The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 324 Help Miaomiao buy underwear!

Chapter 324 Help Miaomiao buy underwear!

Ye Xingchen handed things to Lin Miaomiao and said, "Here, they are all new."

"Um, thank you!" Lin Miaomiao said after taking it.

But then I realized that I didn't bring a change of clothes, so I said awkwardly: "I, I didn't bring any clothes..."

After speaking, he bowed his head deeply, not daring to look at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen also discovered this problem. There is indeed no change of clothes, which means that there will be no clothes to wear after taking a shower. After thinking for a while, Ye Xingchen turned his head and took out a white T-shirt and a black shirt from the room. The shorts are new and never worn.

"You can wear mine first. As for underwear, I really don't have any. Or... tell me your size and I'll buy it for you?" Ye Xingchen asked hesitantly.

Lin Miaomiao's face turned red in an instant, and she hurriedly refused: "No need, no need."

"Are you sure? Then you won't have anything to wear in a while." Ye Xingchen looked at her playfully and said.

"Ah?" Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and bit her lips lightly, a little at a loss.

Finally, after hesitating for a while, she told Ye Xingchen her size.

Sure enough, indeed... Xiao, where did the erm go.

"Cough cough, I see, well, do you want to buy some clothes by the way?" Ye Xingchen coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly waved her hands: "No need, I'll just wear this."

"Understood, you go take a shower first, I will be back in about 15 minutes, there is an underwear store next to my house."

"it is good."

Lin Miaomiao picked up her clothes and walked shyly into the bathroom.

Ye Xingchen took the key and went down to buy underwear for Na Miaomiao.

Soon came to the door of the women's underwear store, Ye Xingchen cheekily opened the door and went in.

Soon a sexy young lady stepped forward and said, "Welcome, sir, what do you need?"

Ye Xingchen coughed lightly and said, "Any recommendations for women's underwear?"

"You bought it for your girlfriend, right?" The sexy young lady guessed right away.

Ye Xingchen didn't shy away either: "Yes, buy a set of underwear for my girlfriend."

The young lady chuckled lightly, and asked again: "Then what kind do you want to buy, sir?"

"Just ordinary ones, the price is not a problem, as long as they are comfortable and harmless."

Ye Xingchen looked at the dazzling array of sexy underwear, even though he had a thicker skin, he couldn't help but blush.Although he really wanted to buy a sexy set for Lin Miaomiao, but after buying it back, he thought his image would be gone, so after thinking twice, he decided to buy a more conservative set.

"Then, sir, I recommend this one to you. It is comfortable and harmless. The most important thing is that it uses a new technology..."

Hearing that Miss Sister Balabala asked a lot, Ye Xingchen decided to take this: "How much is this one, I want it."

"The original price of this product is 10888, now there is an event, only 8888 is enough."

"Swipe the card." Ye Xingchen took out his bank card from the wallet without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that this handsome young man is so happy, the young lady can't help but sigh that he is another rich man, and the most important thing is that he treats his girlfriend so well, so he specially bought underwear for his girlfriend, and even bought conservative models, envy.

After the operation was successful, the young lady smiled and asked again: "Please tell me the size of your girlfriend, sir, so we can get you a suitable one."

Ye Xingchen pinched his nose, and then slowly told the parameters of Lin Miaomiao's body, especially the bust...

"Okay, wait a minute."

Ye Xingchen waited for a few minutes, and the young lady came out with the packed underwear.

The young lady gave Ye Xingchen her private number: "Hold on, my business card this time, if you have any questions, you can call me."

Ye Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the shy young lady who came running over.

After coming out, Ye Xingchen found a trash can and threw away the business card.Because he only has Maimai in his heart, and he can only have Maimai.

Soon Ye Xingchen returned home, and then heard Miaomiao's voice coming from the bathroom: "Is it Ye Xingchen?"

"It's me! Have you finished washing?" Ye Xingchen replied.

Lin Miaomiao: "It's finished."

Ye Xingchen looked at the underwear in his hand and asked hesitantly: "Well, I bought the underwear, how can I give it to you?"

"You, you hand it over from the door." Lin Miaomiao's voice was very low, and now her face was blushing and dripping blood.

"Oh, good." Ye Xingchen walked slowly to the door and handed over the underwear and said, "You take it yourself."

"You are not allowed to peek." Lin Miaomiao warned.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly turned around, and promised: "I swear, I will never peek."

Lin Miaomiao quietly stretched out a hand, touched the underwear strap, grabbed it and quickly retracted it, like a frightened little rabbit.

Ye Xingchen shook his head with a smile. It seems that Miaomiao is quite defensive about himself now. He went to the refrigerator and took two filet mignon steaks, and went directly to the kitchen to cook... breakfast and lunch for the two of them.

After tossing all morning, it is almost 11 o'clock now, and eating at this time is considered close to lunch. After Ye Xingchen put on his apron, he started to have a busy meal. Suddenly, he thought of something, and went to the refrigerator to get a few more steaks. Especially a lot, because he was afraid that Lin Miaomiao would not have enough to eat.

Soon Lin Miaomiao came out wearing Ye Xingchen's clothes. The white t-shirt was draped all the way to her thighs, which obviously didn't fit her, especially how big she was.

Seeing Ye Xingchen frying steak in the kitchen, she couldn't help but go in and ask, "Are these all for lunch?"

"Hey, why did you come in, get out quickly, don't get dirty after taking a shower." Ye Xingchen chased Lin Miaomiao out after seeing Lin Miaomiao coming in.

"It's okay, I'll just wait here." Lin Miaomiao pouted, looking eagerly at the steak in the pot.

Ye Xingchen sternly refused: "No, it will be done soon, you go to the living room and watch TV first."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao reluctantly left, turning around every three steps, full of reluctance.

Five minutes later, Ye Xingchen came out of the kitchen, and Lin Miaomiao hurried forward to pick it up after hearing the movement.

"Are you hungry?" Seeing Lin Miaomiao's anxious look, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing.

"Well, I'm a little hungry." Lin Miaomiao felt a little embarrassed when she was told.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue teasing her: "Okay, eat quickly, these three yuan are all yours, if it's not enough, I'll make it for you."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the four steaks on the plate, and couldn't help asking, "You just eat one?"

"That's right, I'm full after eating one piece. I'm afraid you won't be enough, so I specially fried two pieces for you." Ye Xingchen explained.

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head shyly, and whispered, "How can I eat so well?"

Ye Xingchen pretended to think and said, "Hmm... You ate a lot more than this at Haozi's last time. I remember it was four big bowls of rice, right?"

After finishing speaking, Ye Xingchen heard Lin Miaomiao's teeth grinding slightly.

"Crench, crunch."

 Thanks to book friends 20210721223418573 for the 100 starting coins

  Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Nine Serenities

  Thanks to Luo Beiyin for the reward of 100 starting coins

  Thanks to moomoo1006 for the reward of 100 starting coins

  Thank you for the 100 starting coins that are not rewarded by the market people in the early morning.
  Thanks to book friends 20170709003418838 for the 100 starting coins

  Thanks to book friends 20210721223418573 for the 500 starting coins

  Thank you for the rewards of monthly tickets and recommended tickets

(End of this chapter)

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