The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 300 Do You Really Not Like Ye Xingchen?

Chapter 300 Do You Really Not Like Ye Xingchen?

At this time, a pretty girl in the audience suddenly got up and asked, "Does teacher have a girlfriend?"

Ye Xingchen looked at the pretty girl, and then pretended to be angry and said: "Very well, I have already remembered you, unless you write a 1000-word article to praise me before get out of class is over, otherwise you will fail my class." gone."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ye Xingchen himself is very handsome, and with his humorous language, he has established a relationship with his classmates in just a few words.

The beautiful girl continued to ask, "Does the teacher have any girls he likes?"

Ye Xingchen frowned and then eased, then smiled and said: "For the sake of fairness, a person can only ask one question, the next one."

The beautiful girl sat down in frustration.

This is another very sassy girl who got up and asked, "Teacher, do you have a favorite girl?"

Ye Xingchen pursed his lips, and said helplessly: "This problem seems to be impossible."

Hahahahaha——all the students in the audience laughed and looked forward to Ye Xingchen's answer.

Ye Xingchen continued to reply slowly: "I have a girl I like."

"Oh, it's over, my heart is broken."

"Mom, I'm broken in love."

"Why are you crying, doesn't Teacher Ye have no girlfriend yet? Fair competition."

"What kind of girl can win Teacher Ye's favor?"

After Lin Miaomiao heard this sentence, she looked up at Ye Xingchen, and as expected, he was also looking at herself.Lin Miaomiao lowered her head in panic, using the textbooks on the desk to cover herself.

Xia Yating, who was on the side, watched the subtle interaction between Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao, instantly felt like watching an idol drama, and her heart was about to melt.

Ye Xingchen interrupted everyone's discussion at this time, and continued to ask: "Okay, everyone, please be quiet, is there any other students you want to ask?"

At this time, the audience still didn't listen, some students got up and asked:
"Teacher, is that girl from your school?"

Ye Xingchen: "No."

"Teacher, have you confessed your love?"

Ye Xingchen thought about it, and then said, "Of course."

"Did she refuse?"

"Yes, I refused, otherwise how could I still be single." Ye Xingchen replied with a wry smile.

At this time, there was already an explosion below, and everyone was a little unbelievable when they heard the answer, and immediately started discussing again.

"I'll go, I refused, a 23-year-old doctor, still so handsome, how can I refuse."

"This girl won't be blind."

"I can refuse even if I go here, I will post directly."

"Pull it down, you don't want to stick to others."

"What did you say, say it again?"

Ye Xingchen smiled helplessly. It seemed that the students had discerning eyes. He was so good, how could anyone reject him.

In the midst of the noise, another girl suddenly stood up and asked a more explosive question: "Teacher, have you ever been in a relationship?"

Ye Xingchen was about to say no, but suddenly thought of something, so he changed his language slightly: "If you are asking in this world, then I haven't talked about a girlfriend yet."

"Why do you say that?" the girl continued to ask.

"I'm so good and handsome, but I don't have a girlfriend. I guess it must be because I have too many girlfriends in the parallel world, so God made me single in this world." Ye Xingchen said jokingly.

Although a little nervous, everyone didn't seem to be very focused on this question. They were looking forward to the next question and the teacher's answer.

"Teacher, isn't that girl you like beautiful?" A girl with short hair raised her hand and asked.

Ye Xingchen said without thinking, "Of course, in my heart she is the most beautiful."

"Wow—" the whole class booed.

Only Lin Miaomiao pretended to be dead. For some reason, her heart was pounding. After hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, she was still a little happy, and she seemed to be looking forward to the students' continued questions.

Seeing that his sister's face was extremely red, Lin Gougou asked curiously, "Sister, why is your face so red?"

Lin Miaomiao looked down at her younger brother, and said viciously: "I'm hot, let's go eat your food."

But Lin Gougou is not an ordinary child. He just saw his sister seemed to look at Brother Xingchen's eyes a little bit, and he seemed to understand something in an instant.

"Sister, do you like Brother Xingchen?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at her younger brother in disbelief, wondering why a child would ask such a question.Lin Miaomiao gave Lin Gougou a hard look and said threateningly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll take away all the snacks, and I won't let you eat anything."

Lin was so frightened that he quickly hugged the potato chips in his arms and stopped talking, for fear that his sister would be snatched away by him suddenly.

Xia Yating also heard what Lin Gougou just asked Lin Miaomiao, she almost didn't laugh out loud, but fortunately she held back, she whispered in Lin Miaomiao's ear: "Do you really not like Ye Xingchen?"

"I don't like it, I've said it all, we are ordinary friends." Lin Miaomiao turned her head and emphasized again speechlessly.

Xia Yating pointed at Lin Miaomiao's flushed face: "Then why are you blushing?"

"I, I, I'm hot." Lin Miaomiao was momentarily at a loss for words, she looked at the table for a long time before speaking.

"Ha ha!"


The questioning session was still going on, and the questions were getting more and more exciting. Around the topic of emotion, the students asked all the questions they could ask.

Some students asked: "Don't you feel sorry for not chasing the girl you like?"

Ye Xingchen's answer was: "Regret? Regret depends on how you define it. Many times, students think that it is a pity that they can't catch up with the person they like, but I don't think so. I think that as long as you work hard If I earnestly fought for it, then this is not regret, it is youth.”

Ye Xingchen paused for a moment, looked seriously at the students in the audience and said, "Students, you must remember that life is not what you get what you want, but what is wrong is life. What you think you miss is youth, Wrong, in fact, what you get is youth.”

After speaking, there was warm applause from the audience, and the applause lasted for about 2 minutes.Ye Xingchen pushed forward with his hands and said, "Okay, everyone be quiet, don't disturb other classes."

In this class, because Ye Xingchen was originally the same age as them, and he behaved relatively approachable, so he instantly became one with the students, which laid the foundation for Ye Xingchen's elective courses to be full in the future. female classmate.

After class, Ye Xingchen didn't say hello to Lin Miaomiao, mainly because the female students in the class were clamoring to add him on WeChat.

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to write his mobile phone number on the blackboard.

(End of this chapter)

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