The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 344 Lin Miaomiao Takes the Initiative to Attack

Chapter 344 Lin Miaomiao Takes the Initiative to Attack (Hehe)

Ye Xingchen shrugged, and said, "Everything is ready, in the face of such an emergency, an instruction manual is very necessary."

Lin Miaomiao narrowed her eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Don't tell me that when you installed the smart voice system, you thought of a girl living in your house."

"That's not true. I'm not a god. How could I know. But it's necessary to prepare an instruction manual. For example, one day you live in. Although I'm here, but in case I'm not at home for something, the instruction manual is at this time. It's not used." Ye Xingchen denied it first, and then explained with an example.

After Lin Miaomiao heard it, she realized how big the gap between herself and the doctor was. These little things in life are so detailed, no wonder she is so good.

"By the way, I just saw this red ginger tea in the supermarket. The effect should be quite good. You should try it in the next few days."

Ye Xingchen calmly took out some bags of red ginger tea from another bag and said.

Lin Miaomiao picked up a bag, looked at it and said, "Why did I suddenly think of buying this?"

"I think you should use it recently, so I bought some." The smile on the corner of Ye Xingchen's mouth became more and more obvious.

Lin Miaomiao frowned, she always felt that Ye Xingchen was weird, suddenly she seemed to think of something, her face blushed unconsciously, and then said shamefully and angrily: "Ye Xingchen, you are nasty."

Ye Xingchen: "???"

"You, you, what do you remember all day long? How can you remember this?" Lin Miaomiao said through gritted teeth.

Ye Xingchen walked forward and squeezed Lin Miaomiao's face unceremoniously, and said: "Please, you will always ask me for leave before this time in your junior year. Even a fool knows what's going on, otherwise, the person in your seat Who prepared the brown sugar water for you, really thought it was given to you by your Santa Claus, does Santa Claus never rest?"

Lin Miaomiao was also caught in the memory at this time. When she was a junior, she would ask for leave every time during this period. Sometimes Ye Xingchen would turn a blind eye, but even so, she couldn’t stop going every day, so Lin Miaomiao Miao endured the pain in her abdomen and came to class.

Because Ye Xingchen let her be in charge of the key to the big classroom, Lin Miaomiao and her roommates could come to the classroom early.During that time, every time I entered the classroom, there would be a brand new water glass with brown sugar water in it, and a small note on the bottom, which said, for Miaomiao.

At the beginning, Lin Miaomiao was still wary, but she found that she would change a different water glass every day, and she would give it away for a week. Finally, under the pain in the abdomen and the persuasion of her roommate, Lin Miaomiao He also gradually accepted the stranger's kindness.

Of course, Lin Miaomiao also suspected that Ye Xingchen released it at the beginning, so she and her roommate also thought about catching this "Water Cup Man", but no matter how long they squatted in the corner, they couldn't catch him. When the classroom door came, the water cup was already standing quietly on the table.Ye Xingchen, who was the main object of suspicion, came to class on a whim, so Lin Miaomiao excluded him.

In the end, both Lin Miaomiao and her roommates thought it was a supernatural event. At that time, Yang Xueying couldn't help joking that Lin Miaomiao might be Santa Claus. Although it was a bit ridiculous, Lin Miaomiao slowly accepted the fact .

At the end of the memory, Lin Miaomiao looked up at Ye Xingchen and said in surprise: "So you really sent those brown sugar water?"

"Apart from me, who else is so kind to you?" Ye Xingchen patted Lin Miaomiao's head and said dotingly.

Lin Miaomiao still had doubts in her heart: "But you obviously have an alibi, and the words on it don't look like yours."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with question marks on his face and suddenly laughed: "I didn't say that I let it go. I just found n students, gave them some benefits, and then handed over the task to them , including several of your roommates. Of course, I bought all the cups, brand new."

After Lin Miaomiao heard this answer, all the mysteries in her heart were solved. Apart from the ease of solving the doubts, she was more moved. She never thought that Ye Xingchen was so attentive to herself. The classmates teamed up to set up a bureau just to make her feel better.

"But why didn't you give it to me yourself?" Lin Miaomiao asked in confusion.

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath, then gently held Lin Miaomiao's face with both hands and said seriously: "Two reasons, one, I don't want to push you to the forefront because of my special care for you. Two, as long as the goal is achieved , As for who you think it doesn’t matter who sent it, I don’t need to rely on such trivial things to move you. I want you to truly fall in love with me, instead of kidnapping you with emotion.”

Lin Miaomiao's eyes were rosy, and she forced a smile and said, "Fool!"

"Call it whatever you want, a fool is a fool, and a fool is also your boyfriend." Ye Xingchen gently wiped the tears from the corners of Lin Miaomiao's eyes, and said softly.

Lin Miaomiao kept her eyes on Ye Xingchen's face without moving away.The two of them just looked at each other, neither of them looked away.

Just when Ye Xingchen wanted to ask, why are you looking at me like that?Before she could say anything, Lin Miaomiao stood on her tiptoes and kissed Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then bent down, and began to cater to Lin Miaomiao. This time, Lin Miaomiao was in the dominant position in the intimate contact.

Slowly both of them closed their eyes and began to enjoy this moment quietly.

The tears in Lin Miaomiao's eyes also slowly slid down her face.

Of course Ye Xingchen felt that tears were salty.

Although Lin Miaomiao took the initiative this time, Ye Xingchen, as a boy, definitely couldn't let himself be so passive all the time, so he took the initiative in the third round.

I don't know how long it took, maybe because of lack of oxygen, Lin Miaomiao had to struggle to separate.Ye Xingchen didn't continue to force her, and simply let her go.

After the separation, Lin Miaomiao lost all her boldness just now, and instead returned to the shyness at the beginning.Guiltyly, she wandered away, not looking directly into Ye Xingchen's eyes.

"I, I, I just promised you, don't think too much about it. You, you go to bed early, good night."

After Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, she wanted to go back to her bedroom as quickly as she was running away.Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Miaomiao's soft little hand, and suddenly leaned in front of Lin Miaomiao's face and said, "Miaomiao, you wanted to run away just after you bullied me."

"Let go." Lin Miaomiao struggled to break free.

Ye Xingchen felt Lin Miaomiao's strength, so he didn't continue to tease her: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I really can't sleep on the sofa, and you can't bear that I can't sleep well at night, right?"

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and said with great determination: "Then you go to sleep in the house, and you have agreed in advance that you are not allowed to come to the bed, or I will really get angry."

 Because it took a while to do the nucleic acid and print things in the afternoon, there will be two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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