The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 346 Lazy Bed's Miaomiao Reward Adds More

Chapter 346 The Lazy Bed’s Miaomiao Reward (22)

Lin Miaomiao drank up all the porridge in her bowl, and then ate two more fried eggs. After eating and drinking, she slowly returned to the bedroom and threw herself on the bed to continue sleeping.

Ye Xingchen followed in and looked at Lin Miaomiao, who was still sleeping soundly, with a particularly helpless expression. As expected, the only thing that could please my Brother Miao was food.I thought, forget it, I can only let her sleep for a while, and I should eat first.

Ye Xingchen served another bowl of porridge, and then served it with fried eggs. Such a simple and nutritious breakfast is really enviable. You must know that there are very few new and new human beings who can eat breakfast on time. I am used to it so I can make breakfast by myself so leisurely.

Of course, the most troublesome part of cooking by yourself is washing the pots and dishes, but Ye Xingchen enjoys this kind of life very much. After tidying up the kitchen, he came out to look at Lin Miaomiao's messy room. Ye Xingchen didn't disturb Lin Miaomiao. Miao tidied things up while she was sleeping, and Lin Miaomiao also folded the clothes that Lin Miaomiao threw in various places and put them in the cabinet.

After finishing all this work, Ye Xingchen glanced at the time, it was [-]:[-], to be honest, it was quite late at this point.Ye Xingchen came to the window sill and opened all the curtains, and the outside sun shone in instantly.Lin Miaomiao was dissatisfied with covering her head with the quilt and wanted to continue sleeping.

But how could Ye Xingchen do what she wished, directly came to the bedside and unceremoniously lifted her quilt.

"Ah, who is it? They don't let people sleep in the morning." Lin Miaomiao sat up dissatisfied and said.

Ye Xingchen threw Xia Liang into a ball towards Lin Miaomiao, and it hit Lin Miaomiao's head impartially.

Lin Miaomiao angrily threw the quilt aside, only then did she see Ye Xingchen in front of the bed, and knew who the culprit was.

"Ye Xingchen, you want to die, don't you?" Lin Miaomiao looked at him angrily and said.

Ye Xingchen folded his hands on his chest, completely unafraid of Lin Miaomiao's anger, and said softly: "Please, don't you see what time it is, are you still sleeping? Haozi said let us go to him today, you forgot, let's talk about you Sleeping so late every day, what will I do if I find a job in the future? The money I earn has not been deducted much."

After being woken up, Lin Miaomiao was so angry that she didn't listen to what Ye Xingchen said. She greeted Ye Xingchen with whatever was on the bed.

And Ye Xingchen quickly grabbed a pillow as a shield to defend, and simply blocked it all.

Lin Miaomiao, who had just woken up, had not fully integrated her soul and body. After playing for a while, she felt her body became more weak, and her anger also disappeared a lot.

Ye Xingchen showed a pair of eyes and saw Lin Miaomiao who was tired from beating, and then said with a smile: "Come on, let's relieve your anger, hit and scold, get up and wash up, the house just cleaned up has to be cleaned up again , Alas, it's really worrying, I guess, Haozi will call to remind me in a while."

Ye Xingchen was cleaning up the "wreckage" on the ground, when the phone rang, Ye Xingchen took out the phone and looked, it was indeed Jiang Tianhao's call, and then said to Lin Miaomiao: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there."

Immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello, Haozi."

"Hey, Brother Chen, why don't you and Miaomiao come here? I called her and didn't answer, so she's still awake." Jiang Tianhao's urging voice came from the microphone.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly said: "Hurry up, Miaomiao should have just woken up, please wait quietly for us for a while, we will definitely arrive within an hour."

"Okay, then hurry up, by the way, you can call Lin Miaomiao, or send a message to ask what's going on, and tell her to hurry up too."

"Okay, I'll let you know." Ye Xingchen said softly, and didn't tell Jiang Tianhao about the two living together.

"Okay then, I'll call Xiaoqi again, that's all, hang up first."

"Well, good bye."

After Ye Xingchen hung up the phone, he said helplessly to Lin Miaomiao: "What did I say, Haozi will definitely call to remind me."

Although Ye Xingchen was right, Lin Miaomiao was still upset, without him, Ye Xingchen disturbed her sleep.

"Get up, hum." After getting up, Lin Miaomiao put on her slippers, angrily pushed Ye Xingchen aside, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's sassy back, and couldn't help laughing wryly. Sure enough, waking people up is a thankless job. Next time, let's use tools.

For example, install a hundred screaming chickens around Lin Miaomiao, and make a timing device for them. When the time is up, all of them will be activated. The effect should be can try it.

Seeing that the house he had just cleaned up turned into a mess again, Ye Xingchen sighed softly, then lowered his head and continued to clean up the mess.

It is said that the time for girls to go out to clean up is measured in hours. Ye Xingchen originally thought that the carefree Lin Miaomiao would not join forces with this big era, but he was obviously wrong.

After Lin Miaomiao finished washing, she applied a simple light makeup. Although it was simple, it took half an hour to start. After changing her clothes, she walked out of the room and said to Ye Xingchen on the sofa:
"Next time if you disturb my sleep again, I will kick you out."

Ye Xingchen sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, calmly raised his head and asked, "Miaomiao, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, what's wrong?" Lin Miaomiao frowned, not knowing what Ye Xingchen meant by asking this sentence.

Ye Xingchen glanced at the time and said, "It's past ten o'clock, didn't you realize that it's almost noon and you don't feel hungry at all?"

When Lin Miaomiao was told by Ye Xingchen, she suddenly realized that it was indeed the case. She didn't feel hungry at all. Could it be that the meal she ate just now in a dream worked?

Before Lin Miaomiao could speak, Ye Xingchen handed over the phone after it was screened horizontally: "Look for yourself."

"What?" Lin Miaomiao was very dissatisfied with Ye Xingchen's mysterious appearance, and bullied her for having a low IQ all day long.

Lin Miaomiao picked up the phone and looked at it, her eyes stared like copper bells, and said in disbelief: "How is this possible, I, I, I just had a dream, could it be that I was sleepwalking?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know if it's sleepwalking, but I think it's really amazing. You didn't open your eyes the whole time, and you didn't eat food up your nose. May I ask how you did it?" Ye Xingchen joked on the side .

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this video must belong to you, delete it, delete it."

Lin Miaomiao insisted, quickly delete the video and destroy the evidence.

Ye Xingchen didn't stop her, she just watched Lin Miaomiao delete it and didn't stop her from deleting it, if she wanted to delete it, she could delete it if she wanted to, anyway, she had a backup of her secret album, that's the details.

Lin Miaomiao threw the phone to Ye Xingchen angrily and said angrily, "What are you looking at, let's go!"

Ye Xingchen caught the phone gracefully, picked up the car keys on the table and shook Lin Miaomiao, then made a knightly salute and said, "Observe the order!"

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(End of this chapter)

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