update two chapters today. There are indeed some things that need to be dealt with. I wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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