The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 332 Go to your place or go to mine?

Chapter 332 Go to your place or go to mine?
After Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao watched Deng Xiaoqi take a taxi, they also set off for dinner.

Knowing that Lin Miaomiao likes to eat meat, Ye Xingchen brought her to a good barbecue restaurant. After the two had a full meal, Ye Xingchen asked: "Miaomiao, are you planning to go back to the apartment or to my place?"

Lin Miaomiao sat on the co-pilot and touched her belly. After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, she slowly narrowed her eyes, and said, "Why do you want me to go to your house so much? Say, don't you?" trying to do something bad to me."

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly: "I said big sister, if I wanted to do something to you yesterday was such a good opportunity, why wait until today, I just feel that the location of your apartment is exposed, I'm afraid that my aunt will often go to raid it when she is free. .”

In fact, Ye Xingchen didn't think so at all, what he was thinking now was to find a reason to lure Lin Miaomiao into his home, and then...then talk about it.

"Well... that's right. If my mother doesn't leave when I go back, she will still have to talk to me." Lin Miaomiao thought about it carefully, and it really made sense. Just as she was considering whether to go to Ye Xingchen's apartment tonight, Wang Shengnan A WeChat call came.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "My mother is on the phone."

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Look at me, pick it up quickly, otherwise Auntie will be in a hurry."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly picked up the phone, but what she saw was not Wang Shengnan but her younger brother Lin Gougou, "Little Devil Gougou, why is it you, why are you still awake so late?"

"Sister, I miss you, come back soon." Lin's voice came from the receiver.

Lin Miaomiao said in surprise, "I didn't say I was going back."

"But mom said you were coming back today, sister, where are you?"

"Um, I'm here, I'm here, I'm in the car." Lin Miaomiao didn't say whose car she was in.

But Lin is very smart, he guessed whose car it was in a moment: "Sister, are you in Brother Xingchen's car?"

Lin Miaomiao was startled: "Ah? How do you know?"

"Brother Xingchen's car is like this." Quough said innocently.

Ye Xingchen leaned over from the side and praised: "It's really smart."

"Brother Xingchen is good, I miss Brother Xingchen too, when will my brother come to find enough to play with?" After seeing Ye Xingchen, Lin Gougou obviously became more cordial.

Seeing that her younger brother was closer to Ye Xingchen than to herself, Lin Miaomiao felt dissatisfied for a moment: "Oh, enough of you are heartless, you didn't speak so enthusiastically to me just now."

Ye Xingchen was at the side and hurriedly helped to cover up: "You see each other every day, maybe it's because you haven't seen me for a long time, that's why you seem to be more friendly with me, right?"

Lin Enough quickly agreed: "Yes."

"My brother will come and play with you after a while, okay?" Ye Xingchen said softly.

"it is good."

It’s enough to finish talking, when Wang Shengnan heard it, he quickly stepped forward to take the phone and said, "Miaomiao, are you with Xiaochen now?"

Lin Miaomiao also knew that she couldn't hide it, so she simply admitted: "Ang, we just finished eating, and he is about to send me back."

Then he turned the camera of the phone to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen greeted Wang Shengnan awkwardly: "Hello, Auntie."

"Hello, hello, Xiaochen, when will you come to visit Auntie's house? It's enough to miss you all day long." Wang Shengnan smiled immediately after seeing Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to say that he would have time anytime, but seeing Lin Miaomiao winking at him, so he rejected Wang Shengnan's invitation: "Well, auntie, I have to be busy with my project recently, so I may have to pass the time." It's been a while, sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, work is important, by the way, Miaomiao didn't cause trouble for you, right?" Wang Shengnan quickly said that he said he was fine and didn't care, and then asked about the situation of the two from the side.

Ye Xingchen quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, Miaomiao is very obedient, she won't cause me any trouble."

When Ye Xingchen said this, Wang Shengnan, a mother, was of course very happy. After all, who doesn't like others to praise their children.

But if you're happy, she won't get carried away because of other people's praise, and then she said to Ye Xingchen:
"Really? This child Miao Miao has been disobedient since she was a child. If you say she is good, I won't believe it."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao turned the phone camera to herself again, and said with an unhappy face: "Mom, am I your daughter? You still say that about me."

Seeing that his daughter turned the camera over, Wang Shengnan's face immediately became tense: "Why, am I wrong?"

Seeing Wang Shengnan's double-standard appearance, Lin Miaomiao was really speechless: "Yes, yes, yes, how could your mother be wrong, I'm going to go back to the apartment, let's hang up."

"Hey, hey, wait a minute..."

Lin Miaomiao didn't care what her mother had to say and quickly hung up the phone, otherwise she wouldn't know how to pick up black material on her in front of Ye Xingchen.

But what she didn't know was that Ye Xingchen knew all about Lin Miaomiao's scandals before. Except for the blank period of freshman and senior year, Ye Xingchen was by her side for all the rest of the time.

"It's not good to just hang up the phone like this," Ye Xingchen said.

Lin Miaomiao fastened her seat belt and adjusted the seat to make herself a little more comfortable, then said: "What's wrong, you are not me, so you don't know my suffering."

"I know." Ye Xingchen said abruptly.

Lin Miaomiao thought he was joking, so she didn't take it seriously: "How would you know, you're not me."

"I really know." This time Ye Xingchen's tone was extremely firm, as if he really knew Lin Miaomiao's difficulties.

Looking at his firm eyes, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but think of the words she said at the airport back then. Although she always remembered it, she never paid attention to it. She even once thought that she might be hallucinating due to excessive nervousness.

But if it was really an auditory hallucination, then how could Ye Xingchen know himself so well? Could it be an illusion?
"What's wrong, I didn't talk anymore, I fell asleep, I slept after eating, enough to keep healthy." Ye Xingchen joked.

Lin Miaomiao said angrily, "Get out! I'll take a moment and call me when we arrive."

Ye Xingchen shook his head, well, this meal is for nothing, it's my elder brother during the meal, and he's nothing after the meal, it's really annoying.After that, Ye Xingchen didn't bother himself, so he drove Lin Miaomiao to the downstairs of the Swan Hill apartment.

Ye Xingchen patted the sleeping Lin Miaomiao lightly: "It's here, don't sleep."

Lin Miaomiao opened her eyes in a daze: "So fast? Are you speeding again?"

"No, I was afraid that the bumps would wake you up, so I drove slowly on purpose." Ye Xingchen said unfairly.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes, then blinked at Ye Xingchen, and said cutely: "So, then, you have worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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