The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 342 Cohabitation big battle, plan succeeded

Chapter 342 Cohabitation big battle, plan succeeded
Lin Miaomiao turned her head with a look of shock, this guy was actually carrying a recording pen with him.

"" Lin Miaomiao didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a little complacency and said, "How about it, I have to admit it now."

"I, I don't care if it's a synthetic voice, anyway, I don't admit it." Lin Miaomiao continued to play rogue.

Ye Xingchen chuckled, and then called into the car: "Heitan, Heitan."

Heitan: "My master!"

"Play the video."


Immediately afterwards, the scene just now was played directly on the car TV, and the impact was particularly clear.

"How about it, 4K Blu-ray, very clear, there are recordings and videos, why can't we justify this, there is no suspense at all in the lawsuit with these evidences." Ye Xingchen said with a harmless smile.

Lin Miaomiao opened her mouth wide and looked at Ye Xingchen in shock.

It’s fine if there’s a recording, and there’s also a video, so the preparations are complete enough. It’s clear that everything is ready and the only thing left to do is to play tricks on myself.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head, looked at Ye Xingchen helplessly and said: "Ye Xingchen, I suddenly found out that you are really, you have ten thousand eyes, absolutely, you are amazing. Drive!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Ye Xingchen made a knight salute to Lin Miaomiao, then fastened his seat belt and started the car.


Lin Miaomiao was sulking all the way, no matter what Ye Xingchen told her, she didn't care about Ye Xingchen, because she suddenly found that with her IQ, it was impossible to beat Ye Xingchen.

Now she was even a little worried that when Ye Xingchen lied to her in the future, she might not be aware of it at all, because the layout was absolutely seamless.

But what Lin Miaomiao didn't know was how much thought it took to catch her, Ye Xingchen (thanks to every dog-headed military advisor who chased Miaomiao for Ye Xingchen).

Soon Ye Xingchen parked the car in an out-of-the-way place outside the Swan Hill apartment, and then said to Lin Miaomiao who was angry in the passenger seat:

"We're here, let's go up."

Lin Miaomiao unbuckled her seatbelt, didn't care about Ye Xingchen, and directly opened the door to go out.

Ye Xingchen also got out of the car, then walked to the trunk and took out the luggage.At this time, he found that Lin Miaomiao had disappeared, and he was probably still angry with Ye Xingchen. He didn't know the reason for his anger.
Ye Xingchen came to Room 808 with his suitcase on his back and found that the door was not closed. It seemed that Miaomiao had accepted the fact that he was living in. Ye Xingchen was not polite, and directly pulled the suitcase into the apartment.

Lin Miaomiao came out of the bedroom, hugged a pillow and quilt, stuffed them to Ye Xingchen, and then said angrily: "From now on, you will sleep on the sofa, and you are not allowed to enter my bedroom without my permission."

Ye Xingchen looked at the quilt in his hand, then at the narrow and short sofa, and said helplessly: "Miaomiao, I can't sleep here, I can't even let my feet go. Yours is just right. Sleep two people..."

"Come on, even though you are my boyfriend, if you don't know each other, you don't need to think about the bed. As for the sofa, you like to sleep or not. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to a hotel. Anyway, you are not short of money." Brain Lin Miaomiao, who was fully awake, had a very clear mind, so she didn't give Ye Xingchen any chance to make progress.

Ye Xingchen tried his best to restore his image in front of Lin Miaomiao: "No, I won't do anything to you, and if I want to do something to you, wouldn't that night be a good opportunity? Why do I have to wait until now? .”

Lin Miaomiao chuckled at him, and then immediately changed her face: "Come on, who knows what your plan is. Anyway, starting from today, I don't even believe a single punctuation mark in what you say."

After finishing speaking, Lin Miaomiao immediately returned to her bedroom and closed the door firmly, leaving only Ye Xingchen with a dazed expression on her face.

Ye Xingchen scratched his head, then put the quilt on the sofa, then took out his toiletries from the suitcase, and then felt that there was still something missing, yes, no slippers.

"Miaomiao, do you have any slippers?" Ye Xingchen walked to the bedroom door and knocked on the door to ask.


Lin Miaomiao's voice came from inside.

"Forget it, let's go buy it." Ye Xingchen sighed, then picked up the key on the table, and prepared to go to the convenience store downstairs.

In the bedroom, Miaomiao heard the door knocking outside, and immediately opened the door quietly, and then went out to check, only to find that Ye Xingchen was no longer there.

"Where are you going so late? You won't be going home, no, why didn't you take your luggage when you got home?" Lin Miaomiao looked at her sofa after coming out, and found that Ye Xingchen was really a little bit sleepy here. Unable to sleep, I couldn't help feeling a little pity in my heart.

"Who told him to fool me, he deserves it, hum!"

Lin Miaomiao sat on the sofa, then took out her mobile phone and sent Deng Xiaoqi a message: "Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, are you there?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "Yes, tell me."

Lin Miaomiao: "This is a long story, but let me make the long story short, I live with Ye Xingchen."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't reply to the message for a few minutes, just when Lin Miaomiao wanted to continue sending messages, Deng Xiaoqi's video call came.

Lin Miaomiao hesitated and chose to answer.

As soon as the video was connected, Deng Xiaoqi asked impatiently with shock on her face: "Miao Miao, you two are living together so soon? This, this is too fast, what do you think?"

Lin Miaomiao knew that Deng Xiaoqi had misunderstood when she heard it, she quickly explained: "Oh, Xiaoqi, things are not what you think, we, forget it, let me tell you, this is how things are..."

After Deng Xiaoqi heard what happened, she immediately grasped the key point of the question, and she asked: "You mean, Ye Xingchen came out because that girl wanted to live in Ye Xingchen's house, and then he set you up. Right."

"Yes." Lin Miaomiao nodded.

Deng Xiaoqi continued to analyze: "You haven't seen that girl with your own eyes, have you?"


"I have a bold hypothesis, you can judge for yourself."

"You said."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Is it possible that this girl was fabricated by Ye Xingchen, and then used forged chat records to make you believe that this girl exists, in order to live with you, and then set up such a situation."

After hearing Deng Xiaoqi's words, Lin Miaomiao thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt creepy. Combined with Ye Xingchen's performance this afternoon, it really seemed like a well-planned game, just to make herself jump down. It was obvious that Ye Xingchen's purpose had already Achieved.

I have to say that Deng Xiaoqi's IQ in the dating room is quite high, but that's all, but her imagination is definitely first-class.

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to completely believe it, Ye Xingchen's cell phone rang.

"Wait a moment, Ha Xiaoqi."

Lin Miaomiao picked it up and found that it was Mu Yunxi who had opened the video call.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Miaomiao still pressed the answer button.

"Hello there!"

(End of this chapter)

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