Chapter 331

Lin Miaomiao paused for a moment and said: "Well, it's a long story. After we came back from abroad together, he went to BJ not long after. He stayed there because he was busy with the doctoral project. For more than a year. Then after returning, he became my professional subject teacher for a year for no reason. During the time when we came back, we kept in touch a lot, and it was also at that time that we gradually fell in love with him.”

"What did you just say, a doctoral project? Who is the doctor, Ye Xingchen?" Deng Xiaoqi asked in surprise.

Her expression now is almost exactly the same as that of Jiang Tianhao and his parents when they heard about this incident, it seems that everyone will be shocked.

Lin Miaomiao took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "Although this incident is really incredible, but it is indeed a Ph.D. and is currently in the third year of Ph.D."

Deng Xiaoqi swallowed, then lowered her head and continued drinking her drink to calm down.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Deng Xiaoqi in front of her and couldn't help laughing: "Does it feel like a dream?"

"It's really dreamy. Although when I saw your boyfriend just now, I thought it should be very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Deng Xiaoqi had to admit that she was indeed a little envious. Alright, what's the deal in the future?

But what shocked her even more was yet to come.

Lin Miaomiao continued to introduce Ye Xingchen's identity: "Not only that, Ye Xingchen is also a rich second generation. His parents have a listed company in the Netherlands, and his family is very rich."

Deng Xiaoqi looked at Lin Miaomiao with a numb face, and finally said silently: "Miaomiao, did you find your boyfriend in the newspaper?"

"Eh..." Lin Miaomiao blushed.

At first, Deng Xiaoqi just wanted to tell Lin Miaomiao not to be taken advantage of, but now she wants to download a national anti-fraud app for Lin Miaomiao's phone. This newspaper blind date is outrageous.

"I'm a little confused right now, wait for me to take it easy." Deng Xiaoqi took a deep breath, and then continued, "So you're not sad?"

"Why am I sad?" Lin Miaomiao was a little confused.

Only then did Deng Xiaoqi tell Lin Miaomiao why she came to see her today: "Haozi invited me out this morning, saying that you saw Qian Sanyi yesterday, and then you were very unhappy, let me persuade you. Oh yes, he also told me to prepare my heart today, saying that I might be frightened, and after being frightened for a long time, it means that you have a boyfriend."

"Why should I be sad? I have such an excellent boyfriend who treats me so well. Why should I be sad for an ordinary friend who has lost contact with me for so many years. Besides, in this year, Ye Xingchen and I still have Haozi, the three of us often come out to eat and chat together, so he knows everything about me, and it is also thanks to him that we can be together with Ye Xingchen." Lin Miaomiao didn't show any sadness on her expression, as if she was narrating It's just a thing of the past.

Deng Xiaoqi saw that she had bid farewell to the past, so she let go of the stone in her heart, and did not hide what happened this morning: "Haozi went to Qian Sanyi's house today, and then came back from there to find me directly."

Lin Miaomiao said indifferently: "He went to find Qian Sany again, it's really boring."

"It is said that a sister in a bathrobe opened the door. It is said that Qian Sanyi is still sleeping." Deng Xiaoqi whispered.

"Ham, even the door opened by the naked sister has nothing to do with me, and please don't worry about it, I really don't want to hear about Qian Sanyi, and you don't talk to me anymore. Mention, I'm afraid Ye Xingchen will misunderstand." After speaking, he didn't forget to look outside, as if he was looking for Ye Xingchen's location.

Deng Xiaoqi nodded after seeing Lin Miaomiao's reaction, and it was good to let it go, so as to save herself from feeling uncomfortable: "Okay, I won't mention it. You see, everyone has changed a lot after not seeing each other for so long, and no one can Stay where you are."

"That's right, we have to look forward. There is a saying in Lu's Spring and Autumn Period. The past is an expired document, and what is left behind is troubles and entanglements." Lin Miaomiao said with a carefree look in the past.

Unexpectedly, Deng Xiaoqi also broke out a shocking event at this time: "I... also took a step, and I will be with my senior brother."

Lin Miaomiao, who was drinking coffee, choked hard: "Ahem, cough, wait a minute, no, the amount of information is too much, let me take it easy."

Lin Miaomiao smoothed her thoughts and continued, "You're taking a big step, does Haozi know?"

When mentioning Haozi, Deng Xiaoqi obviously felt a little guilty: "I haven't told him yet, you know... I have always regarded Haozi as a brother."

After hearing this, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but feel bad for Haozi. She lowered her head helplessly and said, "Our four little ones seem to have not changed, but in fact they have changed drastically."

"Yes, it has indeed changed." Deng Xiaoqi's face was also full of loneliness. Suddenly, Deng Xiaoqi remembered something, and then asked with a half-smile: "By the way, didn't you drink alcohol last night? What happened in the end?" Your boyfriend sent you back."

Lin Miaomiao obviously didn't want to answer this question, so she could only casually echo, "Ang."

"So, you last night..."

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly called a stop: "Stop, don't mention this matter again, it gives me a headache now."

"No, why not mention it, do you have that?" Deng Xiaoqi smiled slyly.

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

In the end, it took Lin Miaomiao nearly 20 minutes to explain the cause and effect of this matter. The two chatted for a while, Lin Miaomiao was afraid that Ye Xingchen would be in a hurry, so she proposed to leave.

After coming down, she saw Ye Xingchen at a glance, so she went over and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Wait in a hurry."

Ye Xingchen turned around and saw that it was Miaomiao who quickly got up and said, "No, are you finished talking?"

"The chat is over, now we can have a big meal." If Lin Miaomiao didn't mention eating, Ye Xingchen was really in a daze. He couldn't tell whether it was Mai Mai or Miao Miao, but as long as it was about eating, it was still easy to tell the difference from.

Wait...Mai Mai seems to have become greedy too, oh, forget it, he has to work hard to make money after returning, if this continues, he is afraid that Xueqiu will starve to death.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Ye Xingchen said dotingly to Lin Miaomiao.

Then he looked at Xiaoqi who was on the side and said politely: "Xiaoqi, where are you going, do you need us to give you a ride?"

Lin Miaomiao also reacted and quickly echoed: "By the way, let Ye Xingchen take you back."

"No, no, no, I've booked a taxi, so I won't disturb your date."

Deng Xiaoqi's mind is still very delicate, she can't be a light bulb at this time.

Lin Miaomiao blushed when she heard about the date, but since Xiaoqi didn't intend to let Ye Xingchen send it off, she didn't force it either.

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(End of this chapter)

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