Chapter 322 Go Get Your License!

Wang Shengnan never expected that Ye Xingchen would come to the door by himself, and the situation was embarrassing.

Lin Dawei took a deep breath, then controlled his emotions and turned around. When he saw Ye Xingchen's appearance, a few words appeared in his mind: I have a poetic spirit in my belly.

For some reason, Lin Dawei, who originally wanted to be angry, dissipated his anger unknowingly. He "friendly" picked up a piece of ice cream beside him and handed it to Ye Xingchen, saying, "Calm down, too."

"Thank you uncle." Ye Xingchen took the ice cream in fear, and then stood there awkwardly.

Wang Shengnan saw that it was not an option for the three of them to stay here awkwardly, so he turned around and said to Ye Xingchen, "Why don't you go back first, I will stay here with your uncle for a while."

Ye Xingchen was relieved when he heard this, and immediately agreed: "Then, uncle and aunt, I'll go back first, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Wang Shengnan waved at Ye Xingchen.

Seeing Lin Dawei sitting there without saying a word, Wang Shengnan abducted him.

"Ah? Goodbye." Lin Dawei waved at Ye Xingchen politely after he realized it.

In the end, Ye Xingchen left the community under the watchful eyes of the two.

Not long after Ye Xingchen left, Lin Miaomiao sent a message: "Mom, where are you?"

After Wang Shengnan saw Lin Miaomiao's news, he quickly poked Lin Dawei next to him and asked him to read the news as well.

"Let's go, go up." Lin Dawei got up and said after seeing the news.

"Wait for me." After taking a bite of the ice cream, Wang Shengnan also hurriedly cleaned up the trash, and followed Lin Dawei with his bag.

After the two went upstairs, they sat down on the sofa, and Lin Miaomiao sat opposite them.

At this time, the fact that Lin Miaomiao did not take the postgraduate entrance examination was completely unimportant to Wang Shengnan. Now she only had one question in her mind: "Tell me, what's going on with you and Ye Xingchen, and answer truthfully. How much face did you save, admit early that we can all talk about things like postgraduate entrance examinations and renting a house, let’s talk about it later, let’s make this clear first.”

"Thank you mom." Lin Miaomiao said with a forced smile.

"Okay, don't come here, tell me what's going on." Wang Shengnan didn't give Lin Miaomiao a chance to change the subject.

Before Lin Miaomiao could speak, Lin Dawei interjected first: "Miaomiao, although Dad told you to think about Ye Xingchen last time, just don't leave any regrets, what you guys are doing today... is a bit too much. Hurry up. Although I know that your young people's ideas are different from ours, but you can't just give the most important things to others like this."

Listening to what her father said, Lin Miaomiao knew it was a big misunderstanding: "Oh, Dad, nothing happened to Ye Xingchen and I last night, we just slept in the same bed."

"You are talking nonsense, and you said nothing happened. I saw clearly just now that you are hugging Ye Xingchen. Why are you so unselfish? Mom taught you for nothing." Wang Shengnan listened to Lin Miao. Miao was still quibbling, and immediately roared.

"not me……"

Lin Miaomiao wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Wang Shengnan: "Okay, don't talk about it. Since the matter has already happened, you can get your certificate sometime."

Lin Miaomiao and Lin Dawei looked at Wang Shengnan in shock at the same time.

"No, what and what. Yes, I admit that the two of us are together, but nothing really happened last night. We were drunk last night, and Ye Xingchen sent me back, so... oops You adults think that things can stop being so dirty." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly told the two of them what happened again.

Wang Shengnan stared at Lin Miaomiao and did not speak for a while.At this time, Lin Dawei asked with doubts: "So nothing really happened to you?"

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath and said helplessly: "If you don't believe me, you have to believe Ye Xingchen, can I call him now?"

Wang Shengnan spoke again and said: "First of all, I believe that Xiaochen will not do this, because he is not such a person. However, it is not impossible for you to drink and have sex after drinking yesterday. Besides, what about you and Ye Xingchen? We were together when we had a boyfriend, why didn’t you tell mom about it.”

"We haven't been together for long, and we just confirmed our relationship the day before yesterday. Nothing happened to us last night. I don't believe you checked the head office." Lin Miaomiao was completely speechless when she heard her mother's words, and she believed Ye Xingchen doesn't believe me, please be the one who is taken advantage of, okay?
Hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, Wang Shengnan almost confirmed what was going on. It seemed that it was purely an accident, but apart from this matter, there are other things to ask today: "Okay, the matter between you and Ye Xingchen is barely over. You are old enough to have a relationship or something. Xiaochen is a nice person, and you have a good relationship with him. I have other things to do here today. Let me ask you. You are a good local kid. You have a room at home and a school. There are dormitories, why do you want to rent a house? What else do you have to do behind our backs. "

Lin Miaomiao frowned and explained aggrievedly: "I have nothing behind your backs, I just want... I just want to do something I want to do."

Wang Shengnan: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to do something I like by myself." Lin Miaomiao really doesn't know how to communicate with her mother, because sometimes they are not completely in the future channel.

Seeing that the two ancestors were about to fight again, Lin Dawei hurried out to talk to each other: "Okay, okay, you two are finally together, and you are still arguing. Isn't it good now, Miaomiao also talks about it." I'm in love, and you like her very much. What else is there to be dissatisfied with? Another day, Miaomiao, another day, call Ye Xingchen to our house and have a meal together. When Dad saw this child today, he felt Extraordinary, the atmosphere is different."

"That's right, you think I've been a coach for so many years for nothing." Wang Shengnan immediately gasped when he heard this.

Although Lin Miaomiao was very disdainful of Wang Shengnan's eyes, it was also very good to let his mother put out the fire. Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Miaomiao quickly ran out about going to the TV station to work.

Before leaving, I heard my mother's roar: "If you lose your job in the TV station again, let's see how I will deal with you."

Lin Miaomiao, who ran out of the rented house, finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally come out."

But then she became angry when she thought that Ye Xingchen had really left herself here alone, she took out her mobile phone and dialed directly.

Soon the other side picked up: "Hi, Miaomiao."

Lin Miaomiao immediately began to complain crazily: "Ye Xingchen, you left me alone at home and ran away, you coward."

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(End of this chapter)

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