The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 306 Lin Miaomiao About to Be Counted

Chapter 306 Lin Miaomiao About to Be Counted

In the following time, Lin Miaomiao continued her boring street interview work.Ye Xingchen began to look up information on new topics at home, and Jiang Tianhao continued to run his small shop.

Although Lin Miaomiao doesn't like her job very much, she does it seriously every day.

After a morning of interviews, Lin Miaomiao and her four colleagues found a shady place to rest for a while. Of course, it was inevitable to complain.

"Aren't you short of heart? You chase people all over the street asking you if you are happy. Oh, I am really convinced. I have bought small gifts out of my own pocket, and it is useless." Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and said Complained helplessly.

A male colleague next to her said to her: "Sister, this is work, isn't the station cooperating with the investigation of the urban happiness index? Hey, look, she is also a new intern. She didn't say a word. You're the one complaining here."

Lin Miaomiao curled her lips and complained: "The urban happiness index. Then whoever comes to visit me, I will give him an urban unhappiness index that is so high."

The uncle next to him smiled and took out a piece of ice cream from the bag as a microphone and put it in front of Lin Miaomiao and said, "Okay, I'll interview you. Excuse me, are you happy?"

Lin Miaomiao snatched the ice cream and said angrily: "Am I happy? I am happy. Hey, let's talk about our family, our family, my mother is short, my father is two, they are together, they are a perfect match. Two Individuals can always produce infinite incidents to test my adaptability."

Lin Miaomiao tore open the ice cream bag and continued: "For example, they both said they would give birth to a younger brother for me, but they did give birth to a younger brother. When I was in college for four years, I often took my younger brother to class. At the end of my graduation defense, many classmates saw me and said, so you are not the little aunt who came to the school to audit and chase her college dream. I don’t even know whether I majored in journalism or parenting in my four years of college.”

Hearing Lin Miaomiao's wonderful complaints, the uncle next to him was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted at the other two colleagues: "Hey, hey, come and listen to the Tucao conference, it's wonderful."

At this time, a younger brother came over.

Then the uncle next to him said: "Let's record this wonderful complaint."

Lin Miaomiao took a mouthful of ice cream and felt cold.

Immediately afterwards, the uncle next to him said fiercely: "What's the matter, don't you dare?"

Lin Miaomiao had a single-minded mind, she didn't think too much at all, and said directly with disdain: "Why don't you dare, just record it."

"Okay." The uncle heard it, and then recorded it, "Come get ready, three two one, let's start."

Lin Miaomiao immediately sat there in a serious manner, and began to complain to the camera: "Ask me if I am happy, right? Well... let's just say I am now, I am going to graduate from college soon, okay? It’s easy to find a job as an intern at a TV station. I thought, I’m going to take my dream and embark on the broad road of life. I didn’t expect that I was wasting my time on this small road and asking stupid questions.”

At this time, another female intern had already secretly taken out her mobile phone and started recording, but Lin Miaomiao didn't know that she was still continuing her complaints.

"Looking at other people's eyes, they are doing dirty and tiring work that old colleagues are unwilling to do. It is said that they have to work for more than two years before they can officially start working."

The female intern had already come to Lin Miaomiao with her mobile phone and began to make close-range video recordings.But Lin Miaomiao thought it was her own high-profile treatment, enjoying the three-camera recording in three different aspects, and continued her complaints and complaints.

"What's the point, let me think about it, I just want to say, why are you trying so hard to find a job? I might as well just get a childcare certificate. Take a shortcut in life, okay?"

Although Lin Miaomiao wanted to continue talking, the uncle next to him had already started shouting: "It's fine, or there won't be enough belts in a while. I thought I was miserable enough, but I didn't expect you to be worse than me. Let's go, Let's go and have a look."

The uncle took the other two to the other side to enjoy the video.

But Lin Miaomiao didn't know at all that the current self had been calculated.I continued to think about the trivial matters of my own family, but I didn’t complain about it just now. Instead, I liked my family’s life quite a bit. Unfortunately, this part was not recorded.

After today's work was over, Lin Miaomiao returned to her home and lay on the sofa, kneading melon seeds and watching TV. Life was not too comfortable.

And Lin Gougou kept asking beside her: "When will Brother Xingchen come, I miss Brother Xingchen."

Lin Miaomiao looked at Lin Gougou impatiently and said: "I said, are you annoying? Your elder brother Xingchen has his own affairs, so how can he take you to play every day when he is free? Go, go, don't bother watching TV. "

Lin enough to point a gun at Lin Miaomiao unhappy and said: "You are talking nonsense, brother Xingchen said that you don't like him coming to our house, so he didn't come."

"Huh, nonsense, when did I say that I would not let him come to our house, don't frame me." Lin Miaomiao said quickly when she saw Wang Shengnan came out.

Lin enough not to listen: "There is! There is!"

Wang Shengnan asked Lin Miaomiao with displeasure immediately when he heard what Lin Gougou said: "Lin Miaomiao, is what you said true? You didn't want Xiaochen to come to your house?"

Lin Miaomiao's face was slightly nervous, but she still argued: "Mom, don't listen to what a child says, what does he know?"

"Don't change the subject, let me tell you why Xiaochen was suddenly unhappy last time. It turned out that you ordered to evict the guests privately. As a result, he hasn't come here for half a year. I wonder if my cooking is not good. People don’t want to come, it’s your problem that you’ve been messing around for a long time.” Wang Shengnan seemed to have found a clue, and he figured out all the puzzles, and his anger came up in an instant.

Lin Miaomiao's heart trembled, and she immediately argued: "Mom, listen to me, I didn't chase Ye Xingchen, it's all nonsense, you can believe it."

"Oh, of course I believe it. You haven't said a word of the truth since you were a child. Let me tell you, you have found a way to invite Xiaochen to our house this week. If you can't do it, you don't have to come back. I have the right to treat you like nothing This daughter." Wang Shengnan completely turned on the shielding mode, and she didn't believe what Lin Miaomiao said, and immediately issued the death order.

"Mom!" Lin Miaomiao stamped her feet in dissatisfaction.

Seeing that Wang Shengnan ignored her, she pinned all her hopes on Lin Dawei: "Dad, take care of my mother, let me invite my friends to my house for dinner. He is busy with work, how can he come here when he is free?" .”

Lin Dawei walked over slowly, sat on the sofa and said: "You can't work every day, you can always take off work, you can invite people to come to our house for a visit, anyway, your job is recommended to you You can only go to the TV station if you lead me, your mother and I must thank him. Besides, I haven’t seen Ye Xingchen before your father, and I also want to see what the 23-year-old doctor looks like."

(End of this chapter)

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