The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 312 Break Up If You Don't Let Me See It!

Chapter 312 Break Up If You Don't Let Me See It!
Soon Ye Xingchen reinstalled his system, then entered the personal information of that female colleague, and quickly found her IP address.In the end, he directly hacked into her mobile phone. Ye Xingchen saw a random video clicked on the mobile phone, and a white and colorful picture came into view.

Ye Xingchen hastily turned off the computer screen.

Because Lin Miaomiao happened to look sideways, she didn't fully see what was on the screen. She asked in confusion, "What's wrong? What was that just now?"

Ye Xingchen swallowed and said embarrassingly, "It's nothing."

Then suddenly changed the subject: "Haozi, is the food ready? I'm hungry, let's eat first."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Lin Miaomiao became even more suspicious. She believed that Ye Xingchen must have something to hide from her. When Ye Xingchen was not paying attention, Lin Miaomiao went directly to grab the computer.

Ye Xingchen grabbed his hand quickly and said, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao asked Ye Xingchen nervously.

Ye Xingchen forced a smile and said, "Why don't I do anything?"

"Why not, why are you so nervous?" Lin Miaomiao continued to ask with her eyes narrowed.

"I'm not nervous, why am I nervous." Ye Xingchen explained calmly.

"Are you guilty?"

"I'm not guilty."

"Why don't you dare to show me if you are not guilty." Lin Miaomiao grabbed the computer vigorously.

Ye Xingchen held onto the computer tightly to prevent her from taking it away: "You can't watch this."

Lin Miaomiao: "Why?"

"No reason?" Ye Xingchen said.

"Heh, the one who said he doted on me just now doesn't cherish me anymore." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen disappointedly and said.

"No, Miaomiao, you really can't watch." Ye Xingchen couldn't explain clearly.

"Why?" Lin Miaomiao was very puzzled.

Ye Xingchen's tone was strong: "There's no reason, I just can't watch it."

Jiang Tianhao was very confused while listening, thinking to himself, wasn't everyone happy just now, why did it turn around again?

"What is it? Let me see. Is there anything I can't see? This is a new computer that hasn't been used much." Jiang Tianhao left to look at the contents of the computer.

After Ye Xingchen agreed, Jiang Tianhao took the computer over, turned on the screen, and pressed the play button.

"Damn!" Jiang Tianhao screamed and shut down the computer.

"What's wrong? What's in it?" Lin Miaomiao became even more curious.

Jiang Tianhao also swallowed and said, "Miao Miao, to be fair, you really can't watch it."

"Why?" Lin Miaomiao was so tickled to death by them, she insisted on seeing what it was.

"I support Lao Ye, you can't watch."

"I have to read it today, Haozi, give me the computer." Lin Miaomiao got up and said.

Jiang Tianhao shook his head crazily: "No, even if killed."

"Okay, if you don't give it, I'll call Xiaoqi right away and tell her to break up with you." Lin Miaomiao took out her phone and threatened.

Deng Xiaoqi was Jiang Tianhao's weakness, after saying this, Jiang Tianhao immediately admitted: "Chen, brother, I can't help you, you can figure it out." Then he returned the computer to Ye Xingchen?

After Ye Xingchen took it, he hugged it tightly in front of his chest.

Seeing that the computer was back in Ye Xingchen's hands, Lin Miaomiao looked at him and said seriously, "Ye Xingchen, do you want to show me?"

"No." Ye Xingchen shook his head frantically in the same style.

"Okay, let me ask one last time, will you show me?" Lin Miaomiao's tone suddenly became very cold.

Ye Xingchen frowned and hesitated for a while and said, "No."

"Okay, let's break up." Lin Miaomiao took a long breath and said calmly.

Jiang Tianhao's eyes widened, he looked at Lin Miaomiao in disbelief and said, "Sister, are you serious?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Really, I'm not kidding."

"Miaomiao, I'm not joking with really can't watch." Ye Xingchen said again.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen and said seriously: "Okay, I still say that, break up if you don't let me see, and I'm not joking."

Jiang Tianhao lightly touched Ye Xingchen twice, and said hesitantly: "Brother, why don't you let her take a look, don't make your happy day unhappy because of such a trivial matter. Besides, she is such an adult, she should understand everything .”

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and snickered.

Ye Xingchen was still struggling in his mind, hesitating whether to show Lin Miaomiao or not.

But Lin Miaomiao saw that Ye Xingchen was distracted and directly snatched the computer.

"Hey, Miaomiao, you... really want to watch?" Ye Xingchen reminded again.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what's shady inside." Lin Miaomiao gave the two of them a hard look, and then slowly turned on the computer.

5 seconds later...


Ye Xingchen and Jiang Tianhao covered their ears at the same time.

"Jiang Tianhao, you pervert, why do you have such disgusting things in your computer." Lin Miaomiao condemned Jiang Tianhao after shutting down the computer.

Jiang Tianhao was stunned, and then explained: "Heaven and earth conscience, I just bought this yesterday, and I haven't used it much yet. There is nothing in the storage disk. It was just messed up by Lao Ye with a USB flash drive. Ask your Lao Ye Go, don't frame me."

Then Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen, as if waiting for his explanation.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen quickly said, "Don't look at me like that, this video is not mine."

"Who else is there besides you? I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Sure enough, you know people, but you don't know your heart." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

Ye Xingchen sighed and explained: "The video is really not mine. I just hacked into that female intern's phone, and the video file belongs to her."

"You hacked into her phone?" Lin Miaomiao asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I just thought that this person is so cheap, there must be some shady secrets, I thought about how to repay him, let her also taste the feeling of being fired, and avenge you, who can Thinking about it, I really can't keep secrets." Ye Xingchen took the computer from Lin Miaomiao, and was about to turn it on.

Lin Miaomiao suddenly stopped him: "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously.

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers and whispered shyly, "You, you are not allowed to look."

Ye Xingchen smiled inexplicably and said, "I'll close the head office."

Then he turned on the screen and turned off the video, then sat on the chair, operated the keyboard with both hands a few times, then turned off the computer and said, "It's done, let's eat."

Lin Miaomiao's face is flushed now, and her mind is full of the image just now, and she can't get rid of it no matter how much she shakes it off.

In order to change the subject, she said to Ye Xingchen: "You, what are you going to do."

Ye Xingchen looked at her suspiciously and asked, "How to do it?" Then he seemed to understand something, and then said, "You said the video, I just sent her an anonymous message, saying that if you don't want this video to be known by others If so, I will complete the resignation procedure tomorrow, otherwise I will forward it to all her friends."

"Isn't it good to do this?" Lin Miaomiao said impatiently.

Ye Xingchen pinched her face: "I said sister, why didn't she think that this would be bad when she framed you. Now you are worried about her."

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(End of this chapter)

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