The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 317 Ye Xingchen, where are you?

Chapter 317 Ye Xingchen, where are you?

After sending Deng Xiaoqi away, Lin Miaomiao walked to the apartment alone, came to a traffic light, and waited for the green light to turn on.

During this period, Lin Miaomiao did not forget to check the news on her mobile phone, and then as the green light turned on, Lin Miaomiao put down her mobile phone and started to cross the zebra crossing.

There were many pedestrians and electric vehicles on the road, Lin Miaomiao walked towards the opposite side while thinking about things.At this moment, a familiar figure walked in front of her.

Lin Miaomiao stopped suddenly, turned around to look at the familiar figure, and called out tentatively: "Qian Sanyi!"

Qian Sanyi turned his head slowly and saw that the source of the voice was a girl across the road. When he saw that it was Lin Miaomiao, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned and left without looking back.

Seeing that the red light was on, Lin Miaomiao chased after him from the other side of the road.

But Qian Sanyi ran very fast, and Lin Miaomiao finally had to stop due to exhaustion. At this time, she saw a shared bicycle next to her, so she took out her mobile phone to scan the code to unlock it, and then chased after it.

Qian Sanyi ran under a bridge, thinking that Lin Miaomiao had already been thrown away by him at this time, but Lin Miaomiao came to the bridge with him on a bicycle at the same time to stop him.

Lin Miaomiao put down her bicycle and walked straight to Qian Sanyi. At this time, her eyes turned red unconsciously, and she could clearly see the tears flickering in her eyes. Lin Miaomiao walked in front of Qian Sanyi, her eyes were like this She kept looking at him, as if waiting for his explanation.

Qian Sanyi looked at Lin Miaomiao who was close at hand, his eyes were moistened unconsciously, maybe it was guilt, maybe it was a guilty conscience, he closed his eyes and dared not look at Miaomiao in front of him.

After a while, when Qian Sanyi opened his eyes again, Lin Miaomiao had left without knowing when.

Yan Yudi looked at the girl who left, and asked Qian Sanyi, "That was Lin Miaomiao just now, right?"

Qian Sanyi didn't speak, but turned and left silently.


Lin Miaomiao came to the People's Flyover by herself, laying on the railing with earphones on, listening to the voice Qian Sanyi had sent her on her mobile phone, remembering how helpless she was at the airport at that time, and how she had been working hard to take care of herself. Ye Xingchen stayed with him at the airport for three days and three nights.

These memories kept flashing in my mind, tears flowed out of my eyes unconsciously, and finally, as if thinking about it, Lin Miaomiao resolutely deleted Qian Sanyi's voice in the phone, as if these never happened Pass.

Lin Miaomiao opened the address book, quickly found Ye Xingchen's number and called directly.

The phone was connected quickly, and Ye Xingchen's gentle voice came from there: "Hey, Miaomiao, what are you calling, do you miss me?"

After listening to the voice on the phone, Lin Miaomiao immediately felt particularly at ease. She tried her best to control her emotions and replied, "Hello."

Even though he only said one word, Ye Xingchen still noticed that Lin Miaomiao's voice was trembling slightly, and immediately got up and asked worriedly: "Miaomiao, are you alright?"

With just this concerned word, Lin Miaomiao's controlled emotions collapsed in an instant, and she said in a crying voice, "Ye Xingchen, where are you?"


After Ye Xingchen heard this sentence, he subconsciously thought that Lin Miaomiao was in danger, so he hurriedly asked and answered: "Miaomiao, don't cry, tell you where you are, and I'll go right away."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." on the other side of the phone, Lin Miaomiao couldn't answer Ye Xingchen's question.

Ye Xingchen directly activated the positioning function of the bracelet, and said anxiously: "Heitan, check the location on the phone, hurry up."

Ye Xingchen quickly picked up the car keys on the table, opened the door and went downstairs. Seeing that the elevator was being used, he ran directly downstairs.It took less than a minute and a half for Ye Xingchen to go from the eighth floor to the first floor, basically jumping off.

After Heitan's location was successful, Ye Xingchen discovered that Lin Miaomiao's location was the People's Flyover.

Ye Xingchen started the car directly and started the drag racing mode. Heitan planned for him the one with the least traffic and completely ignored the cameras at the intersection.As for the deduction of points, everything can be left to Heitan.

The 20-minute drive in the city was compressed by Ye Xingchen to less than 10 minutes, which should be when there are a lot of people.After he parked the car in an out-of-the-way position, he quickly ran towards the bridge.

After getting on the People's Overpass, Ye Xingchen saw Lin Miaomiao crouching on the edge and weeping. At this time, she looked very much like when she was at the airport two years ago.

Ye Xingchen walked to Lin Miaomiao's side silently, and did not go up to disturb her directly, because Ye Xingchen knew that Lin Miaomiao needed to vent his emotions at this time, so that he would feel better.

After crying for a while, Lin Miaomiao realized that there was a person standing beside her. She raised her head and saw that it was Ye Xingchen.

She didn't speak, but got up and walked in front of Ye Xingchen and hugged him tightly.

Ye Xingchen also gently hugged Lin Miaomiao from behind with both hands, and said softly, "Does it feel better?"

"Yeah." Lin Miaomiao, who was hiding in Ye Xingchen's arms, rubbed Ye Xingchen's clothes and nodded, then asked in a trembling voice, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Is this important? You have been wronged, no matter where I am, I can find you, and I will come to you as quickly as possible, to accompany you, comfort you, and protect you." Ye Xingchen said with hands Slightly exerting force, he hugged Lin Miaomiao tightly, as if merging her into his own body.

"Hmm~It hurts~" As Ye Xingchen's strength continued to increase, Lin Miaomiao let out a coquettish snort.

But Ye Xingchen did not let go of Lin Miaomiao, he still hugged Miaomiao in his arms, as if telling her in this way, don't be afraid, I am here.

The two embraced on the rooftop for ten minutes, and Ye Xingchen let Miaomiao go on his own initiative.

Lin Miaomiao also left Ye Xingchen's arms.

Ye Xingchen wiped away the remaining tears on Lin Miaomiao's face with his hands, and said, "Look at you, you're crying like Lin Miaomiao."

"I don't have it, you are Lin Miaomiao." Lin Miaomiao said shyly and angrily.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen knew that he should follow Miaomiao's words and say, "Okay, I'm Lin Miaomiao."

Lin Miaomiao looked into Ye Xingchen's eyes and said seriously: "It's good to have you."

"Same, it's good to have you." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao pouted and said coquettishly, "Ye Xingchen, I want to drink."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Ye Xingchen agreed with a smile.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen drove to Jiang Tianhao's restaurant, because he had sent Haozi a message in advance, so Jiang Tianhao waited for them at the door in advance.

After seeing Lin Miaomiao's red eyes, Jiang Tianhao asked with concern: "Are you crying? Who bullied you? Lao Ye bullied you?"

Hearing the three consecutive questions, Ye Xingchen glared at him, and said impatiently: "Miaomiao is hungry, can I stop talking nonsense?"

"Come on, you two please." Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Jiang Tianhao hurriedly said.

 Thanks to Wei Wei for tipping 100 book coins
(End of this chapter)

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