Chapter 325 I Did Nothing!
Ye Xingchen suddenly felt bad, and immediately changed the topic: "Well, what kind of job are you planning to find, let me see if there is anything I can help."

Lin Miaomiao gave him a hard look, and then said angrily, "What else can I look for, professional counterparts, I don't know anything else."

As he spoke, he cut the steak into four large pieces and put it in his mouth.

"Hot, hot, hot!" Lin Miaomiao quickly fanned her mouth.

Ye Xingchen said worriedly: "Spit it out, spit it out."

Lin Miaomiao kept breathing and accelerated the cooling speed, and finally ate it.

"It's burning me to death. Wow, it's really delicious." Lin Miaomiao burst into tears, and she didn't forget to comment on Ye Xingchen's craftsmanship.

Ye Xingchen looked at the stupid Lin Miaomiao in front of him and couldn't help but whispered, "Didn't you spit it out, why didn't you spit it out, let me see if you got burned, ah~ open your mouth."

Ye Xingchen stepped forward and pinched Lin Miaomiao's mouth and said, "It's all red."

"Ah, ah,...what are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't help crying because her mouth was pinched.

Lin Miaomiao struggled hard to break free from Ye Xingchen's claws.

"It's all red, are you stupid?" Ye Xingchen blamed.

Lin Miaomiao quickly sipped at another piece after eating, this time she learned to be smart and knew how to blow it before eating: "Huh, huh, huh, Bumeng wastes (can't waste) food."

Ye Xingchen was completely speechless when he heard the reason: "There are some, I'm not afraid that you will waste them."

"No, if you waste one piece, you can eat one piece less, how expensive it is."

Soon Lin Miaomiao finished a whole piece of steak, and when it came to the second piece, she didn't even want to cut it, she just picked it up with a fork and put it in her mouth.

Ye Xingchen stared blankly at Lin Miaomiao who was working hard to cook, and then said silently: "Yes, there is less cooking."

"Mm~ delicious." In less than 10 minutes, Lin Miaomiao ate up all three steaks in front of her, and then looked at Ye Xingchen eagerly.

Ye Xingchen pushed his share forward with both hands: "Here, you can eat, I'm not hungry yet."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the one who was pushed over and said, "This is not good!"

Although he said so, his hands were very honest, and he took Ye Xingchen's share without any politeness.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao didn't look full and asked, "Forget it, you should tell me how full you are now, so I know."

Lin Miaomiao put down her fork, stretched out eight fingers and said, "It should be these!"

Ye Xingchen didn't speak and continued to look at her with interest.

Lin Miaomiao felt very uncomfortable being stared at, then she glanced away, put down another finger and said, "Okay, [-]%."

"The last one, I'm afraid you'll spoil your stomach if you eat too much." Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

"Yeah." Lin Miaomiao nodded heavily twice.

Ye Xingchen got up slowly, took out two steaks from the refrigerator again, went to the kitchen to fry them again, and put a small piece in front of Lin Miaomiao, while he ate the big one, after all, it was meat , although Lin Miaomiao can eat, but can't eat too much, it's not easy to digest.

However, Lin Miaomiao did not protest, after all, she had already wiped out five yuan, and she was almost full.

After the two finished eating, they put the dishes away and put them in the automatic dishwasher, and Lin Miaomiao's clothes were also washed by Ye Xingchen in two different washing machines, and then dried.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's house curiously at this time, the house was indeed big enough, and the decoration was particularly luxurious at first glance.

When she walked to the laundry room, she happened to see Ye Xingchen holding her panties in the dryer for drying, and her face turned crimson.

Lin Miaomiao pretended that she hadn't seen anything, and when she was about to leave secretly, Ye Xingchen found her.

"Miaomiao, why are you here?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously.

"My one, I'm curious. I took a look around, but I didn't see anything." Lin Miaomiao suddenly realized that she had slipped her tongue and quickly covered her mouth.

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback, probably knowing that Lin Miaomiao should have seen it, so he quickly explained: "I didn't do anything."

"I know!" Lin Miaomiao whispered in embarrassment.

Ye Xingchen was quite embarrassed watching the scene: "Well, after drying in a while, you can cool it on the balcony by yourself."

"Okay!" Lin Miaomiao kept rubbing her T-shirt with both hands.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Haozi calling, Ye Xingchen thought to himself: Thank God, it's so timely.

"I'm going to answer the phone." Ye Xingchen said.

"Oh, good." Lin Miaomiao reacted and moved away in a panic.

Ye Xingchen came to the living room as if escaping, and then pressed the answer button: "Hey, Haozi, your call is too timely."

Jiang Tianhao asked curiously: "Why? What's the matter?"

"This... don't ask me yet, why are you calling?" Ye Xingchen said straight to the point.

"It's okay, just to see if you are awake. Did you feel ecstasy last night, hehehehe." Jiang Tianhao's cheap laugh came from the phone.

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen felt a black thread: "Here, I, get out."

"Why, don't tell me that you didn't take such a good opportunity last night. I said, Lao Ye, are you a man?" Jiang Tianhao asked in surprise.

"You think I'm as nasty as you, I'm a gentleman, a man of Liu Xiahui's level, don't compare me with you and others."

"No, no, don't talk to Liu Xiahui."

"Haozi, it's time to pay back the money."

"Brother Ye, you are definitely Liu Xiahui, but he is weaker than you, you should be the Buddha."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but rolled his big eyes. Sure enough, money can turn ghosts, no, money can turn ghosts.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Speaking of this, Miaomiao and I were arrested this morning." Ye Xingchen started to talk about business.

"What do you mean? Was arrested by the police? Why are you arrested? Whoring?"

Jiang Tianhao asked four consecutive questions directly.

When Ye Xingchen heard this, he immediately cursed angrily: "I'm going to prostitute your uncle, can we still have a good chat, if not, just pay back the money, if you don't pay back the money, you can go to the court tomorrow."

"Brother, I was wrong, you say."

Ye Xingchen didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he directly told Jiang Tianhao what happened today in detail.

"Probably that's the case. Anyway, the two of us must know now. As for whether the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, I don't know. I haven't asked Miaomiao yet." Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

There was noticeable silence on the other end of the phone for a few minutes.

Ye Xingchen thought the phone was hung up, so he picked it up to look at it, and found that he was still on the phone, so he asked, "Hello, can you hear me?"

Then Jiang Tianhao's scream came from the other side of the phone.

"Fuck, this is too exciting."

 push book

  Starting point "Film and TV Roaming Begins with Boys Pi"

  "Film and Television Entertainment: Time and Space Players"

  "Borrowing Lin Miaomiao's RV at the beginning of film and television roaming"

(End of this chapter)

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