The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 345 The first time sharing a bed

Chapter 345 Sharing the Bed for the Second Time (12)

Seeing Lin Miaomiao took a step back, Ye Xingchen immediately put it away, and skillfully raised three fingers and said solemnly: "I swear, I'm absolutely honest."

Ye Xingchen didn't say it was annoying, Lin Miaomiao was tired of hearing it, and swore every time, nothing new.

In fact, the relationship between the two is very delicate now. They have already slept in the same bed once, and now the relationship has improved. It stands to reason that it doesn't matter if they sleep together, but Lin Miaomiao still can't get over that hurdle in her heart, which is considered rare. Be reserved.

In the end, Ye Xingchen hugged his quilt and pillow and cleaned up an empty space on the ground, then spread the quilt on the ground, put the pillows away and lay down directly.

Lin Miaomiao turned off the lights outside, then lay on her bed, and finally turned off the lights in the bedroom.

In the dark environment, after Ye Xingchen was quiet for a while, he finally couldn't help but say: "Miaomiao, the ground is a bit hard."

Lin Miaomiao didn't close her eyes at this time, but opened her eyes in a daze. After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, she said angrily, "Go to sleep on the sofa if you are free."

"I can't lie on the sofa." Ye Xingchen 3 continued to mutter.

"Then lie down and sleep, don't talk, you will fall asleep in a while." Lin Miaomiao's impatient voice came.

"But the ground is hard and I can't sleep."

"Can't sleep counting sheep."

"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep..."

10 minutes later……

"520 seven sheep, 520 eight sheep."

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help turning on the light in the bedroom, picked up the pillow beside the bed and threw it over: "Ye Xingchen, you can't finish it, and let no one sleep."

Ye Xingchen caught Lin Miaomiao's throwing pillow with both hands and sat up and said, "I really can't sleep, it's really too hard and uncomfortable."

"Shut up if you can't sleep, I'm going to sleep, let me hear you make a little noise, I will..." Lin Miaomiao pointed to the sandbag over there, then raised her fist and warned Ye Xingchen .

"Oh, I see." Ye Xingchen agreed perfunctorily.

Lin Miaomiao continued to lie down and close her eyes to sleep, thinking she was finally quiet.

But after a while, the voice of the short video on the phone rang again.Lin Miaomiao finally couldn't bear it this time, got up and got out of bed, took the pillow and walked in front of Ye Xingchen to output.

5 minutes later…….
"Is there still any movement?" Lin Miaomiao raised the pillow above her head with both hands.

Ye Xingchen clutched his little pillow and hid in the corner shivering.

"I really can't sleep, even if you beat me to death, I still can't sleep." Ye Xingchen insisted.

Lin Miaomiao was tired from beating now, and she had nothing to do with Ye Xingchen, so she gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Okay, I have to go to bed, right, okay, come up."

Ye Xingchen's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, "Really?"

Lin Miaomiao directly threw the pillow over, and then threatened: "Don't cross the line, this is my final bottom line."

"Never cross the line, I swear!" Ye Xingchen expressed his attitude solemnly.

Lin Miaomiao sighed softly, she couldn't believe a single punctuation mark in what Ye Xingchen said now, she couldn't listen to it at all.

In the end, Ye Xingchen returned to the bed with his quilt in his arms, but Lin Miaomiao used several pillows to completely separate them.

Lin Miaomiao finally struggled and said: "Those who pass the 38th line are dogs."


This time, Ye Xingchen didn't make a sound, the two fell asleep sideways with their backs facing each other, and after a while, Ye Xingchen's even breathing came.

Only then did Lin Miaomiao realize that what Ye Xingchen said just now was true, and she really couldn't fall asleep lying on the ground. At first, she thought that Ye Xingchen must have no good intentions. Lin Miaomiao was on guard all over, waiting for Ye Xingchen Xingchen hit him first and then beat him up. No one thought that this guy fell asleep directly.

Lin Miaomiao got up and turned to look at the sleeping Ye Xingchen, and finally cursed softly: "Beasts are worse."

In the end, she lay flat, feeling an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.

At this time, Ye Xingchen, who Lin Miaomiao thought was asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, turned sideways quietly, stretched out his hand through the gap of the pillow, and touched Lin Miaomiao's soft little hand.

"Ah." Lin Miaomiao cried out in fright.

"Wangwang, shh, don't talk, go to sleep." Ye Xingchen hurriedly said.

Lin Miaomiao calmed down immediately, Ye Xingchen didn't make any further moves, but quietly grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hand, Lin Miaomiao didn't struggle, and let him hold it.

Neither of the next two people made a sound. Although Lin Miaomiao was frightened at first, she gradually felt a special peace of mind in her heart. After a while, sleepiness hit her and she slowly fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Ye Xingchen was still lying flat on the bed. As for Lin Miaomiao... I can only say that history is always surprisingly similar. From now on, Lin Miaomiao can be called Lin Octopus instead of being called a cat. She still used Ye Xingchen as a pillow, entangled tightly.So much so that Ye Xingchen didn't wake up naturally, but was awakened. From the second half of the night, he felt a feeling of being pressed by a ghost, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

After waking up, he realized that Lin Miaomiao was hanging on him.

As a young man in the new era, Ye Xingchen perfectly explained what it means not to panic when encountering things, first record a video and then talk about it.

"Well... now the evidence is complete, it is you who are playing hooligans, not me."

Ye Xingchen happily put away the phone, then gently unloaded Lin Miaomiao from her body, got up and quietly went out to wash up.

After finishing her work, Ye Xingchen subconsciously walked to the refrigerator and opened it, and found that there were quite a lot of things in it, but most of them were fruits. According to Ye Xingchen's understanding of Lin Miaomiao, she couldn't have thought about preparing the things. So complete, so there is only one truth, and it should be something that Wang Shengnan prepared for Lin Miaomiao during his ward rounds last time.

"Never mind, let's make a simple breakfast first." Ye Xingchen looked at the limited ingredients in the refrigerator and made some simple and nutritious porridge.

Coincidentally, Lin Miaomiao came out of the bedroom as soon as Ye Xingchen finished the meal.

"Are you awake? What's the matter? Didn't sleep well last night?" Ye Xingchen looked at the listless Lin Miaomiao and said without smiling.

Lin Miaomiao didn't speak, but sipped the porridge that Ye Xingchen had just served.

Ye Xingchen frowned slightly, and stepped forward to take a closer look.Good guy, Lin Miaomiao is still sleeping in a daze, but she smells the smell of food and eats subconsciously.

"I'm going, absolutely, I finally saw what biological instinct is today." Ye Xingchen traveled through so many worlds, and this is the first time he has seen such a rare thing. How could he not record such a good opportunity.

Ye Xingchen took a mobile phone and took a complete picture of this scene, but he didn't know how Lin Miaomiao felt after seeing it.

 Thank you for the 10000 starting point coins rewarded by the old wolf of the moonlight treasure box
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(End of this chapter)

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