The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 305 Lin Miaomiao's inner thoughts

Chapter 305 Lin Miaomiao's inner thoughts (start of the plot)
On the second day after the meeting of the three, Lin Miaomiao officially entered the internship life.

Originally, she thought that as an intern reporter of Jiangzhou TV Station, she would definitely follow the old man to do news interviews or something, or write manuscripts at worst, but from the first day on, the tasks she got were similar to what she thought. Interviews are nothing more than going to the street to interview passers-by, asking people such brain-dead questions as to whether they are happy every day, which makes Lin Miaomiao feel that this job is really lacking in thoughtfulness.

At the beginning, she could bear this kind of work, but later she heard her partners said that it would take two or three years to go to another position to do other work, and she couldn't bear it.

Then that night, he asked Ye Xingchen and Jiang Tianhao out for dinner and complained to them.

When everyone was ready, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, is your job not going well? Come and chat with us."

Lin Miaomiao first sighed and said, "Oh, don't mention it. I thought this job was some kind of sweet pastry. After working for a long time, I went to the main road to interview passers-by. The point is that I still have to suffer from people's eyes every day." , when I meet people on the road now, I feel that they look at me with strange eyes."

Then he drank a sip of beer, which can be regarded as a solution to a thousand worries.

Jiang Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, as long as Miaomiao was not bullied at work: "I thought what was going on, after working for a long time, I just felt that the work was too hard and tiring, and I didn't like it, right?"

Lin Miaomiao nodded frantically.

"Now that interns come out to look for a job, what kind of job is not tiring or hard work? You are not bad. The relationship that Lao Ye found for you, you got such a good job. As long as you make it through, you will be serious." I am a reporter, and when the Jiangzhou news is broadcast in the future, all of us will be able to see you on TV, isn’t it, how handsome you are, and you are not satisfied.” Jiang Tianhao leaned back on the chair and tilted his head Said to Lin Miaomiao with her legs crossed.

Lin Miaomiao put down the skewer in her hand and patted the table, and said angrily: "Hey, this is too much, I came to you for comfort, but you are good, you will criticize me head and face when you come up, you are still not buddies."

"Because we are buddies, I should give you correct opinions and suggestions. Ang, I can't ask you to quit this job after listening to your complaints. Besides, if you really quit this job, don't I'm sorry, I'm sorry for Lao Ye's heart, you won't be able to pass your mother's test." Jiang Tianhao looked at Ye Xingchen and said.

Ye Xingchen didn't take it seriously. He thought that the most important thing in work was to be happy. Since Miaomiao was unhappy, she could resign and find another job.

"Miaomiao, if you really don't like this job, don't hold on. I'll help you see if there are other easier jobs and find one that suits you." Ye Xingchen said comfortingly.

Lin Miaomiao sighed heavily: "Forget it, just now Haozi said, even if I really don't like resigning, my mother will not let me go. Life is so difficult, I want to find someone in the future If the rich second generation gets married, then they will have nothing to worry about food or drink for the rest of their lives."

Lin Miaomiao leaned back on the chair and looked at the sky and said.

As soon as Jiang Tianhao heard this, he immediately became interested, and immediately leaned into Lin Miaomiao's ear and said, "Isn't there a ready-made one in front of you? Lao Ye has been chasing you for so long, and you really don't like him at all. "

"You, get out!" Lin Miaomiao gave him a fierce look, then pointed at his position and said.

"Hey, get out now." Jiang Tianhao sat back in his seat bored, then looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "I did my best brother."

Ye Xingchen took a sip of beer and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry. I believe that sooner or later, Miaomiao will fall in love with me."

"Come on." Jiang Tianhao puffed up.

"You guys, it's really boring. I found that the two of you are useless at the critical moment, that is, wine and meat friends." Lin Miaomiao complained while lying on the chair.

Jiang Tianhao's tantrum came up immediately, and he got up and said: "Hey, what you said is too much. It's useless. It's not me and Lao Ye who helped you when you got into an accident. It's too mean for you to say that Conscience. Lao Ye, tell her quickly, it's too much."

"Okay, okay, don't you know her yet? It's just to say hello, and I have to open my mouth to both of us in the future, okay, let her lie there, and we can eat." Ye Xingchen hurriedly smoothed things over. Said.

"Okay, okay, don't care about him, come on, let's have a drink." Jiang Tianhao raised his glass and touched Ye Xingchen, then drank it down in one gulp.

Although this meal was just listening to Lin Miaomiao's complaints and didn't solve any substantive problems, it still made Lin Miaomiao's depressed mood a little better.

In fact, because of Qian Sanyi's disappearance, Lin Miaomiao has not fully come out.In the dead of night, she always thought of Qian Sanyi and her helplessness when she was dropped off at the airport.So whenever she thinks of these painful things, Lin Miaomiao always cries and vents out. Later, she gradually starts to practice boxing, in order to release all the unhappiness in her heart better.

Ye Xingchen was very surprised when he learned that Lin Miaomiao practiced boxing, but he immediately understood why.

So Ye Ye Xingchen proposed to be Lin Miaomiao's instructor, because Ye Xingchen knew a thing or two about boxing, and quickly formulated a series of guidance and study plans according to Lin Miaomiao's situation, and sometimes he would confront Lin Miaomiao. practice some.

Ye Xingchen could feel her venting her emotions at this time.

And Lin Miaomiao also really liked this feeling, like the feeling of training with Ye Xingchen.

If the matter of Qian Sanyi brought her from light to darkness, and Ye Xingchen was the ray of light that appeared in the darkness to redeem her, this ray of light changed from the first one to countless, and finally completely illuminated the entire darkness, Bring Lin Miaomiao back to the light.

So sometimes Lin Miaomiao also thought about trying to accept Ye Xingchen, but for some reason, she always couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart.

In the end, the two have always maintained this kind of relationship that is not full of love but above friendship.

Jiang Tianhao especially hoped that these two people could be together. After Lin Miaomiao told him all about the airport, Jiang Tianhao felt that Ye Xingchen was worth being with, so this was the reason why he could quickly become good friends with Ye Xingchen. .

He didn't know why Lin Miaomiao refused to agree to Ye Xingchen's confession. The only thing he could think of was that maybe Qian Sanyi still couldn't be forgotten in Lin Miaomiao's heart.

After the meal, Ye Xingchen didn't drive, he took Lin Miaomiao back to her apartment by taxi, and then returned to his home by himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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