Chapter 323 Go to my house
"Uh, what happened." Ye Xingchen asked after hearing the roar on the phone.

"What do you think? After you left, my parents interrogated me, and you just left me here." The more Lin Miaomiao said, the more aggrieved she became.

After Ye Xingchen heard it, he quickly explained: "I just ran into my uncle and aunt downstairs."

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback: "What?"

"Ang, I was still saying hello, but Aunt Shengnan let me go, so I took a taxi to Haozi's place." Ye Xingchen continued.

Lin Miaomiao frowned and asked, "Why are you going to Haozi's place?"

"Drive, my car is still here. By the way, where are you? I'll pick you up. Auntie probably doesn't know that you lost your job, so you should come out now." Ye Xingchen immediately guessed Lin Miao Miao should have come out, because this is the only way to cover up the fact that he lost his job.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but sighed that Ye Xingchen was so smart: "I ran out ahead of time. Now it's all right, my parents know about our relationship, I also know about my renting a house, and I didn't go to graduate school. My parents know I also know that all the bad things really catch up together. But fortunately, our affairs have diverted my parents' attention, otherwise..."

"Understood, fully understood. I'll go to your apartment now, you wait for me at the door." Ye Xingchen smiled.

Lin Miaomiao urged: "Okay, then come quickly, I'm afraid my parents will come down soon."

"Okay, wait for me obediently, I'll be there right away." Ye Xingchen said dotingly.

After hearing this, Lin Miaomiao felt warm in her heart, but she didn't fall completely, and said with concern: "Hey, slow down on the road, don't drive so fast."

"Understood, my lord." Ye Xingchen said in a playful tone.

Lin Miaomiao's face turned red: "Slick tongue, I'll ignore you, goodbye."

After Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ye Xingchen looked at the phone and smiled, then started the car and drove towards Miaomiao's apartment.

Jiang Tianhao's shop is very close to Lin Miaomiao's apartment, even if Ye Xingchen's speed is not very fast, he will arrive in a short while.

Ye Xingchen opened the car window and said to Lin Miaomiao who was waiting on the side of the road, "Miaomiao, get in the car."

Lin Miaomiao looked down and saw that it was really Ye Xingchen, then trotted over, opened the car door and sat down, and blamed: "It's only been a while, didn't I tell you not to drive so fast?"

"It's very close, so it didn't take long. Are you not angry with me?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and asked back: "Why are you angry?"

"This morning I..."

"Stop talking, it's over, I forgive you for the time being." Lin Miaomiao's face turned red when she heard Ye Xingchen talking about what happened this morning again, and she quickly changed the subject.

Ye Xingchen looked at the cute and shy Miaomiao in front of him, and couldn't help but despise himself in the morning, how could such a cute Miaomiao be willing to bully her.

"That's great, as long as you don't get angry with me. Let's go then, I'll take you to my house. You've never been against my house." Ye Xingchen smiled gently.

Lin Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat: "Go, go to your house?"

Ye Xingchen smiled bitterly: "What's the matter, do you not trust me?"

"No, I, I'm just, I've never been to your house, just..." Lin Miaomiao explained embarrassingly when she saw that her thoughts had been exposed.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's nervous expression and expressed his understanding. After all, who made him go too far today: "Okay, if you don't want to go, forget it, it's okay."

When she said this, Lin Miaomiao saw a trace of disappointment in Ye Xingchen's eyes, so she suddenly changed her mind: "It's okay to go, I want to eat the steak dinner, which is the one you sent me yesterday."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's agreement, Ye Xingchen was overjoyed, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, no problem, I will definitely take care of myself."

"Then let's go." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's smirk, and there was a ripple in her heart.

"Got it."


Soon Ye Xingchen came to his community. When Lin Miaomiao saw the luxurious place, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "My God, your community is too grand."

"Okay, don't watch it, you'll be surprised when you get to my house." Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao's hand and walked towards his house.

The two came to the elevator on the first floor. After entering, Ye Xingchen pressed the button for the 8th floor.Then quietly waited for the elevator to go up.

In a confined space, the relationship between the two will heat up quickly, and the atmosphere will become different.So Ye Xingchen could feel the panic of the beautiful woman next to him.

But this time, Ye Xingchen didn't make any unnecessary movements, he just held Lin Miaomiao's hand quietly, and didn't even look at Lin Miaomiao, in order to give her enough sense of security.

Although the time from the first floor to the eighth floor is not long, Lin Miaomiao always feels that a century has passed. She thought Ye Xingchen would bully her inside, but she didn't. After she came out, Lin Miaomiao felt a little disappointed, and she didn't know why.

After Ye Xingchen entered the password, the door opened automatically, and then brought Lin Miaomiao to his home.

"Heitan, open the curtains." Ye Xingchen said to the empty room.

"Received." At this moment, a mechanical voice came to mind in the huge house.

Lin Miaomiao said in surprise, "Wow, is this artificial intelligence?"

"Yes, it's the artificial intelligence voice system." Ye Xingchen replied.

Lin Miaomiao looked back and forth at the living room, looking at the room with a technological style, she couldn't help sighing: "This is too cool, I want to play too."

Ye Xingchen smiled lightly, and then said to the room: "Heitan, add control quota."

Heitan: "Please state the name and identity information of the person who added it."

Ye Xingchen: "Lin Miaomiao, ID number..."

Heitan: "Added successfully."

Lin Miaomiao asked excitedly: "Is this all right?"

"Okay." Ye Xingchen nodded.

"Can I control it?"


Lin Miaomiao stepped forward excitedly and said, "Turn on the light."

All the lights in the room were turned on in an instant.

"Wow, that's so cool. Turn off the lights! Turn on the lights! Turn off the lights!" Lin Miaomiao jumped up excitedly, and then had a good time.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help regretting his stupid decision just now, he felt a little bit sorry for the light bulb in his home now.

"Okay, Miaomiao, don't play, it will break if you play." Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

Lin Miaomiao also knew that she had too much fun just now, so she couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I'm just curious."

"Understood, by the way, go take a shower, I smelled of alcohol after drinking yesterday." Ye Xingchen instructed.

Lin Miaomiao said blankly: "Ah, are you taking a bath here?"

"Aren't you uncomfortable?" Ye Xingchen asked back.

Lin Miaomiao: "Ah... uncomfortable."

"Then it's over, wait a moment."

Ye Xingchen went to the room to get an unused three-piece bathroom set and a new toothbrush.

(End of this chapter)

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