The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 301 I'm Your Sister's Boyfriend!

Chapter 301 I'm Your Sister's Boyfriend!
After finishing writing, Ye Xingchen reminded everyone that, except for course-related questions, you can call them, and don't ask other questions, because he is afraid that his phone will explode.

Of course, those female classmates also agreed, but Ye Xingchen didn't believe it at all. He felt that it was necessary to make a software to help filter incoming call information.

After writing down his mobile phone number, the group of classmates finally let him go.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take a look at Lin Miaomiao.He knew that Lin Miaomiao didn't have any classes in the afternoon, so it was still necessary to have a meal in the evening, but he could only notify him on his mobile phone later.

After seeing Ye Xingchen leave, Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to drag Lin enough to follow.But there were too many female students following in front of her, and they took the road seriously, so they had no choice but to give up.

Looking at Lin Gougou next to him, Lin Miaomiao threw him home as soon as he didn't finish class today.

"Let's go, go home, and see how I deal with you when I get home." Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and said viciously to Lin Gougou.

Lin enough to please Lin Miaomiao with a smile, but Lin Miaomiao doesn't like him.He let himself die in front of the whole family today, and he couldn't easily spare him.

At the school gate, Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to take a taxi home, but when she was about to take a taxi, she received a message from Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen: "Where is it?"

Lin Miaomiao replied quickly: "At the gate of the school, prepare to take a taxi to take my brother home!!"

Ye Xingchen: "Wait for me, I'll be there in a while, and I'll drive you back. Don't refuse!"

Lin Miaomiao chuckled when she saw the next four words, and then replied: "5 minutes, we will leave if you can't come."

Ye Xingchen: "2 minutes!"

Lin Miaomiao turned off her phone with a smile, then stood by the road and waited.

Lin enough to watch his sister giggle from time to time, his little head is full of great doubts.

After a while, a black Phaeton stopped beside the two of them. Ye Xingchen opened the car window and said to Lin Miaomiao with a smile, "Get in the car!"

Lin Miaomiao tilted her head and saw that it was Ye Xingchen inside, and said in surprise, "So fast?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter who is waiting for me." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao seriously and said.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her big eyes at him and said, "Cut, don't be so talkative."

After speaking, he opened the car door and put his younger brother in the back, and Lin Miaomiao took the co-pilot position.

Lin Gougou sat in the back and immediately shouted happily after seeing Ye Xingchen: "Brother Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen greeted Lin Gougou from the rearview mirror: "Hi, classmate Lin Gougou, hello."

"Brother Xingchen, do you know my sister?" Lin asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen also answered patiently: "Yes, I am your sister's boyfriend."

"What are you talking about, I'm not your girlfriend. Don't listen to his nonsense, we're just good friends." Lin Miaomiao punched Ye Xingchen's arm immediately after hearing it, and then turned her head and said to Lin enough.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's hasty denial, Ye Xingchen smiled wryly and said, "Oh, I was rejected again."

"Hey, can you go or not, I'll take a taxi with you enough to go back." Lin Miaomiao said, staring at Ye Xingchen fiercely.

"Go, fasten your seat belt, and let's go." Ye Xingchen started the car slowly and headed towards Lin Miaomiao's community.

On the way, Lin Miaomiao observed the decoration inside the car curiously, and then said in amazement: "I thought you, a rich second generation, would drive that kind of luxury car, but I didn't expect you to be quite low-key."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who was looking around and asked, "Why, do you know what kind of car this is?"

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes and stared at Ye Xingchen and said, "I'm not stupid, I've been watching short videos in private. This car should be the legendary Phaeton, right? That low-key luxury car that kills BMW and Land Rover in seconds."

"Yo, you're pretty smart, but you guessed it. That's right, it's Phaeton." Ye Xingchen praised without hesitation.

Lin Miaomiao crossed her arms and said triumphantly, "That's right, I'm already very smart."

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest." Ye Xingchen said with a helpless smile.

Lin Miaomiao: "Oh, you are really perfunctory."

Lin Miaomiao saw that Ye Xingchen hadn't spoken any more, so she continued to ask, "How long are you going to stay when you come back this time?"

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath and said, "Not leaving!"

"Not leaving? Why?" Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao and asked pretending to be disappointed: "You really want me to go?"

"No, no, I'm just curious, and I didn't say I hope you go." Lin Miaomiao said with her hands on her chest, waving frantically.

Ye Xingchen immediately asked pleasantly: "So you don't want me to leave, but you want me to stay?"

"Hey? No, your brain circuit is amazing enough, forget about talking to you, you can drive well." Lin Miaomiao felt that she couldn't keep up with Ye Xingchen's brain circuit when chatting with Ye Xingchen, and sooner or later she would be caught He walked in, then simply turned his head and looked out the window, ignoring him.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao didn't speak anymore, so he started driving seriously and didn't continue chatting.

Soon Ye Xingchen drove to Lin Miaomiao's community.

Lin Miaomiao didn't forget to say to Ye Xingchen before getting off the car: "I'm here, thank you Ye Xingchen."

"Aren't you going to ask me to sit up?" Ye Xingchen asked Lin Miaomiao expectantly while holding the steering wheel.

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, but my house is relatively small, so you may not be used to it."

Ye Xingchen: "It's okay, my dormitory is smaller than this."

"Okay, let's go." Lin Miaomiao turned her head and got out of the car, and carried Lin Gougou out from behind, signaling Ye Xingchen to follow.

Ye Xingchen looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar neighborhood with some emotion. He remembered that he had been in the world of Boys Pi a few times, but he never thought that he would revisit the old place now.

Lin Miaomiao walked a few steps and looked back at Ye Xingchen in a daze behind, then reminded: "Don't look, you can't go."

Ye Xingchen withdrew his gaze and followed.

Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen to her floor, took out the key and opened the door.

"Wait a minute, I'll find you a pair of slippers." Lin Miaomiao first went in with Lin Gogou in her arms, and after changing the slippers, she went to find slippers for Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen looked inside from the outside of the house, and the placement of most of the things remained the same, except for changing a few pieces of furniture and changing the arrangement of some items, it was still the familiar house.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao came out of the room with a pair of brand new slippers, handed them to Ye Xingchen and said, "I bought these according to my father's size, I don't know if they fit, you should wear them first, new ones. "

"Okay." Ye Xingchen quickly changed into the slippers. He didn't expect that Lin Dawei's size would fit him well.

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(End of this chapter)

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