Chapter 348 I Come to See My Wife

That's the end of this topic.Now that there was nothing to talk about at work, both Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao began to tease Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen, after all, they are now a couple.

Ye Xingchen still had no problem dealing with the two of them. On the other hand, Lin Miaomiao blushed after being said a few words by Deng Xiaoqi, and lay down on the table and pretended to be dead.

At this time, Ye Xingchen's WeChat phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Mu Yunxi calling. He couldn't help hesitating for a while, but it was this hesitation that instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Who? Why didn't you pick it up?" Jiang Tianhao asked suspiciously.

Lin Miaomiao raised her head and looked at the phone, as if she had an answer in her heart, she turned her head away with a soft snort.

Seeing Miaomiao's jealous look, Ye Xingchen felt a little helpless.As usual, Ye Xingchen put the phone in the middle of the table, pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone.

As soon as the voice was connected, Mu Yunxi's coquettish voice reached the ears of the four people: "Why did it take so long to answer, and you just ignore me so much."

"No, what's the matter with calling? If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. I'm on a date." Ye Xingchen obviously didn't want to have too much contact with Mu Yunxi, so he spoke directly.

"Well, I just called to treat you to a meal. After all, I live in your home and I really trouble you, so I want to treat you to a meal and thank you. Since you are dating, forget it, and you will have a meal in the future." Let's talk about time."

Mu Yunxi heard Ye Xingchen say that she didn't get too entangled after the date, but chose to retreat in spite of the difficulties and didn't continue to disturb.

After hanging up the phone, everyone looked at Ye Xingchen, especially Jiang Tianhao, their eyes almost fell off.

"Ordinary friends, I don't know them very well. I just met yesterday. For various reasons, she had to live in my house, so I moved out. Miaomiao knew about it." Ye Xingchen quickly explained to the two of them, By the way, Lin Miaomiao was pulled out to prove his innocence.

Lin Miaomiao pouted and was still jealous, and said reluctantly: "Ang, yes."

At this time, Jiang Tianhao immediately put on the appearance of a good man, and taught Ye Xingchen by himself: "Brother Chen, this is your fault. The most important thing for a couple is sincerity and attitude. You... You are also eating with other girls, you are not very good, like me, I have never eaten with other girls except Xiaoqi."

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao nodded accordingly.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao with black lines, resisting the urge to beat him to death and said, "Isn't Miaomiao a woman?"

"Miaomiao is my brother, isn't it Miaomiao?" Jiang Tianhao raised his eyebrows and said to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao responded, "Yes, we are brothers."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao who was so jealous, Ye Xingchen didn't know what to say about it for a while.

Deng Xiaoqi may have seen Ye Xingchen's embarrassment, so she hurried out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, Ye Xingchen is afraid that Miaomiao will misunderstand, so he has already turned on the hands-free and said it in front of everyone, Haozi, please don't add to the chaos." Miaomiao, don't be jealous, be sensible."

"Hey." Jiang Tianhao hurriedly nodded in agreement after hearing what Deng Xiaoqi said.

"Oh." Although Miaomiao was jealous, she knew Ye Xingchen's sincerity towards her, so she didn't continue to make trouble.

Ye Xingchen cast a grateful look at Deng Xiaoqi.

Although this incident has passed, the scene has become quite embarrassing. As a member of the atmosphere team, Jiang Tianhao must save the atmosphere of this embarrassing scene.

"Let's take a photo together. The four of us have officially become good friends from today on." Jiang Tianhao took out his phone and said.

As soon as Lin Miaomiao heard that the group photo was pulling Ye Xingchen, she hurried over to grab the C seat: "Yes, yes, take a photo, come, come, everyone."

After waiting for a few people to pose, Jiang Tianhao took a picture and casually posted it on Moments.

"Hurry up, everyone give me a like and comment." Jiang Tianhao said cheerfully.

"No problem, just like and comment."

Lin Miaomiao is very interested in this kind of thing, obviously a veteran.

Ye Xingchen saw that everyone's interest was so high, so he joined in, giving likes and comments.

In addition to Jiang Tianhao's own likes, the number of likes quickly reached 4.At this moment, the mobile phones of Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi, and Jiang Tianhao rang at the same time.

It turned out that just now, Qian Sanyi also gave Haozi a like.

At this time, the scene that had just heated up cooled down again.

At this time, Ye Xingchen didn't know what happened, felt the atmosphere suddenly strange and asked: "What's the matter, why is it like this all of a sudden, what happened?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Hao Zicai is not well yet, hurry up and remind me."

Deng Xiaoqi first smiled, and then urged Jiang Tianhao to see if the dishes were ready.

Jiang Tianhao who reacted immediately said: "Yes, I'll go and see if the food is ready, you can talk first." Then he ran downstairs with his mobile phone.

Lin Miaomiao's complexion turned very bad, she got up and walked to the swing beside her, sitting there by herself, not knowing what she was thinking.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at Ye Xingchen who was still sitting here, and couldn't help reminding: "Aren't you planning to go over and coax Miaomiao?"

Ye Xingchen chuckled, looked at Deng Xiaoqi and said, "I think your past is better than mine, after all, it's your past."

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help admiring Ye Xingchen's observation of details, because it could be seen from his expression that he probably knew what happened.

"Although I said so, I feel that Miaomiao needs you now, and needs you as a boyfriend." Deng Xiaoqi said to Ye Xingchen seriously.

"Okay." Ye Xingchen said with a helpless smile.

Then Ye Xingchen came to sit next to Lin Miaomiao, and didn't speak at first.

Lin Miaomiao watched Ye Xingchen sit up and couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

"I'll come and see my wife." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.


"I don't need face in front of you."

"You're really a scoundrel." Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to take Ye Xingchen down.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue to talk about this question, but looked into the distance and said: "Remember that night you promised me here, I remember you said that I never formally confessed to you, and then I ran down to buy a Bring up the bouquet."

"Yeah, like a fool, I can't stop it. That bouquet of flowers is still in my bedroom, and I worry about it every day, fearing that it will wither." Lin Miaomiao also remembered what happened that night, her expression on her face Unconsciously smiled.

Ye Xingchen was a little dumbfounded: "It's just a bunch of flowers, it's not necessary."

"No, it's necessary, because to me, it's not just a bunch of flowers. Do you want to eat it?" Lin Miaomiao took half a bite of the watermelon and brought it to Ye Xingchen's mouth.


Ye Xingchen ate it directly, without any hesitation: "It's delicious, very sweet, much sweeter than what I ate just now."

"Cut, glib."

(End of this chapter)

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