The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 343 Lin Miaomiao and Mu Yunxi's First Contest

Chapter 343 Lin Miaomiao and Mu Yunxi's First Contest

Mu Yunxi was still wearing a bathrobe, obviously she just took a shower.


Although Lin Miaomiao was very nervous, she still greeted her politely.

The Mu Yunxi who appeared in her eyes at this time was indeed very beautiful, at least in her opinion, she was prettier than her, even more beautiful than Deng Xiaoqi.

Mu Yunxi looked at the phone that was answered by a cute girl on the other side of the screen, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't this Ye Xingchen's WeChat? May I ask you?"

Obviously Lin Miaomiao said nervously, "Ye Xingchen forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out. I'm his girlfriend."

Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Mu Yunxi showed such a look on her face, then she looked at Lin Miaomiao playfully and said, "So that's the case, my sister is very cute, no wonder Ye Xingchen said he was very lucky, it turned out that he made it Such a beautiful girlfriend."

Lin Miaomiao was a little embarrassed by the sudden praise, but she blushed and said shyly, "Thank you sister, she is prettier than me."

"Sigh, it's useless to be beautiful. I'm not as lucky as my sister to have such an excellent boyfriend as Ye Xingchen." Mu Yunxi said this on purpose, just to see what kind of reaction Lin Miaomiao would have. .

Lin Miaomiao was keenly aware of the other meaning of this sentence as a classmate and woman.What Lin Miaomiao can be sure of now is that this woman definitely has thoughts about Ye Xingchen.Since he was an enemy, Lin Miaomiao decided not to be polite, and replied directly:

"I am very lucky. I can meet a boy who dotes on me, likes me, and can persist in chasing me for two years, so I will definitely cherish it. Of course, I believe that my sister is so beautiful and she will definitely meet the person I like. of."

Although I wanted to be separated from the screen, the air seemed to be filled with gunpowder smoke.

After the two stared at each other for more than ten seconds, Mu Yunxi burst out laughing.

Lin Miaomiao frowned, not quite understanding what the other person was laughing at.

"Then I would like to thank my little sister Jiyan. I'll hang up now. Don't forget to tell Xingchen that I called, goodbye." Mu Yunxi said with interest.

"Goodbye." Although Lin Miaomiao was very upset to see her, she still had to do superficial work.

After the voice was hung up, Deng Xiaoqi's voice came from Lin Miaomiao's mobile phone microphone: "Could this be the girl Ye Xingchen picked up today?"

Lin Miaomiao put down Ye Xingchen's cell phone with a displeased expression on her face:

"Well, that girl is really beautiful, and the background I saw just now is Ye Xingchen's home."

Deng Xiaoqi: "It seems that we misunderstood him. Your boyfriend seems to be really homeless. Although he deliberately tricked you into cohabiting with him, it's better than cohabiting with other girls." But let me remind you first, don't give him your most precious thing easily, you know?"

Lin Miaomiao reacted very strongly when she heard this, she said in embarrassment and indignation: "Xiao Qi, what are you thinking about all day long, it's too dirty."

"Come on, you're dirtier than me. You recommended me all the comics I read. It's okay, I won't tell you, just remember what I said. I'm going to practice my lines. By the way, tomorrow Haozi said let's go to his place to have a meal together, instead of calling your boyfriend together." Deng Xiaoqi suggested.

Lin Miaomiao didn't refuse either, and agreed directly, because Haozi had already invited Ye Xingchen: "Okay, I see, you can go to work."


"OK Bye Bye."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Miaomiao sat on the sofa and stared at Ye Xingchen's cell phone in a daze.

After a while, Ye Xingchen opened the door and came back.

Lin Miaomiao immediately got up and asked concerned: "Where did you go just now?"

Ye Xingchen held the brand new slippers he just bought in his hand and said, "I'm going to buy these. Your family doesn't have any, so I can only buy a pair by myself. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Miaomiao picked up Ye Xingchen's cell phone from the table and handed it to him, then pretended not to care and said, "A girl called you just now, and I answered it for you."

Ye Xingchen took the phone as if nothing had happened, and then asked further: "Which girl, you didn't ask her why she wanted me?"

"It seems that the name is Mu Yunxi. She said she has something to do with you. You can reply to her yourself. I'm going back to the room." Lin Miaomiao picked up her mobile phone and walked slowly into her room.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's appearance, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Wait a minute, I have something to ask you later."

Lin Miaomiao turned her back to Ye Xingchen and raised the corners of her mouth, then she turned back and said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"I'll talk about it later, let me ask Mu Yunxi what he wants from me first."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao responded and returned to sit on the sofa.

Ye Xingchen put the phone on the table, made a voice call in front of Lin Miaomiao, and turned on the speakerphone.

Of course Lin Miaomiao knew that Ye Xingchen did this because she didn't want her to think too much, so she couldn't help but feel sweet.

The phone was connected quickly, and Ye Xingchen asked preconceivedly, "What's the matter, what can I do for you?"

"Of course there is something to do. I don't know how to use your things, so I need to come back and teach me." Mu Yunxi's tone was relatively flat, and she didn't seem to be joking in the past. Maybe she knew that Lin Miaomiao was next to Ye Xingchen.

Lin Miaomiao's heart twitched, she looked at Ye Xingchen and waited for his answer.

Ye Xingchen looked up at Lin Miaomiao, looked at each other for a few seconds, and then said into the microphone: "Voice control is fine, all electrical appliances can be controlled by voice."

"But I'm not used to it, come back and teach me." Mu Yunxi continued to demand.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao had already scolded her severely in her heart, thinking that this girl is really annoying, knowing that someone else has a girlfriend, she still doesn't avoid suspicion.

Ye Xingchen didn't show any impatient expression on his face, and said in the same tone as the same one: "You go to the living room first."

"Ah, I'm in the living room."

"Open the second drawer above and below the TV cabinet in the living room." Ye Xingchen continued.


Mu Yunxi followed Ye Xingchen's instructions and came to the second drawer in the cabinet. After opening it, there was a stack of papers. She picked it up and saw that they were all instructions.

"Have you seen it? Where are all the manuals? If something goes wrong, you can deal with it by yourself. Moreover, this manual is very concise. Anyone who can read can understand it. I believe you will be fine. Okay, I still have something to do. , hang up first."

"Hey wait..."

Ye Xingchen didn't continue to talk nonsense, and hung up the phone decisively, then looked up at Lin Miaomiao and asked for credit: "Excuse me, my wife, was my performance just okay?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't care what Ye Xingchen called her this time, she was full of curiosity about Ye Xingchen now, and felt that this person was incredible.

"Your home, why do you still prepare instructions?" Lin Miaomiao asked in astonishment.

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(End of this chapter)

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