The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 349 Hello, I'm Miao Miao's boyfriend.

Chapter 349 Hello, I'm Miao Miao's boyfriend.

Lin Miaomiao seemed to have thought of something, she frowned and asked, "Who is it? Who is coming? Do we still have acquaintances?"

Seeing this, Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly sat next to Lin Miaomiao and pretended to smile and said, "We used to be in a team of four, of course we are the last member."

Sure enough, Lin Miaomiao became even more annoyed when she heard it, and said directly to Jiang Tianhao angrily: "Why did you ask him to come, what do you think? I had a good meal at first, but now I'm fine, how can I eat it?" Huh? Ye Xingchen, let's go."

Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen's hand and was about to leave.

"Miaomiao, don't get excited, this matter is not Haozi's fault." Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly got up to persuade her.

Lin Miaomiao sneered twice and said, "If he doesn't call, will Qian Sanyi come back?"

Jiang Tianhao was trembling there, mainly because both sides might be offended, Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen.

Who knows that Ye Xingchen suddenly said at this time: "Actually, I really want to meet Qian Sanyi, and I think it's better to talk about some things. Miaomiao, what do you think?"

"No, you..." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen puzzled, not knowing what he meant.

Ye Xingchen motioned for her to sit down first.

Helpless, Lin Miaomiao sat next to Deng Xiaoqi again.

Jiang Tianhao cast a grateful look at Ye Xingchen.

Afterwards, no one spoke first until Qian Sanyi's arrival, and by this time the dishes had already been prepared.Jiang Tianhao changed to a bigger table, and five people sat around the table, with Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen sitting on the side.

In this way, everyone can see at a glance that the person next to her is her boyfriend.

The five of them just sat like this for a long time, and no one spoke first. At this time, Lin Miaomiao opened a bottle of Coke, and then ate it on her own, because there was a dish served by Qian Sanyi, so Lin Miaomiao can only get it.

At this time, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to help her pick up this dish, put it in her small bowl, and said with concern: "Eat slowly."

"Yeah, I got it~" Lin Miaomiao didn't raise her head, her tone was very long, with a slightly coquettish feeling.

After Qian Sanyi saw the actions of the two, he couldn't help feeling a little pain in his heart.

At this time, Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao were sending messages to each other on their mobile phones, discussing how to break this embarrassing situation, something must be done.

Jiang Tianhao put away his mobile phone and coughed lightly, and then said, "Well, time flies so fast, recalling high school now seems like yesterday."

Deng Xiaoqi followed suit and said, "Yes, that time was pure, beautiful and heartless, and it was the time I miss the most."

"It's also the period of time I miss the most." Jiang Tianhao took over the words.

But at this time, no one spoke. In fact, Ye Xingchen was the only one who was not afraid of embarrassment, but he was an outsider, and he didn't know what to say with one foot, so he just kept feeding Lin Miaomiao.

As for Lin Miaomiao, she ate the food that Ye Xingchen gave her, without stopping.

Seeing that no one paid any attention to the two of them, Jiang Tianhao suppressed his embarrassment and continued:

"Well, everyone has changed a lot. Let's just talk about me. This year, I have made several projects, but they all failed in the end. This restaurant, thanks to Ye Xingchen's help and investment, allowed me to survive this level. In the past. By the way, Sany, let me introduce you to Ye Xingchen, who is now... Miaomiao's boyfriend."

Ye Xingchen was finally able to answer a call, then stood up and stretched out his hand to greet Qian Sanyi: "Hi, my name is Ye Xingchen, Miaomiao's boyfriend, nice to meet you."

Qian Sanyi continued to lower his head, not intending to talk to Ye Xingchen, which caused Ye Xingchen to hold his hand awkwardly.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help but kicked Qian San one or two lightly with his feet, motioning him to answer.

But Qian Sanyi still looked decadent.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao, who had been eating, couldn't stand it any longer. She patted the table vigorously, stood up and cursed angrily, "What do you mean? What's your air? Are you so rude when others greet you? What about your quality?" Who are you going to show your face to, if you don’t like being here, you can leave, no one will keep you.”

To be honest, the sound of shooting made the other three people jump, including Ye Xingchen.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was agitated, Ye Xingchen quickly comforted him: "It's okay, it's probably because he's more reserved when we meet for the first time. Don't be angry with Miaomiao."

"That's right, Miaomiao, sit down first, don't be so angry." Deng Xiaoqi pulled Lin Miaomiao to sit down and coaxed her.

Then he blamed Qian Sanyi again: "This is your fault, someone greeted you."

Probably because of the guilt towards Lin Miaomiao in his heart, and because he couldn't accept the fact that Lin Miaomiao had a boyfriend for a while, Qian Sanyi became short of breath.

Jiang Tianhao leaned over to check Qian Sanyi's condition: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Qian Sanyi said weakly.

Seeing his former good friend like this, Jiang Tianhao felt uncomfortable. Both sides were his brothers, and it was really difficult for him to be caught in the middle.

"Well, okay, Sany probably didn't do it on purpose, Lao Ye, don't mind."

Jiang Tianhao said awkwardly.

"It's okay, as the saying goes, everyone is allowed to make three mistakes, it's normal."

Although Ye Xingchen's tone was very peaceful, the implication was very clear, you don't have to give me face, and I can bear it, but don't go too far, don't give me face.

"Yes, yes, Qian Sanyi is definitely not such a rude person, hahaha, you see, I just talked about my affairs, and you all talked about the situation in the past few years, how good it is to chat and eat How are you, Xiaoqi?" Jiang Tianhao was very grateful to Ye Xingchen for giving him the face, but the situation was still very awkward, so he continued to find topics to break the situation.

Deng Xiaoqi also took up the conversation, and told them about her situation again (because Jiang, Lin, and Ye already knew about her situation): "Well, I am similar. I originally wanted to stay in BJ, which I admire the most. Theatre, but it didn’t stay here, there is no way, the skills are not as good as others, by chance, I returned to Jiangzhou, just want to try my luck here, sharpen it, and prepare to start again.”

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to look at Lin Miaomiao and said, "Miaomiao, let me tell you about you."

Lin Miaomiao never looked at Qian Sanyi again from the beginning to the end. If it was said that she was lucky for him at the beginning, then what Qian Sanyi did now made her sick. Without him, Qian Sanyi didn't give For Ye Xingchen's sake, Lin Miaomiao has already put him on the blacklist.

But since Xiaoqi spoke, she didn't let the situation get cold again, so she took the words and said: "I have nothing to say, I just went out of the country and was left in a foreign airport, but I am also very grateful to him, If I hadn't traveled abroad, I wouldn't have met a boyfriend who treats me so well."

Then Ye Xingchen interlocked his fingers and held them tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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