The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 319 Ye Xingchen, do you want to leave me too?

Chapter 319 Ye Xingchen, do you want to leave me too?
All three drank a lot, especially Ye Xingchen, the bottles around him could already be placed around the table.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Tianhao looked at Ye Xingchen, whose face was slightly red but still conscious, and Lin Miaomiao, who was lying unconscious, shook his not sober heads, and said to Ye Xingchen while getting up : "What, I'll sleep here at night, I'll leave Miao Miao to you, you take care of her." He also made a cheering gesture to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen, who couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, watched Jiang Tianhao staggered down the stairs, then looked back at Lin Miaomiao, who was lying on the table and muttering to come again, sighed, and took the beer in her hand put the bottle on the table, squatted down slowly, passed her right hand through the bend of her leg, and straightened her with the left hand. With a little force, she gently hugged Lin Miaomiao, and looked at Lin Miaomiao who was leaning on her shoulder with her head tilted. Miaomiao, a doting smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes.


On the sidewalk at night, the street lights were already on, and a boy was walking silently with a girl in his arms. Because Ye Xingchen drank alcohol tonight, he could temporarily put the car in Jiang Tianhao's shop.

I saw the girl in her arms leaning quietly on the boy's shoulders, her fair cheeks were slightly flushed, and her small mouth, which she was mumbling about something, was slightly pouted, reflecting a crystal luster.

The boy carefully held the girl in his arms, walked slowly, glanced at the girl from time to time revealing a doting look, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth indicated that he was in a good mood.

Gusts of evening wind blew past, with a trace of coolness, blowing Ye Xingchen's slightly sweat-stained body, and taking away the volatile alcohol smell.

According to his memory of this city, Ye Xingchen soon came to Lin Miaomiao's apartment downstairs. Ye Xingchen raised his head and looked at the "Swan Hill Apartment" in front of him. He tightened his arms, looked at his feet, and lightly Lightly walked into the alley.

"808, finally here." Ye Xingchen, who carried Lin Miaomiao up to the eighth floor, murmured slightly out of breath.

"Welcome to the new year with a happy meal, and receive a happy meal. It really is your style, Lin Miaomiao, and it's still such a two." Walking around the aisle, Ye Xingchen looked up at the house number and the couplet next to it , with an unconcealable smile raised at the corner of his mouth, he lowered his head and said to Lin Miaomiao in his arms.

"Miaomiao, wake up, where is your key? Without the key, you will be sleeping outside today." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in his arms and asked.

Lin Miaomiao was still not conscious at this time, and muttered in her mouth: "Bao, Bao."

Ye Xingchen gently put her down, supported her with one hand, and reached into Lin Miaomiao's bag with the other hand to take out the key.

Ye Xingchen looked at the unconscious Lin Miaomiao in his arms and shook his head helplessly, turned around and opened the door, and after pressing the light switch at the door, he gently carried Lin Miaomiao in and put him on the bed.

Ye Xingchen helped Miaomiao take off her shoes, and then covered her with a quilt. After doing all this, Ye Xingchen stood in front of the bed, quietly looked at Lin Miaomiao who was already asleep, and slowly bent down leaned over, kissed Miaomiao's forehead lightly and said: "Miaomiao, you are still that idiot who often commits crimes, and you will still be that idiot when you grow up."

Ye Xingchen got up and was about to turn around and leave when Lin Miaomiao's voice came from behind: "You are the idiot."

Ye Xingchen was startled by the sudden sound. He turned his head and saw that Lin Miaomiao was still sleeping so peacefully, with no intention of waking up, so he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

But when Ye Xingchen turned around again and was about to leave, Lin Miaomiao on the bed suddenly said in a crying voice: "Ye Xingchen, do you want to leave me too?"

Ye Xingchen hurried back to Lin Miaomiao's side and comforted him: "Miaomiao, I don't. I... I won't leave today, so I'll stay here with you, okay?"

"it is good."

Lin Miaomiao responded.

Ye Xingchen looked at the sleeping Lin Miaomiao, swallowed and asked tentatively, "Miaomiao, are you still asleep?"

At this time, Lin Miaomiao didn't respond, as if it wasn't her who spoke just now.

Ye Xingchen sighed and thought to himself, let's just sleep here for the night.

Then Ye Xingchen moved a chair over, and lay down next to Miaomiao to guard her.Slowly the drowsiness hit, Ye Xingchen felt that the strength of alcohol was accompanied by the drowsiness, and soon he also fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Lin Dawei sent a message to Lin Miaomiao, saying that your mother already knew about your failure to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

But at this moment, Lin Miaomiao was still asleep, and Ye Xingchen, who was originally on the chair, had fallen asleep on the bed at some point. Lin Miaomiao was entangled with him like an octopus, and the two of them were sleeping soundly. wake up.

At this time, Wang Shengnan came out of his community angrily.

Lin Dawei is trying to persuade: "No, you are on the top right now, you are sure to go, why don't you calm down and talk about it."

Wang Shengnan's footsteps did not slow down at all, and he said indifferently: "If you know that I am superior, don't mess with me, hurry up."

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Lin Dawei, he quickly and secretly sent a message to his daughter: "Alert! Something happened! Your mother is here to find you! Run! Frightened.jpg"

Seeing Lin Dawei's sneaky look, Wang Shengnan immediately walked over and snatched his mobile phone: "Don't even try to inform your daughter."

Lin Dawei hurriedly explained: "No, you don't see it either."

It turned out that he saw that the situation was wrong just now, so he quickly deleted the message.

"Oh, I haven't chatted with my daughter for a while, I believe you are a ghost, hurry up, get in the car." Looking at the quiet chat records, Wang Shengnan immediately guessed that there was something wrong.

"Okay, okay." Lin Dawei had no choice but to get in the car.

After Wang Shengnan brought Lin Dawei to the school, she learned another news that shocked her. Lin Miaomiao didn't live at school and went out to rent a house.

Now Wang Shengnan, who was already angry, became even more angry. After learning the address from Lin Miaomiao's roommate, he immediately took Lin Dawei to kill him.

Yang Xueying learned from the conversation with her aunt just now that she obviously didn't know about Lin Miaomiao's going out to live, so she immediately sent a message to Lin Miaomiao, and then made a voice call to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao listened to the noisy mobile phone, turned it off immediately after touching it, and then the two hugged each other and went to sleep.Perhaps it was too reassuring and comfortable. Ye Xingchen, whose biological clock was always on time, was completely inaccurate today. How to sleep and how to sleep seemed to be arranged by the will of the world.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that the air-dropped bomb was immediately dropped on their heads.

Although Lin Dawei tried to persuade Wang Shengnan a lot on the way, the effect didn't seem to be very satisfactory, but it became even more popular.

(End of this chapter)

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