Chapter 315 Xiaoqi Returns
Ye Xingchen checked the news just now.

"I'm done washing."

"Haven't you finished washing yet? Why are you taking a shower slower than me?"

"Could it be that he fell asleep?"

"Are you really asleep?"

Ye Xingchen immediately opened the chat box and quickly typed: "Didn't sleep! I just finished blowing my hair!"

After sending the message, Lin Miaomiao replied immediately: "Why did you finish washing?"

Ye Xingchen smiled and typed back: "Slow? I feel pretty fast."

Lin Miaomiao: "Slow, slower than me."

The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth rose slightly: "Slow down, that's good, it's better for boys to slow down."

Lin Miaomiao: "What do you mean? Doubt.jpg"

Ye Xingchen: "literally."

Lin Miaomiao: "Cut, don't say pull down."

Ye Xingchen: "Aren't you sleeping?"

Lin Miaomiao: "If you don't sleep, you won't go to work tomorrow."

Only then did Ye Xingchen realize that Miaomiao is out of work now, so he hurriedly asked, "By the way, what are you going to do now, continue to submit resumes or not?"

Lin Miaomiao lay on the bed shaking her little feet, hesitated for a moment and typed to Ye Xingchen, "Submit your resume, there is no other way."

After seeing the news, Ye Xingchen immediately picked up his computer, quickly came to the virtual chat room he had just constructed, and then looked at the messages that the girl sent to him. Of course, they were all begging for mercy.Ye Xingchen ignored it, and then repeated the request, and asked that if she hadn't seen her resignation certificate by tomorrow night at the latest, she would forward the video.

Although this approach is indeed a bit of a low level, Ye Xingchen thinks that his subordinates have shown mercy.Otherwise, just post the video, and she will still be fired and die.It was precisely because Ye Xingchen had a heart of benevolence that he did not choose to do this.

When Ye Xingchen was distracted, the phone remembered the special notification tone specially set for Lin Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen picked up the phone and took a look.

Lin Miaomiao: "What's wrong?"

Ye Xingchen: "It's okay, I have a job here that is very suitable for you."

Lin Miaomiao: "Really? What kind of work?"

Ye Xingchen: "Life assistant, the main job is to help me clean the room and organize some documents. The monthly salary is 8000, including food and housing."

Lin Miaomiao: "I'll go, is it true or not?"

Ye Xingchen: "Of course it's true, the workplace is at my house!"

When Lin Miaomiao watched Ye Xingchen say that his place of work was at his house, she immediately lost interest, thinking: Ye Xingchen must be thinking something bad, so I can't be fooled.

Lin Miaomiao typed back: "Forget it, I'm afraid I can't guarantee my personal safety, so I'd better find a job by myself."

This answer was obviously expected by Ye Xingchen, he typed quickly and said: "Oh, I didn't expect my wife to distrust me so much."



Lin Miaomiao suddenly felt sleepy, she yawned and typed: "I'm sleepy, go to bed first."

Then I felt that something was missing, and then said again: "Good night!"

Although Ye Xingchen was very reluctant, he still replied, "Good night."

After putting down the phone, Ye Xingchen lay on the bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep. Maybe he was a little excited about his successful confession today and couldn't fall asleep.

He looked at the ring on the bedside table and thought to himself: I don't know when I can give it away, but I believe there will be a day.

Slowly, he finally felt drowsy in his random thoughts, and Ye Xingchen fell asleep.


The next day

Lin Miaomiao got up early.Because I made an appointment with Xiaoqi that day, and I will pick her up at the airport today.

Of course, the first thing I did when I woke up was to pick up my phone and send Ye Xingchen a good morning, and then I started to wash and put on my makeup.

Because Ye Xingchen slept very late last night, he is still asleep and did not reply in time.

After Lin Miaomiao finished washing, she couldn't wait to pick up her mobile phone to check the news, but unfortunately there was no reply.

"Maybe you haven't woken up yet." Lin Miaomiao put down her phone, put on her shoes, put on her bag and was ready to go.

ding dong~

At this time, the mobile phone WeChat notification sounded.

Lin Miaomiao hurried over to check the news.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Don't forget to pick me up. Love you.jpg"

Lin Miaomiao sighed in frustration after seeing the news that it wasn't Ye Xingchen, and then replied: "No problem! OK.jpg"

In the end, Lin Miaomiao took a taxi and arrived at the airport ahead of time, waiting for Deng Xiaoqi to come out in advance.

The two made an appointment to go to Jiang Tianhao's restaurant for dinner today. After all, now that Haozi has money, he doesn't have to worry about someone demanding debts, so he and Xiao Zhao prepared meals early.

At around 10 o'clock, Ye Xingchen just woke up. He habitually picked up his mobile phone to check the time, and when he saw Lin Miaomiao's news, he immediately sat up awake.

"Good morning, I'm sorry Miaomiao, I just woke up after suffering from insomnia last night." Ye Xingchen replied quickly.

Lin Miaomiao was also a little bored waiting at the airport, when Ye Xingchen's news just happened to be sent.

Lin Miaomiao replied after seeing it: "I waited for two hours!!"

Ye Xingchen continued to explain: "Last night, I really suffered from insomnia. It may be the first time I have a girlfriend. I'm so excited. But I replied the message as soon as I woke up. I didn't ask for it at all. I haven't washed yet. "

Lin Miaomiao typed wildly: "Even if you can talk, my good friend Deng Xiaoqi is coming back today, and we may have dinner with Haozi, so I may not have time to play with you today."

Ye Xingchen: "It's okay, just keep busy with your own work, just call me if there's anything you can't solve, I'm always here."

"it is good."

Lin Miaomiao smiled happily after seeing Ye Xingchen's reply, so that she didn't notice that Deng Xiaoqi walked beside her.

"What are you doing?" Deng Xiaoqi's voice came from behind.

"Ah!" Lin Miaomiao was terrified, and then she turned to Deng Xiaoqi and breathed a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death, why did you come out from behind?"

"Guilt of being a thief, you, I said it's Dongsan, Dongsan, you are Xisan, and you're having fun here foolishly." Deng Xiaoqi pointed to the front while wearing a mask.

Lin Miaomiao said with an awkward smile: "I just look at the numbers, I'm lost."

Then stretched out her hands and hugged Deng Xiaoqi tightly, after all they hadn't seen each other for so many years.

After a simple hug, the two separated. Lin Miaomiao helped pick up the luggage and said happily, "Let's go, Haozi is still waiting for us."

"it is good."

Deng Xiaoqi took Lin Miaomiao's hand and said.

The two took a taxi from the road, and then Lin Miaomiao called Jiang Tianhao in advance, saying that he wanted a Xiaoqi and had to deal with it in advance, and he would not be able to go there until later in the evening.

Jiang Tianhao expressed his understanding after hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, and said, "Okay, it's okay, you guys go ahead and I'll wait for these two in the store tonight."

Lin Miaomiao: "I'm sorry, Haozi."

"No trouble, Xiaoqi must not find it troublesome when she comes back." Jiang Tianhao said.

"Okay, then we still have something to do here, so we won't talk about it, bye!"


Jiang Tianhao looked at the hung up phone, then went to the back kitchen and said, "You don't have to work hard, just take a rest and talk about it tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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