Chapter 313 I Will Always Spoil You!
"I'm not her. I don't think it's good to threaten people with this kind of video." Lin Miaomiao spoke in a softer voice, until she couldn't hear her in the end.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's pure and kind appearance, Ye Xingchen sighed slightly, touched her head and said, "This is the way this world is, don't be kind to everyone, or you will be working in the future." You will suffer a lot, you don’t need to worry about this matter, I will handle it. It’s still the same sentence, bullying me is fine, but bullying you is not.”

"En." In the end, Lin Miaomiao nodded slightly, accepting Ye Xingchen's kindness.

"Two, you can eat now, or the food will be cold."

Although Jiang Tianhao took the money, but seeing the two of them getting bored here as a single dog, the way he kissed me really broke his defenses, and he wanted to end all this quickly so that I could close the door and sleep.

"Let's eat." Ye Xingchen started to move his chopsticks, he was a little hungry just now.

Lin Miaomiao also picked up her chopsticks and started cooking leisurely. For her, this was one of the happiest moments in her life.

When eating, Ye Xingchen kept picking up vegetables for Lin Miaomiao, and they were all her favorite dishes.This made Lin Miaomiao a little surprised, her eyes showed a different kind of light from time to time, and she didn't know what was going on in her little head.

Finally, under Ye Xingchen's meticulous care, Lin Miaomiao put down her chopsticks in satisfaction: "I'm full, I'm full."

"Would you like to go for a walk and chat." Ye Xingchen suggested.

"Hmm...Okay." Lin Miaomiao looked at the time, it was only after [-] o'clock, not too late, and she didn't have a job now, so she didn't have to rest so early, so she readily agreed.

Ye Xingchen smiled gently, took Lin Miaomiao's hand and said, "Then let's go, I'll take you to a fun place."

Lin Miaomiao: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously.

Lin Miaomiao pointed to the roses on the swing and said, "Flowers!"

Ye Xingchen understood what she meant in seconds, but he did not let go of Lin Miaomiao's hand, but took her to the swing position together, picked up the flowers and gave them to Miaomiao again.

"Hee hee." Lin Miaomiao hugged the bunch of "Ice Love Angels" tightly as if she had found a treasure.

Ye Xingchen: "Then let's go."


Ye Xingchen just took Lin Miaomiao's hand and walked out of Jiang Tianhao's small building together. Of course, Jiang Tianhao was completely ignored by the two of them. From the beginning of eating to the moment he left, he never talked to him again. A sad life, a sad man .

After Ye Xingchen came downstairs, he took the initiative to open the co-pilot's door for Miaomiao, and then cared for Miaomiao to enter, finally closed the door, and then came to the driver's seat.

"From now on, my co-pilot will only be reserved for you." After Ye Xingchen has gone through several worlds of reincarnation, he is becoming more proficient in speaking love.

However, Lin Miaomiao was not easily confused by Ye Xingchen's sugar-coated cannonballs. She looked at her position curiously, and then looked at Ye Xingchen and asked slowly: "Besides me, has anyone else done this position?" girls?"

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Miaomiao incredulously, thinking, when did Miaomiao become so smart.

"Why don't you talk anymore? You can't really sit with other girls." Lin Miaomiao asked with interest seeing Ye Xingchen was silent.

Ye Xingchen was not afraid of the shadow and said confidently: "No, so far, you and Enough have been the only ones who have ridden in this car."

"That's it." Lin Miaomiao nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and continued to play with the roses in her hand.

Ye Xingchen started the car immediately, and brought Lin Miaomiao to the place where he and her had their first date. To be precise, it was Miaomiao in parallel time and space.

After Lin Miaomiao got off the car, she looked at the big Ferris wheel in front of her and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Because this place is quite memorable to me." Ye Xingchen walked slowly and said.

"Is there a story? Tell me, which girl did you come with. Hey? No, didn't you say that I was the first girl you liked? You lied to me again?" Lin Miaomiao looked at him dissatisfied, Waiting for Ye Xingchen's explanation.

Ye Xingchen skillfully gave Lin Miaomiao a headache and said, "What have you been thinking about all day long, you little brain?"

Lin Miaomiao suddenly felt that this scene was extremely familiar at this moment, and fragments of memory flashed through her mind, but when she wanted to find out where this familiarity came from, she couldn't find anything. Can't remember.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao covering her head and frowning, Ye Xingchen stretched out her hand and gently rubbed the place where she played just now, and asked, "What's the matter, did I hurt you with too much force?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and said with a smile, "No, I just suddenly feel like I can't remember something."

"It's fine, if you don't think about it, don't think about it. When you don't think about it, you will remember it naturally." Ye Xingchen comforted.

"Well, good. By the way, you haven't told your story yet." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen curiously and asked.

Ye Xingchen looked at the position to the right of the middle of the Ferris wheel. That was the position where he and Lin Miaomiao first sat on the Ferris wheel, and it was also the place where they hugged for the first time.

"This story is very long, and it may take you a lifetime to tell it to you. I just don't know if my wife has time?" I, Ye Xingchen, looked at Lin Miaomiao suddenly and said affectionately.

Lin Miaomiao was completely defeated by this magnetic voice, and quickly changed the subject: "Who, who is your wife. Ye Xingchen, I found that you are getting more and more excessive. Did you reveal your true nature when you chased me?" .”

"What kind of nature is exposed? I'm always like this. Do you have any misunderstandings about me?" Ye Xingchen said naturally.

Lin Miaomiao felt a little shy from Ye Xingchen's fiery eyes, and quickly turned her head to look away and said, "You used to speak very seriously, but today you are very strange."

"You used to be my good friend, but now you are my girlfriend, of course I behave differently."

"But, I, I'm not used to it yet."

"Get used to it slowly. In a word, do you like me like this?" Ye Xingchen asked a fatal question.

Lin Miaomiao really wanted to say that she didn't like it, but even though she was not used to it, the joy brought to her by her brain after receiving Ye Xingchen's words was real, so she finally nodded slightly.

"Then it's over. As long as you like it, I don't make any difference. You just need to know that I will always spoil you, the kind that spoils heaven."

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he stared at Lin Miaomiao closely, and finally approached her slowly.

Lin Miaomiao watched Ye Xingchen's movements, and instantly knew what he wanted to do.

 Thanks to the book friend 20210721223418573 for the reward of 1 starting coins

  Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by the book black hole

  Thanks to Crazy Silver Dragon for rewarding 5 starting coins

  Thanks to Miao Miao's boyfriend for the 10 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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