The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 316 Deng Xiaoqi suspects that Lin Miaomiao has something wrong

Chapter 316 Deng Xiaoqi suspects that Lin Miaomiao has something wrong

At this time, Xiao Zhao who was beside him suddenly asked: "What's the matter, your friends and the others aren't coming?"

Sitting on the chair, Jiang Tianhao sighed and said, "Oh, I have something to do at the moment, so I can only come here at night."

"Wouldn't that be a waste of work all morning?" Xiao Zhao asked sitting in front of him.

Jiang Tianhao spread his hands: "Otherwise? It's okay, anyway, now that the store has investment, it's not a big problem to close it for a day, and most importantly, we have sufficient funds, so we don't have to worry about people demanding debts."

"That's right, anyway, the problem of funds is no longer a problem, and we will see how to operate it next." Xiao Zhao nodded and said.

Hearing the word operation, Jiang Tianhao got up and said domineeringly: "Listen, Xiao Zhao, let me tell you about the restaurant operation. Under my leadership, it will definitely become more and more prosperous, and sooner or later it will be opened Become a national chain store, no, a global chain store, and you will be the general manager at that time."

Xiao Zhao looked at his boss as if he was mentally retarded, smiled awkwardly, then turned and left.

"Hey, hey, I'm serious." Seeing Xiao Zhao leaving, Jiang Tianhao pinched his nose in embarrassment, and looked around. Fortunately, there were no other employees.


Deng Xiaoqi took Lin Miaomiao to visit her house first, and after saying hello to her aunt, they began to chat for a while.Ask questions about work, as well as emotional matters.

When Xiaoqi asked if there was any news about Qian Sany, Lin Miaomiao's face suddenly became uneasy. She shook her head and said, "We won't mention him in the future."

"Okay, then let's not talk about this, let's talk about work, I heard that you have gone to the TV station, how do you feel about your work, is it easy?" Deng Xiaoqi saw that Lin Miaomiao was still in trouble, so she didn't continue to mention this matter .

Lin Miaomiao took a sip of her drink and said helplessly, "Oh, I was tripped by someone. The leader resigned me, and now I have to submit my resume again."

"Trip, someone hurt you?"

"Yeah, forget it, I don't want to mention this matter, it's too disgusting, she has been punished anyway, it's over, I just don't like the previous job, it's better to quit me, at least I You don’t have to worry about it yourself.” Lin Miaomiao put on an indifferent look.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at her with a smile and shook her head: "You are still like this, you don't care about anything, you are careless, you don't have any worries, it's great."

"Come on, I don't have any worries? I have a lot of worries! It's not that you don't know my mother. If you want her to know that I lost my job, you have to kill me." When talking about Wang Shengnan, Lin Miaomiao trembled all over .

Deng Xiaoqi joked: "Then you still act so indifferent, I don't think you are panicking."

Lin Miaomiao sat on the bed, hugged the pillow in her arms, found a slightly comfortable position to lie down, and said slowly: "It's not that I'm not panicking, but I just don't want to show it. It's better to be scared than to be scared every day. Forget about these troubles. There is a saying in Lu's Spring and Autumn Period, if you want to live happily in this world, you must develop the memory of fish."

"As expected of you, Lin Miaomiao." Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help feeling a little envious when she saw Lin Miaomiao, who hadn't changed a bit from high school.

"Okay, I didn't even eat breakfast to pick you up, I'm almost starving to death." Lin Miaomiao got up and touched her stomach, and said dissatisfied.

Deng Xiaoqi gave her a big roll of the eyes: "If you want to eat, just say it, why talk about other things. Let's go, take you to eat delicious food, let me treat you."

"Hee hee, I really didn't eat breakfast." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly hugged Xiao Qi's arm tightly, this was her meal ticket, she couldn't let her run away.

"Okay, you pick a place, and I'll pay for it."

"Got it."


Lin Miaomiao came to the hot pot restaurant that she really wanted to go to but never had the chance to. This restaurant is very popular because it is popular with Internet celebrities.

Because Deng Xiaoqi doesn't eat spicy food, Lin Miaomiao ordered a mandarin duck pot, followed by pork, beef and mutton rolls and various dishes, etc., and ordered a large table.Normally these two girls couldn't finish eating, but it was Lin Miaomiao who made her come.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the dishes on the big table, and took out her mobile phone to snap a photo, then sent it to Ye Xingchen, and typed: "I made you greedy for me before, the way of heaven is reincarnation, and the heavens will forgive who."

Ye Xingchen's news didn't come back in seconds as expected, but it was almost 10 minutes later, and the news arrived late.

Lin Miaomiao picked up her phone and looked. Ye Xingchen sent a few pictures of the steak. The most important thing was that there was a large piece of Tomahawk steak next to it, which looked very delicious.

Then Ye Xingchen sent another message saying: "You ate so much today, unlike me, you can only eat a little."

Looking at the steak in the picture, Lin Miaomiao instantly felt that the hot pot was no longer delicious.Adding Ye Xingchen's information about Versailles, Lin Miaomiao was so angry that she wanted to die, and then frantically launched an emoticon attack on Ye Xingchen.

Deng Xiaoqi, who was opposite her, saw the fluctuating expression on Lin Miaomiao's face. As a girl, she was keenly aware that the relationship between the person on the other side of the phone and Miaomiao was not simple, so she put down her chopsticks and asked: "Miaomiao , who are you chatting with?"

"Ah, no one, an annoying person. Don't worry about it, let's eat and eat." Lin Miaomiao was suddenly startled by Deng Xiaoqi's voice, and she quickly took back her phone and said as if nothing happened.

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao have been friends for so many years, as long as Lin Miaomiao is lying, she can tell.But seeing that Lin Miaomiao didn't say anything, she didn't continue to ask. After all, she would definitely not talk about this kind of thing if she asked directly. She had to find a suitable opportunity.

The two of them finished their meal leisurely, and went to the shopping mall in the afternoon to look at clothes and so on.Because Xiaoqi just came back, she had to buy all kinds of cosmetics again, and with a woman's natural talent for shopping, this shopping was a whole afternoon.

In the evening, Miaomiao was going to take a taxi with Xiaoqi to Jiang Tianhao's shop, but Deng Xiaoqi's mother said she would take her to meet a famous director, so Lin Miaomiao could only call Jiang Tianhao Said forget it tonight, Xiaoqi has something to do, let's go to another day.

To be honest, Jiang Tianhao was heartbroken when he heard the news. At this moment, he suddenly thought, whether he was let go by two people, or twice.In an instant, his eyes went dark, and he felt that there was no point in living. He wanted to complain about Lin Miaomiao, but who knew that he hung up the phone directly.

"Damn, it's too much." Jiang Tianhao looked at the hung up phone and wanted to cry without tears, and suffered a huge trauma in his heart.

Deng Xiaoqi took a taxi and took Lin Miaomiao to her neighborhood.

After Lin Miaomiao got off the car, she said to Xiaoqi, "Goodbye."

"Bye, be careful on the road, remember to send me a message when you get home." Deng Xiaoqi said with concern.

Lin Miaomiao waved her hand: "Understood, you go too, don't make auntie wait, bye."


Immediately, Xiaoqi asked the driver to start the car and leave, because her mother really urged herself.

 Thanks to zqingfengyunying for the 100 starting coins

  Thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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