The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 320 Wang Shengnan Breaks Two People Sleeping in One Bed

Chapter 320 Wang Shengnan Breaks Two People Sleeping in the Same Bed
At this time, Wang Shengnan sat in the co-pilot without saying a word, and Lin Dawei persuaded while driving: "It's normal for a child to have his own thoughts at this age."

Wang Shengnan immediately said angrily: "She is seventy-eight years old, and I am also her mother. Her wings are stiff, and she still plays for me to play first and then play. Treat me as a white chicken."

Seeing her like this, Lin Dawei quickly changed the subject by saying: "Hey, by the way, there is a small shop in that alley, and the white chopped chicken is a must in Jiangzhou. Do you want to eat it?"

"Hurry up, you two think I'm a fool, don't you?" Wang Shengnan roared impatiently.

Seeing Wang Shengnan's anger gradually coming up, Lin Dawei quickly confessed and said: "How dare we treat you as a fool, is it because we are crazy or blind."

Just after confessing her love, she changed the subject and persuaded again: "Even if you are her mother, you can't let her do everything according to your wishes. She is also an independent entity."

Wang Shengnan was not happy when he heard this: "What is it? I am a mother. I am. Besides, she eats my food and drinks mine. She is dependent on me. She told me that she has to apply for the postgraduate entrance examination results. Going to take the exam, telling me to live in the school, and then secretly moving out to live for a year, it’s a very slippery way to play against the law, from this point of view, it’s really your flesh and blood.”

Lin Dawei saw that Wang Shengnan was coming to the map again, so he quickly intercepted it: "Tsk, let's discuss the matter, don't shoot a large area again, besides, even if I treat you, I will do what you say, I will shoot wherever you point, not to mention It's my blood, whoever doesn't listen to you at home, you can go wherever you say, at home..."

"Oh, stop talking, drive quickly, there is so much nonsense." Wang Shengnan, who was originally angry, became even more impatient when he heard Lin Dawei rambling beside him.

Lin Dawei was taken aback by the sudden high-pitched voice, but after he stabilized his mind, he began to chatter again: "I mean, you should pay attention to her attitude, method, and communication with her later. Oh, I drove Yes, we have to go back."

Wang Shengnan didn't want to talk to him anymore, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle the fire for a while.

Lin Dawei quickly turned a corner and turned back. The two parked the car in a place that was out of the way. Then, according to the address they got from Lin Miaomiao's roommate, they quickly came to the 8th floor and found Lin Miaomiao's rented room. .

"That's right, it's here." After Wang Shengnan saw 808 on the house number, he began to knock on the door.

Because the two were in the back room, and because they were covered by the quilt, they didn't hear much knocking on the door outside.

Wang Shengnan said to Lin Dawei angrily: "Your daughter is like a dead pig when she sleeps, and she can't get up."

The movement of knocking on the door did not mean to stop at all.

The loud knocking on the door early in the morning didn't wake up Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen, but woke up the neighbor, who opened the door and said, "Why are you getting up early in the morning, why don't you let people sleep. "

Wang Shengnan jumped when the neighbor opened the door suddenly, and it was obvious that most of his anger had been frightened away.

Seeing this, Lin Dawei hurried forward to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you to sleep, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's be lighter."

When the neighbor heard Lin Dawei's apology, he was more sincere, so he closed the door and did not pursue it.

Wang Shengnan was still in a state of being frightened, and he didn't know what was wrong for a while.

"Let's not smash it first, I'll call, call." Lin Dawei first comforted Wang Shengnan's emotions, and then took out his mobile phone to call Lin Miaomiao.

Wang Shengnan regained his composure, saw the shoe rack in front of the door, and suddenly thought that Lin Miaomiao often put the spare key under the blanket outside the door.According to Miaomiao's personality, it is very likely that she will leave a spare key outside the door.

She walked to the shoe rack, rummaged around, and finally found the spare key in the potted plant, and then, in Lin Dawei's shock, opened the door with the key and went in.

After coming to the room, they saw Lin Miaomiao's photo, and the two confirmed that this was the house Lin Miaomiao rented.

After Wang Shengnan put down his bag, he walked directly towards Lin Miaomiao's bedroom.

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, she first asked about the strong smell of alcohol, and when she got to the bed, Wang Shengnan's heart sank to the bottom of the sea, because she saw two people hugging and sleeping together on the bed. The degree of compactness between them can still be seen.

Holding the last sliver of luck, Wang Shengnan slowly came to the bed and lifted the quilt, Lin Miaomiao tightly wrapped around Ye Xingchen's body.After seeing this scene, the man Wang Sheng was dumbfounded.

Ye Xingchen also seemed to have broken free from the will of the world, sobered up in an instant, and when he saw the person in front of the bed, he said in surprise, "Auntie, why are you here?"

Wang Shengnan quickly covered his head with the quilt, and quickly ran out of the bedroom.

At this time, Ye Xingchen realized that he knew when he was lying on the bed. When he saw Lin Miaomiao hanging on his body like an octopus, he felt a chill in his heart. At that time, the thought in his mind was: It's over, this time Big misunderstanding.

After the quilt was taken away, Lin Miaomiao felt a little uncomfortable under the light from the window, and said in a daze, "What the hell is the quilt."

Ye Xingchen calmed down, looked down at Lin Miaomiao and said, "Your mother is here."

"What?" Lin Miaomiao was not fully awake at this time.

Ye Xingchen quickly took Lin Miaomiao's hand away, quickly rolled down from the bed, went to the window and opened it.

Lin Miaomiao was completely awake, and hurriedly asked worriedly, "What are you doing?"

"I'll see if I can jump from here." Ye Xingchen looked out the window and said.

Lin Miaomiao covered her head and said speechlessly: "I said, this is the eighth floor, how do you go down, die."

Ye Xingchen put on his shoes and squatted beside the bed and said, "Then what to do, your parents are outside."

Lin Miaomiao turned on her phone and saw a series of messages before she realized how many things happened today.

She put down her phone and looked at Ye Xingchen and asked, "What happened last night? Why are you in my room?"

Ye Xingchen got up and sat down on the sofa that was moved yesterday by the bedside and said, "Last night, you said you met Qian Sanyi, and after I found you, you said you wanted to drink, and then we went to Haozi is there, have you forgotten?"

Lin Miaomiao sat on the bed and rubbed her head trying to recall: "Really? I can't remember."

"It seems that you are really broken." Ye Xingchen said with a sad face, leaning back on the sofa and looking up at the ceiling.

"No, then we drank at Haozi's place, why did we come back here?" Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao like a fool and said, "I sent you back, do you think you can come back by yourself like yesterday?"

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(End of this chapter)

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